Women hitting men ?

Lulz at the logic that a woman will respect you for swinging bak with fists, she will fear you and probably not swing on you or probably still swing even knowing she will get hit back (some women are this nuts) but respect?...chill fam...there is nothing to admire about a man who sees a woman half his size as a threat.
[COLOR=#red] no[/COLOR]


If you don't have the respect of your woman then you really need to be working on yourself and/or your choice of woman.

It's funny how what some of you perceive as "macho" and a matter of respect has me over here laughing at how lame y'all sound.

Everytime I was swung on it was because the chick I was with found evidence of another chick. I was young. Wild. It happens.

But I kind of brought that on myself. So I'm not going to rock her because of that.

Y'all need to figure out what y'all doing wrong that got chicks swinging on you.
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Believe it or not sometimes u gotta let these ******* kno. My girl always gets mad in arguments n I let that **** ride one time too many. Do I want her to fear me? No. do I want her to respect me? Yes. We have got into heated arguments since I hit her *** back n I guarantee puttin hands on me hasn't crossed her mind. I apologized after we made up but even she said she deserved it.
I've mentioned this on here before, but if something happens to where a woman wants to attack me, I would make sure I'm strategically in areas where they could hurt themselves. Like they lunge at me and i step to the side like a boss as she tumbles down the stairs, or she tries to hit me with a frying pan, but instead slips on a banana peel that I didn't throw away, and lands in the oven that happened to be open and set to 425 degrees.

Son :rofl:
We live in a emasculated society and any sign of testosterone or u tell women the truth and you are called a misogynostic.
Truth but you gotta at times.

Definitely a double standard, but considering how much more damaging a man's blow can be to a woman than the other way around, I sorta see why it's a double standard, still unfair none-the-less for a man, specially when 99% of te time the law will side with a female...oh well.
we have a ton of double standards and everyone loves them when its in their favor but woman have 3 advantages for every male
Dudes are complaining about females having "advantages"? Dudes want to catfight with women then talk about living in an "emasculated" society?


What world do y'all live in?

Y'all must be doing it REALLY wrong.
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Lulz at the logic that a woman will respect you for swinging bak with fists, she will fear you and probably not swing on you or probably still swing even knowing she will get hit back (some women are this nuts) but respect?...chill fam...there is nothing to admire about a man who sees a woman half his size as a threat.
you underestimating these yambs, brah
Many times, is not even a matter I respect, but is a personality issue which she has worked on over the years and its gotten better, this bad thing doesn't even outweighs the good that comes with her, so I've learned to accept her with her wrongs and she has accepted me and over the years we've worked to perfect how we handle each other, that's a relationship fellas....

I honestly can say that if at a young age I had taken the advice some of ya are coming up with about well she slapped me, I'm clinching my fist and swinging back like if I was fighting for my life, I wouldn't be in the relationship I'm in now, which is IMO a very happy one.

Girls are emotional, bruhs...joining them in a catfight doesn't set us apart in any way, it doesn't make you any more of a man and it definitely destroys any type of respect there might be between ya.
I've mentioned this on here before, but if something happens to where a woman wants to attack me, I would make sure I'm strategically in areas where they could hurt themselves. Like they lunge at me and i step to the side like a boss as she tumbles down the stairs, or she tries to hit me with a frying pan, but instead slips on a banana peel that I didn't throw away, and lands in the oven that happened to be open and set to 425 degrees.

Son :rofl:
Yo what kind of wild murderous scenarios is Peep cooking up :rofl:

Just imagining someone slipping on a banana peel and falling in to an open preheated oven is INSANE :lol:
You guys seriously wouldn't feel any remorse after things cool down and you look at your lady with black eye and/or bloody nose crying in the corner?

I just wouldn't be blue to forgive myself, even if she was pressing the buttons.
Yea I said it shouldn't be male vs. woman, it should size differential.

Why am EYE more of a sucka if I were to fight Baby Dee than Shaq would be if he were to slap the hell out of me. (I am 5'10 165)

Size differential should matter. Not private part owned.
I'm not a big guy and have maybe 30lbs and 6 inches of height on my wife, she has anger issues and has swung on me, the most I've done is pinned her up against a wall and that has let her know that if I wanted to I can really hurt her, then I just walk away, ya think that by swinging back you are putting fear in their hearts, you really want your women to fear you or respect you?...when a woman is angry depending on how they are they are unpredictable and emotions cloud their judgement, are we as men supposed to be the same way?...tell me how that makes sense wth the way domestic laws are set up?...is a lose/lose situation....I can guarantee you that bus driver in Cleveland although praised by many men around the world, is wishing he could take that back.

Ya need to learn how to choose your battles....I've asked this before, how much would you respect a man that hits your mom/sister with a right hook if they get out of hand?...or are these women an exception?

