Women: Does a real man raise his voice at you?

i can get with everything your saying except the verbal and physical abuse...sly comments...crazy looks...maybe even slammin doors...
Originally Posted by FromThaTown

Originally Posted by mytmouse76

i'm not takin verbal abuse either...we argue cool...but if you comin at me crazy all the time i'm out...i understand some people are just hot heads but what the hell does it take for you to leave if hitting and verbal abuse is "just part of a relationship" or whatever...and no real life relationships aren't volatile...not healthy ones at least...
You fulling yourself then to me, cause even healthy relationships have arguments and that can lead to abuse, and even if they paint a perfect relationship, we all know behind close doors, people in relationships don't agree with each other. They might not do it with insults or violence, but they do it with sly comments or certain looks that let you know, they not feeling you. And that in itself can lead to verbal abuse or hitting.

Stop that !..... Healthy relationships dont involve verbal or physical abuse or cheating.
Originally Posted by West2East

There's a difference to you? There is NO distinction to me. Like Miss Mouse already stated, why even stay after one time only to have to constantly worry about if the next time I make him upset or hurt his feelings he'll hit me?

If other men can express they're hurt, angry, or feeling vulnerable without hitting their significant other, then is it wrong for me to expect that of my man? If I'm not hitting you, why would you hit me?

It's not even just about the fact that you have inflicted physical pain, it's the fact that when a man hits a woman he's violated her trust in a way that it is soooo difficult to get back. When you hit another person you are doing so much more than just hitting them.

I really can't just get behind the idea that a woman is weak for staying no matter what the excuse for why it happened. If a woman stays then more power to her, but I can't support that. It isn't my job to put myself at risk waiting for you to become the better person.
He's violated her trust by laying hands on her. I KNOW THAT. I'm a man. But what IF I'm the MAN that truly loves her, and I MADE AMISTAKE especially when she came at me knowing all my insecurities or habits and she is verbally insulting me. Dude, you trying to paint out this portrait likeI stay beating on woman, but I never said that. You need to read my post. I'm not saying it's right to hit my woman, but I never know what I'mcapable of. And if I do, should she leave me for that 1 incident??? I'm saying NO, you're saying YES. But what you fail to acknowledge is that thewoman played a role in me verbally or physically touching her.
Well anything can lead to just about anything. Duh. That doesn't mean that's what's going to happen. You're trying to make it seemlike it's just something that is bound to happen in every relationship and that if it doesn't then the person is just too weak to let it get to thatpoint because of the society we were raised in when it in fact is the opposite.

No one is saying people in healthy relationships can't argue or fight, we're saying that people in healthy relationships know how to use words to getthem the results they are looking for rather than a quick hit to the face or wherever.

I'm sure it's not something your father was proud of or something your mother would want to live through again if she didn't have to, so why wouldyou yourself even consider that a possibility towards yours? Why would you try to defend that behavior knowing what you witnessed and experienced?
Originally Posted by mytmouse76

sticks and stones will break your bones but words will never hurt you...

if you're that hurt by what she said...bounce...
I don't roll like that, especially if I open my heart and soul to you. Words are not just words. Words can cause War.
Originally Posted by FromThaTown

Originally Posted by West2East

There's a difference to you? There is NO distinction to me. Like Miss Mouse already stated, why even stay after one time only to have to constantly worry about if the next time I make him upset or hurt his feelings he'll hit me?

If other men can express they're hurt, angry, or feeling vulnerable without hitting their significant other, then is it wrong for me to expect that of my man? If I'm not hitting you, why would you hit me?

It's not even just about the fact that you have inflicted physical pain, it's the fact that when a man hits a woman he's violated her trust in a way that it is soooo difficult to get back. When you hit another person you are doing so much more than just hitting them.

I really can't just get behind the idea that a woman is weak for staying no matter what the excuse for why it happened. If a woman stays then more power to her, but I can't support that. It isn't my job to put myself at risk waiting for you to become the better person.
He's violated her trust by laying hands on her. I KNOW THAT. I'm a man. But what IF I'm the MAN that truly loves her, and I MADE A MISTAKE especially when she came at me knowing all my insecurities or habits and she is verbally insulting me. Dude, you trying to paint out this portrait like I stay beating on woman, but I never said that. You need to read my post. I'm not saying it's right to hit my woman, but I never know what I'm capable of. And if I do, should she leave me for that 1 incident??? I'm saying NO, you're saying YES. But what you fail to acknowledge is that the woman played a role in me verbally or physically touching her.

you can't control what someone else says/does but you can control how you react...understand some things happend but hitting a female is one of thosethings that shouldn't happen...unless she's trying to stab you or something crazy thats unacceptable...if you're girl wants to stay i guessshe's "stronger"
than me but she can have that...
Originally Posted by West2East

Well anything can lead to just about anything. Duh. That doesn't mean that's what's going to happen. You're trying to make it seem like it's just something that is bound to happen in every relationship and that if it doesn't then the person is just too weak to let it get to that point because of the society we were raised in when it in fact is the opposite.

No one is saying people in healthy relationships can't argue or fight, we're saying that people in healthy relationships know how to use words to get them the results they are looking for rather than a quick hit to the face or wherever.

