Women hitting men ?

If a female ever hits me... I will put em to sleep via a choke hold! After that... we do not need to communicate anymore.
Once a woman puts her hand or anything else on a man, she opens herself up for retaliation if he feels threatened. The unwritten rules of society fly out the window when they decide to break them.

exactly this... people need to understand, that women want equal rights in everything, but only if they get an advantage out of it.
If a female ever hits me... I will put em to sleep via a choke hold! After that... we do not need to communicate anymore.

This is a good way to handle it, disarm, disable, sleeper hold, throw her stuff out the house.

If a man is smart he'd find a way to record the whole thing for evidence if this is a recurring act of violence.
i dont condone hitting females at all, but like someone else said, everyone needs to keep they hands to themselves. In a relationship if she hits me i think ill just leave her cuz once that happens i can not move forward with her knowing shes cool with putting her hands on me. I also believe i would only hit a woman if she really harmed me. Like hit me with a bat or something lol
Yup. Once a female hits you, trust me it will happen again. Bad habits are hard to break so never allow a girl to treat you in that manner. The only female that I would allow to violently assault me is Moms! :lol:
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It just takes being a man. I been said this.

Women many times cannot control their emotions.

I can.

So just because she starts swinging as a result of her lack of self control (she ain't swinging in self defense or because she feels her life is being threatened), I'm not going to join her.

It's a ***** move no matter how you cut it. That ***** could be a woman or it could be a man.

There are many alternatives. I've been swung on by a few wild *** women. Just wrap them up, sit on them, do whatever you need to (I've even applied a submission hold) til' they calm the **** down.

No one's saying you can't defend yourself. But swinging back? C'mon son.

Like has been said, no one should hit anyone. But we don't live in that ideal world. Truth is that the double standard exists. Same as how men can sleep around and no one judges him, but women that do the like are labeled harlots.

Off the bat, it's clear that a man who puts his hand on a woman first is a coward who ought to be dealt with.

Personally, I believe in defense. Period. I was brought up taught to fight back when I feel threatened. From my experience, men tend to have a more level head when in conflict with women. We're more apt to walk away and cool down, while women are prone to press the issue. I have a problem with women thinking they can hit a man and not expect any repercussions just because they have vaginas. If I'm frustrated, or even enraged, and I keep my hands to myself, then I expect the exact same thing from you. The person who goes against that golden rule is the person who has to accept that retaliation will occur. By retaliation I don't mean she can expect to end up looking like Rihana. But I will do what I have to (whether it be wrap her up, grabbing her, or whatever the situation calls for) to get the situation under control.

Imo, it's a difference between beating a woman's ***, and putting hands on them.
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^think of it as documentation.  More men should report it if they're attacked first instead of physical retaliation, she would.

If more do it'd be taken more seriously and the cops may not be so quick to come at you thinking you're the aggressor

when they come out to a domestic disturbance
Imagine having to call the police to protect you from your girl


World we live in
It's better than laying hands on her, though I'd most likely leave the relationship before calling the cops on my girlfriend.

The only time I could see myself laying hands on a woman is if I was attacked by a hysterical ratchet, but it's still the absolute last resort.  
put your hands on me and i put my hands on you....i dont care if you female, male, hermaphrodite, transgender, asexual, animal, plant..

you getting dealt with accordingly....don't take it there...there is no coming back...

gim sorry i am not a gentleman, there doesnt exit a "no girl hitting policy" with me...

i am not going to incriminate myself...but i dont been in a lot of domestic beefs....but my girls/wifeys always dropped the charges...and always came back like rihanna to chris brown...

they running back like arian foster

i dont even fight dudes....i just pull out the yoppa...

How can you argue with genius like this?

my parents always taught me...."somebody steal on you, you steal on them back, because if you dont imma steal on you when you get back home"

i had to fight people that hit me...because a **** whoopin was waiting for me at home if i got beat up and or didnt do anything..

I'm going to go out on a limb and say that what they meant is not at all what we are talking about.

Tell us more though.....
We just have to teach men to dump women who hit them just like we treat women

If your chicks slaps you, break up with her, right there.
If a dude even nudges me the wrong way its over, screams harshly at me its over.
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Just pull guard and grab wrist control, end of story. Forever submitted. And if any bystander/cop comes through it looks like you're defending.
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I am totally against domestic violence beating on your wife/girl is coward ****

but if a ***** in the street puts her hands on me i react the same as I would to any stranger hitting me I'm snatchin you by your throat if not firing on you off reflex
Yup. Once a female hits you, trust me it will happen again. Bad habits are hard to break so never allow a girl to treat you in that manner. The only female that I would allow to violently assault me is Moms! :lol:

Not even that. I wouldn't fight back but I certainly would respectfully assert myself as her adult son.

As for this video, shows how much society is unbalanced in its view of the sexes.
If a chick tried to do me up like that I'd be on my perfect form Cell type steez.

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in a situation like this, i wouldnt hit her, i would squeeze the life out of her breast and knee her in her vagina, then deny i ever touched her :lol:

then go poop, because you know that man had the meanest stomach cramps after that abuse.:x
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