Phil came back while I was away.  

Fish will come back somehow, but I don't know how it will unfold.  Hopefully a fair deal in the 4 mil per range.  Maybe an offer to move to assistant coach the day he decides to hang em up.  But he MUST return. 

We offered Mike Miller, then refuted the report? 

Only to sign Steve @#$%^&* Blake?  This team must truly hate me or something. 

I rather have Farmar then Blake, but oh well, it will be funny listening to all the Blazer folks all of a sudden do a huge 180 on the guy like they always do.  That'll amuse me. 

I'm not even a big Mike Miller guy, but we shoulda went harder for him rather then Blake. 
[h2]Kobe Would Love To See Shaw Coach After Phil[/h2] [h4]Kobe Bryant Starts His Skills Camp At UC Santa Barbara[/h4]In a media climate where the biggest NBA stars are inking deals, Kobe chose to focus on the kids.

Kobe began his Kobe Basketball Academy, which he describes as "more of a thinking camp," in UC Santa Barbara today. His game plan includes teaching the kids about the flex, Princeton and triangle offenses.

Though some of the kids attending will be from the Philippines, Kobe believes that basketball is a universal language, and that it doesn't matter where you come from.  Kobe is from Italy.

"I moved over here when I was six-years-old," Kobe said. "Basketball is what helped me get friends and develop relationships because I don't need to speak Chinese or speak English to be able to play in this community."

Negotiation not language barriers have been prolonging the free agent signings of Dwyane Wade and Chris Bosh.  That ended earlier today as they finally decided to join Miami.

When asked to comment, Kobe had nothing but kind words for the duo.

"For me, it has always been about them as people. I don't really care about the basketball side. I mean that stuff will work its way out.  As long as they are happy with their decisions, that's what really matters most."

For Laker fans, they are most worried about what impact Steve Blake will have, whether Derek Fisher will be back, and the long-term status of a post-Phil Jackson Lakers team. 

"We need to have him back," Kobe said in regarding Fisher returning to the Lakers. "I mean, it is as simple as that. We need to have him back.  It is not a question of if he will be back, but of when.  He has made every big shot for us, and he is a perfect complement to my leadership style."

Without the Zen master at the helm next year, Kobe left no doubt to whom he would like to take the throne.

"I would love to see Brain [Shaw] coach, absolutely. No question."

Kobe pointed to Shaw's growth and experience under Jackson as reasons for him to be "the likely candidate" for the coaching vacancy.

In an offseason dominated by flashly big-name free agents, Kobe also heaped praise for the less sexy Laker acquisition of Steve Blake, noting his willingness to fight and battle as valuable assets to the team.
!!#!? Supposedly Kobe was speaking at my school (UCSB) for his academy yesterday and i had no idea about it until AFTER he left!? 

Are you kidding me? Am i living under a rock or something? How did i not know about this until after he left?
if this "super-team" happens when the heat and lakers play in the finals "LETS GO LAYY-KURRZ"

You guys really think Raja Bell would sign with the Lakers....seriously? I'm sure he wants a ring but not THAT bad. Him and Kobe literally hate eachother, and this is going back to when he played for the Sixers when we played you guys in the Finals in 01
Originally Posted by westcoastsfinest

so im assuming mike miller turned down our offer?

I don't think he got enough time to even accept it, I believe Lakers withdrew the offer.
Yeddo to Hedo, hope this means we can finally get rid of Luke
Originally Posted by LiCeNseD To BaLL

!!#!? Supposedly Kobe was speaking at my school (UCSB) for his academy yesterday and i had no idea about it until AFTER he left!? 

Are you kidding me? Am i living under a rock or something? How did i not know about this until after he left?
My friend just texted me saying he's still there.
[h2]Heat Offer Mike Miller Five-Year Deal[/h2]
Jul 08, 2010 1:23 PM EST

The Heat have offered Mike Miller a five-year deal, worth approximately $27 million-$30 million.

Miami has given Miller a deadline of Thursday night to decide.

Miller has been told by the Heat that they are 'confident' LeBron James will be joining the Heat.

Damn everybody putting deadlines on Miller...LOL!
There's no question he will accept that offer, its a shame too cause we offered the same thing

if bron does indeed choose miami, and this superteam is formed, it'll be great to see that whole experiment FAIL
There's no question he will accept that offer, its a shame too cause we offered the same thing

if bron does indeed choose miami, and this superteam is formed, it'll be great to see that whole experiment FAIL
Originally Posted by tupac003

[h2]Heat Offer Mike Miller Five-Year Deal[/h2]
Jul 08, 2010 1:23 PM EST

The Heat have offered Mike Miller a five-year deal, worth approximately $27 million-$30 million.

Miami has given Miller a deadline of Thursday night to decide.

Miller has been told by the Heat that they are 'confident' LeBron James will be joining the Heat.

Damn everybody putting deadlines on Miller...LOL!

man if lebron signs with the heat at 6:15pm tonight that lebron nut gobbler would sign with the heat at 6:15:02pm....

You guys really think Raja Bell would sign with the Lakers....seriously? I'm sure he wants a ring but not THAT bad. Him and Kobe literally hate eachother, and this is going back to when he played for the Sixers when we played you guys in the Finals in 01
they kissed and made up the next season on some ol brokeback mountain "come workout with me" basket ball edition.

but %*%% raja. that lil +@++# is actin up again. he wants to play in florida, new york, or texas because of family...
Originally Posted by I NaSmatic I

Word is the Lakers want Turkoglu...

I don't know how in the world Mitch would be able to pull that off, but as long as it doesn't involve moving the starting 5 or odom, i'm all for it
Originally Posted by thachosen123

There's no question he will accept that offer, its a shame too cause we offered the same thing

Who cares
Who cares about Miller, I know I don't. I'm glad he didn't come to L.A. Like we actually need him. He does seem like a good fit in Miami tho.
If bron does go to Miami, I wonder if they'll have Wade running point, or keep him at SG.
Originally Posted by Three6mafia2007

Originally Posted by I NaSmatic I

Word is the Lakers want Turkoglu...

I don't know how in the world Mitch would be able to pull that off, but as long as it doesn't involve moving the starting 5 or odom, i'm all for it
I'm pretty sure we would have to get rid of LO for this to happen no?
Originally Posted by DTruth07

Luke & Sasha for Turk??? would that work?

Actually, it would work but why would Toronto do it. 

Walton comes at a cheaper price, but has 3 years left.  On the other hand, Turk has 3 years left but he gets a raise from 9 mil, to 10, and 11.
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