In before "the women in my family know better"
if you and your partner are putting hands on each other every other week maybe you should break things off before it really escalates..

also homie in the video deserves an *** whoopin based on that stupid hair do..

And you deserve one for saying "hair do" :lol:

But double standards have got to die b
You guys seriously wouldn't feel any remorse after things cool down and you look at your lady with black eye and/or bloody nose crying in the corner?

I just wouldn't be blue to forgive myself, even if she was pressing the buttons.
I'd never hit a loved one.  I'd leave the relationship before I could be driven to the point where I wanted to assault them.

However, if an out of control hood booger is charging me with the windmill-fists I'll do what I can to avoid fighting back, but I'm not exactly taking the option off of the table.
I've mentioned this on here before, but if something happens to where a woman wants to attack me, I would make sure I'm strategically in areas where they could hurt themselves. Like they lunge at me and i step to the side like a boss as she tumbles down the stairs, or she tries to hit me with a frying pan, but instead slips on a banana peel that I didn't throw away, and lands in the oven that happened to be open and set to 425 degrees.

This is one of the best things I have read on NT :rofl:
I'm not a big guy and have maybe 30lbs and 6 inches of height on my wife, she has anger issues and has swung on me, the most I've done is pinned her up against a wall and that has let her know that if I wanted to I can really hurt her, then I just walk away, ya think that by swinging back you are putting fear in their hearts, you really want your women to fear you or respect you?...when a woman is angry depending on how they are they are unpredictable and emotions cloud their judgement, are we as men supposed to be the same way?...tell me how that makes sense wth the way domestic laws are set up?...is a lose/lose situation....I can guarantee you that bus driver in Cleveland although praised by many men around the world, is wishing he could take that back.

Ya need to learn how to choose your battles....I've asked this before, how much would you respect a man that hits your mom/sister with a right hook if they get out of hand?...or are these women an exception?

In before "the women in my family know better"
I never said I would hit a woman. I wouldn't do it. Well I don't THINK I would :nerd:
@KSteezy, your woman attempting to put her hands on you says she doesn't respect you as a man. Point blank. Not trying to sass but she doesn't respect you maN.
That's the point I was trying to make earlier when I asked how many times she's tried to come at him. He's in here trying to talk about respect when his wife tries to come for his head at times. Some dudes are in here sounding like female apologists talking about their inability to control their emotions. These women aren't toddlers, they're adults and they should act accordingly. This happens because men accept this as a " woman thing". That's garbage. Oh and before anyone asks if a woman in my family did put her hands on a man I'd tell her she was wrong point blank. I don't know what world other people live in, but in mine actions have consequences.
That's the point I was trying to make earlier when I asked how many times she's tried to come at him. He's in here trying to talk about respect when his wife tries to come for his head at times. Some dudes are in here sounding like female apologists talking about their inability to control their emotions. These women aren't toddlers, they're adults and they should act accordingly. This happens because men accept this as a " woman thing". That's garbage. Oh and before anyone asks if a woman in my family did put her hands on a man I'd tell her she was wrong point blank. I don't know what world other people live in, but in mine actions have consequences.
Not only is it apologetic, it's pretty condescending.
If someone touches my face I take it as a sign they don't respect me.... So I'm out drinking with my bros and I'm completely wasted so instead of driving home I go to my girls crib and decide to crash there since I live about 40 blocks away (and I don't live in the safest area to walk 40 blocks at 2am in the summer time). So while I'm sleeping I awake to a hard smack (strike 1)to my face and my girl holding my phone. Even as drunk as I was I knew what was up when she had my phone. So I ask why she got my phone and she asks who (insert ratchet name) is. Im still drunk so I say thats my cousin (oldest most unoriginal lie) so she starts reading the nasty messages detailing our sexual encounters (I was a rookie and forgot to delete the texts) she even texts the girl asking if we had sex from my phone and the girl says yes many times (why the girl was up at 3am idk). So I know I'm not in the right frame of mind to engage this argument I attempt to leave and began putting on my stuff and she tells my I'm not going anywhere and begins to push and mushes me in the face (strike 2) I tell her I'm leaving I Don't want to fight we can talk when we are both in the right frame of mind. She continues to shove me and say I'm leaving so I'm moving her out my way and she's trying to wrestle with me (I'm no big dude I'm 5"10 with sneakers 170 muscular fit I use to box a lil in HS and play football about 4 years ago, she's 5"8 135) so I put a smirk on because her wresting me was funny at that moment. She says "why u smiling u think something is funny and in a flash gives me a Roy jones esque right hook to my jaw and I instantly taste blood in my mouth and she taunts me and says how about that while blocking the doorway (strike 3) I snap and give her a full haymaker mike Tyson would be proud of to the ribs. She falls and let's out one of those cries where no sound comes out and holds her side and I proceed to leave....

