Work/Life Balance Is Overrated

If my bills are paid and I'm not gunning for something in particular... Don't schedule me for any extra hours at least at the wage I'm currently at.
Thats how i feel. 
With the extra time I can:
  • ​ choose to have a good time,
  • rest,
  • keep things in order in my home life,
  • build better friendships,
Don't get so stuck in Grind Mode that you stop looking to elevate your standard of life. Right now I get 2-3k a month. When I'm done with school, I want 7-8k a month. When I'm comfy and established I want 10-12k a month. But giving someone my life for an hourly wage is not being a hard worker, it's being owned and held down. My friendships are already weakening with the shift I work. People who put 100+ hours in can't even see what they're losing or have nothing to lose.
If my bills are paid and I'm not gunning for something in particular... Don't schedule me for any extra hours at least at the wage I'm currently at.

Thats how i feel. 

With the extra time I can:
  • ​ choose to have a good time,
  • rest,
  • keep things in order in my home life,
  • build better friendships,

Don't get so stuck in Grind Mode that you stop looking to elevate your standard of life. Right now I get 2-3k a month. When I'm done with school, I want 7-8k a month. When I'm comfy and established I want 10-12k a month. But giving someone my life for an hourly wage is not being a hard worker, it's being owned and held down. My friendships are already weakening with the shift I work. People who put 100+ hours in can't even see what they're losing or have nothing to lose.

Y'all be on extreme ****. I've never put in 100 in a week. I have put in 60-70 tho. I still go out, hoop, smash have fun. Just not everyday lol
Never work more than your supposed to unless you'll be getting handsomely compensated. For example--

worker A works 40 hours and makes $60,000/year
worker B works 60 hours and makes $60,000/year

Worker A makes about $29 /hour
Worker B makes about $19 /hour

Worker B is a fool

Worker B is not a fool. The whole idea of working longer hours is that you're getting more done and making yourself more valuable to the company. Worker B is more likely to receive a promotion and make more money in the future. I don't see why this is hard for people to understand.

But you're only considering one scenario to argue your point. I dude who works 40 hours instead of 60 could be using his time to get ahead in another way; getting a Masters, learning a software package, working a relevant personal project and networking.

Maybe he ain't about breaking his back for the extra 20 hours and hoping that someone above him gives him a break. Maybe he knows that investing in himself will payoff because he can go get a better job somewhere else and not be at the mercy of his company.

Maybe Employee B might get that promotion, but employee A might get a pay raise to keep his talent in the company. And now employee B can look forward to being employee A's boss. But also knowing he is expected to work 60 hrs in a more stressful position while employee A is making more than him, with less stress, working less hours.

Chasing that next promotion ***** up so many dudes. And they don't eem know it
Work hard for your dreams...I bust *** so one day I can look at something and say "that was all me" ...I'm not missing any of my kids baseball games, family reunions or any other thing that I think is more important than work. I'm not sacraficing my life so some other dude can live high on the hog. The only thing I'll miss those times for my own business, not for someone else. I'm not going to be working for other people within five years after my graduation....working for someone else is slavery...Youll never be fairly compensated, because if you were than there would be no point, they'd be losing money
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See. This is why I don't talk money with people, let alone on the internet.

Everyone has an opinion on how another man makes his money, how much he makes, etc.

Everything is relative to what you do, and where you plan to be.
In my opinion you should be working hard to fulfill a dream or pursue a passion. Not just pursuing money for the sake of money. I'm not saying money doesn't matter cause it is hard to be happy when you are homeless with no food in your belly. At the same time you have to ask yourself what will you buy with that money and how will it improve your quality of life. This is niketalk and many of us are into clothes and shoes. I feel like I have a base level of happiness and when I buy something new my happiness goes up but then after a little bit it always goes back to that baseline. I saw this post a while back on Nt about things people regret on their death bed and no one says they wished they worked more. Everyone says they wished they spent more time with family/ friends and had worked less. I'm by no means attacking the workaholics of Nt. If you have work that you enjoy then by all means do what makes you happy. I'm saying your time is precious so just make sure what you are doing is worth it.
I've seen a lot of NT complain about the 9-5 grind, but I love it.

Anyone else enjoy being a workaholic? Work so much when I do take a break I go IN!

I actually take pride in it. I don't even make that much I just enjoy the grind.