TL:dr girl catches me cheating
Attacks me in sleep
I try to leave and am stopped and hit
She punches me in face and busts my lip
I punch her in the ribs bruising her ribs and dip while she's on the floor

Was I wrong?
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If someone touches my face I take it as a sign they don't respect me.... So I'm out drinking with my bros and I'm completely wasted so instead of driving home I go to my girls crib and decide to crash there since I live about 40 blocks away (and I don't live in the safest area to walk 40 blocks at 2am in the summer time). So while I'm sleeping I awake to a hard smack (strike 1)to my face and my girl holding my phone. Even as drunk as I was I knew what was up when she had my phone. So I ask why she got my phone and she asks who (insert ratchet name) is. Im still drunk so I say thats my cousin (oldest most unoriginal lie) so she starts reading the nasty messages detailing our sexual encounters (I was a rookie and forgot to delete the texts) she even texts the girl asking if we had sex from my phone and the girl says yes many times (why the girl was up at 3am idk). So I know I'm not in the right frame of mind to engage this argument I attempt to leave and began putting on my stuff and she tells my I'm not going anywhere and begins to push and mushes me in the face (strike 2) I tell her I'm leaving I Don't want to fight we can talk when we are both in the right frame of mind. She continues to shove me and say I'm leaving so I'm moving her out my way and she's trying to wrestle with me (I'm no big dude I'm 5"10 with sneakers 170 muscular fit I use to box a lil in HS and play football about 4 years ago, she's 5"8 135) so I put a smirk on because her wresting me was funny at that moment. She says "why u smiling u think something is funny and in a flash gives me a Roy jones esque right hook to my jaw and I instantly taste blood in my mouth and she taunts me and says how about that while blocking the doorway (strike 3) I snap and give her a full haymaker mike Tyson would be proud of to the ribs. She falls and let's out one of those cries where no sound comes out and holds her side and I proceed to leave....

TL:dr girl catches me cheating
Attacks me in sleep
I try to leave and am stopped and hit
She punches me in face and busts my lip
I punch her in the ribs bruising her ribs and dip while she's on the floor

Was I wrong?

No you weren't. Bish hit you with that punch to the face an you retaliated with the falcon punch to the ribs. insert rock clapping gif

I'd do the same thing. If it was a slap, or push or something small, I'd hem them up to the wall and tell em straight up I could do damage if pleased. But a punch to the Jaw? With blood? Nahh she deserved that punch my dude.

I hope no one in here defends this girl..
If someone touches my face I take it as a sign they don't respect me.... So I'm out drinking with my bros and I'm completely wasted so instead of driving home I go to my girls crib and decide to crash there since I live about 40 blocks away (and I don't live in the safest area to walk 40 blocks at 2am in the summer time). So while I'm sleeping I awake to a hard smack (strike 1)to my face and my girl holding my phone. Even as drunk as I was I knew what was up when she had my phone. So I ask why she got my phone and she asks who (insert ratchet name) is. Im still drunk so I say thats my cousin (oldest most unoriginal lie) so she starts reading the nasty messages detailing our sexual encounters (I was a rookie and forgot to delete the texts) she even texts the girl asking if we had sex from my phone and the girl says yes many times (why the girl was up at 3am idk). So I know I'm not in the right frame of mind to engage this argument I attempt to leave and began putting on my stuff and she tells my I'm not going anywhere and begins to push and mushes me in the face (strike 2) I tell her I'm leaving I Don't want to fight we can talk when we are both in the right frame of mind. She continues to shove me and say I'm leaving so I'm moving her out my way and she's trying to wrestle with me (I'm no big dude I'm 5"10 with sneakers 170 muscular fit I use to box a lil in HS and play football about 4 years ago, she's 5"8 135) so I put a smirk on because her wresting me was funny at that moment. She says "why u smiling u think something is funny and in a flash gives me a Roy jones esque right hook to my jaw and I instantly taste blood in my mouth and she taunts me and says how about that while blocking the doorway (strike 3) I snap and give her a full haymaker mike Tyson would be proud of to the ribs. She falls and let's out one of those cries where no sound comes out and holds her side and I proceed to leave....

TL:dr girl catches me cheating
Attacks me in sleep
I try to leave and am stopped and hit
She punches me in face and busts my lip
I punch her in the ribs bruising her ribs and dip while she's on the floor

Was I wrong?
First off good story.  I approve and I think so would Rusty.  Maybe lacking a good pop culture reference or 2 but good never the less.

But yeah you was wrong young Balrog.  You gave her a closed fist Haymaker?
  Sheesh had shorty in pain like Ryan Harrow at Vanderbilt the other night

Come to think of it, you're better off trying to manhandle any chick that comes at you. Cause the ones that are the biggest threat probably still aren't nearly as strong as you (unless you a small dude).

I was thinking I'd swing at Laila Ali, but I'd be better off just trying to wrestle her to the ground and submit her. She probably crush me if we swung toe to toe.
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