This is good. Actually, really good to learn how to enjoy the process of working to earn, however, there must be some endgame. And it's smart if your endgame is self preservation. Not working you entire life to benefit some CEO.
I once worked 28 years in a row at a physically demanding job (im a Physical therapist)...I love doing what I do, but never again will I work so many days in a row! I felt mentally and physically drained.
See. This is why I don't talk money with people, let alone on the internet.

Everyone has an opinion on how another man makes his money, how much he makes, etc.

Everything is relative to what you do, and where you plan to be.
No one understand perspectives. One dude called someone complacent for being a workaholic. Workaholic will call someone who value free time lazy. And it goes on in a circle over and over.
:lol: hell yeah...

Dude tripping.

I bet he wouldn't mind if dude got his promotion and his girl too

we slaves to work.

what if they shorting the work week to 4 days to save on expenses?

Are you less of a person because you can't give 40 hours of your sunlight hours to someone else?

the country can't even afford the 9-5 m-f schedule.

also think about this fellas.

if someone can give you 75k a year for a job, how much has the company made off of you to afford that?
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I work 40 hours a week pretty much. However, if I want to cop something, go on a trip or need some extra grip for a bill I work OT.. I used to work 12 hour days and 7 day weeks but I realized it isn't really worth it. I value my personal time very much and Im not about to waste my life slaving for a company that can easily replace me...
i love work and i work very hard...never been without a job since i was 15 (started busing tables at a restaurant), ill be 26 next week. I been at my career for about 3 years now and i love it. i work in healthcare and i work crazy odd hours. I have to be available from 5pm-7am Mon-Fri, thats 70hrs/week of possible work hours, although i only average about 36-40+. the money is great and i enjoy what i do. but lately i have been thinking that its getting a little extreme. i dont even care about money no more, its TIME > MONEY.
real talk
but i figure im young, i work for a great facility and i might as well grind it out while i still have the energy to do so.
i work 50-60 hours a week and i can honestly say i enjoy it. most of the time i dont even notice its more than an 8 hour day but it doesnt even matter
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Out of college I was averaging 100 hour work weeks. A 6 -2:30 job and a 3 -11:30 job and a weekend job where I would work 10 hours on Saturday and Sunday. But, I was focused on getting student loans, and all other bills paid off and saving some money. I did this for about 3 years, only days off were holidays. I wasn't hooping, working out was gaining weight like crazy, eating bad etc. But, until I reached my goal I never wavered. I had the mindset of Kobe while I was doing this.
"When you are focused on a goal, you don't see things like fatigue" And that is what ultimately drove me until I got where I wanted to be. Looking back now I missed out on a bunch of sporting events and alot of stuff passed me by. But during that time I was so structured and I made sure I got all my sleep, and was almost like Bruce Wayne to alot of people because I was not seen for a while.
The sheep mentality is strong in this thread.

You don't care if you work 20 more hours but get paid the same as the next dude? :lol: Companies love idiots like that. Probably give you some pointless award and pat you on the head too. :lol:
A job in this country should never be regarded as slavery. You can literally come from nothing and do anything you choose. Mediocrity is a choice, you can always change your situation to a more favorable one. Jobs that you dislike should only be used as a stepping stone while you chase your true passion.

With that said, my business takes a good chunk of my time/life and I am passionate about it above most things. I will say that years back during college working at the mall was the most fun job I ever had. I'd work 40-50 hours just to chill and bag women, it didn't even feel like work.
35 hour work week ftw

If I were doing something I loved, I'd happily put in more time

But this job is just about the paycheck....leave doing the things I love for my free time
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The term slavery has a very strong connotation in America.

However, straight up, classic American slavery still exists, ask some of these immigrants working in some slaughter houses, orange farms, etc.

Also true economic slavery is far more prevalent than people think, someone handicapping your free life choices, keeping families in slum like conditions, abuse, neglect, children being sold, malnutrition, etc. Check any slum in America. Yeah on paper they are free to leave but where would they go?

We are fortunate, we sit on facebook, instagram, niketalk, watch tv, laugh about celebrities, we are far far to jaded to realize that it's going on.

That being said, working for another person is not slavery. There is a certain dignity in it. For me though, I'm not working for someone else for any longer than I have to (five years outta school max) I've worked to damn hard for my money to be going to someone else

It ain't slavery, but it sure ain't freedom.
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