I'm sure it's not something your father was proud of or something your mother would want to live through again if she didn't have to, so why would you yourself even consider that a possibility towards yours? Why would you try to defend that behavior knowing what you witnessed and experienced?
Why wouldn't it be a possibility? Let me just put it out there, my moms never insulted my dad and she still stayed with him. And they have agreat relationship now and he knows what's up. I'm defending it because I believe people can change. And if you read my very 1st post, I said it iswrong for men to abuse their woman just because they want to have control. My dad was that way and my mom still stayed with him and now she has power. AndI'm defending that behavior because American woman make it like it's a 1 time thing and he's GONE. Men make mistakes. Hell we cheat on our womanmore than we hit them. Yet woman can forgive us for cheating, but they can't accept us for hitting them ONCE. That doesn't make any sense to me. Ithink a man hitting a woman is provoked. LIKE I SAID, I've never hit my lady, but I believe , you never know.

This is to the dudes that just beat their girls for fun. That is wrong to me. Unprovoked violence is wrong.
Originally Posted by mytmouse76

Originally Posted by FromThaTown

Originally Posted by West2East

There's a difference to you? There is NO distinction to me. Like Miss Mouse already stated, why even stay after one time only to have to constantly worry about if the next time I make him upset or hurt his feelings he'll hit me?

If other men can express they're hurt, angry, or feeling vulnerable without hitting their significant other, then is it wrong for me to expect that of my man? If I'm not hitting you, why would you hit me?

It's not even just about the fact that you have inflicted physical pain, it's the fact that when a man hits a woman he's violated her trust in a way that it is soooo difficult to get back. When you hit another person you are doing so much more than just hitting them.

I really can't just get behind the idea that a woman is weak for staying no matter what the excuse for why it happened. If a woman stays then more power to her, but I can't support that. It isn't my job to put myself at risk waiting for you to become the better person.
He's violated her trust by laying hands on her. I KNOW THAT. I'm a man. But what IF I'm the MAN that truly loves her, and I MADE A MISTAKE especially when she came at me knowing all my insecurities or habits and she is verbally insulting me. Dude, you trying to paint out this portrait like I stay beating on woman, but I never said that. You need to read my post. I'm not saying it's right to hit my woman, but I never know what I'm capable of. And if I do, should she leave me for that 1 incident??? I'm saying NO, you're saying YES. But what you fail to acknowledge is that the woman played a role in me verbally or physically touching her.

you can't control what someone else says/does but you can control how you react...understand some things happend but hitting a female is one of those things that shouldn't happen...unless she's trying to stab you or something crazy thats unacceptable...if you're girl wants to stay i guess she's "stronger"
than me but she can have that...
and in the end, you might have a dude that never lay hands on you but he will cheat on ya ess all day. While I'm the one that lay hands on mygirl and I feel remorseful and change my ways to be a better husband and raise my kids in that non-violent environment.
Originally Posted by Mister Friendly

Originally Posted by FromThaTown

Originally Posted by mytmouse76

i'm not takin verbal abuse either...we argue cool...but if you comin at me crazy all the time i'm out...i understand some people are just hot heads but what the hell does it take for you to leave if hitting and verbal abuse is "just part of a relationship" or whatever...and no real life relationships aren't volatile...not healthy ones at least...
You fulling yourself then to me, cause even healthy relationships have arguments and that can lead to abuse, and even if they paint a perfect relationship, we all know behind close doors, people in relationships don't agree with each other. They might not do it with insults or violence, but they do it with sly comments or certain looks that let you know, they not feeling you. And that in itself can lead to verbal abuse or hitting.

Stop that !..... Healthy relationships dont involve verbal or physical abuse or cheating.

You not smart enough to engage in this fam, fall back.
you're right hitting women then realizing your wrong turns you into a better man.

i mean, unless you cheat, of course.
Originally Posted by mytmouse76

the nerve of us american women expecting not to be hit by our man...
He might be the ONE, but you didn't give him a chance because you provoked him into hitting you, and then you tried to play it like youinnocent.
what could i possibly say that would make you think its ok to just hit me like i'm your size?
Originally Posted by itz rOLLi

you're right hitting women then realizing your wrong turns you into a better man.

i mean, unless you cheat, of course.
I would never do that to my lady, seriously. I'm 29 years old and never cheated on any woman. But what hurts more? Cheating or laying yourhands on a woman? I rather end a relationship before I get my smash on with the next girl.
Originally Posted by mytmouse76

what could i possibly say that would make you think its ok to just hit me like i'm your size?

Your size doesnt matter when your words hurt me like the 2 Towers falling down on 911. Remember I'm vulnerable to you.
What could you say to hurt my feelings??? That's what my lady knows not you.
Originally Posted by FromThaTown

Originally Posted by Mister Friendly

Originally Posted by FromThaTown

Originally Posted by mytmouse76

i'm not takin verbal abuse either...we argue cool...but if you comin at me crazy all the time i'm out...i understand some people are just hot heads but what the hell does it take for you to leave if hitting and verbal abuse is "just part of a relationship" or whatever...and no real life relationships aren't volatile...not healthy ones at least...
You fulling yourself then to me, cause even healthy relationships have arguments and that can lead to abuse, and even if they paint a perfect relationship, we all know behind close doors, people in relationships don't agree with each other. They might not do it with insults or violence, but they do it with sly comments or certain looks that let you know, they not feeling you. And that in itself can lead to verbal abuse or hitting.

Stop that !..... Healthy relationships dont involve verbal or physical abuse or cheating.

You not smart enough to engage in this fam, fall back.

You have no idea about me or my life! I've seen far more stuff then you can imagine.

You're not smart enough to realize what a healthy relationship is

I repeat healthy relationships dont involve abuse and cheating!

Yes a relationship can survive it but that doesnt mean its healthy....Example You can have a disease in real life but if its doesnt get treated you willdie
Originally Posted by Mister Friendly

Originally Posted by FromThaTown

Originally Posted by Mister Friendly

Originally Posted by FromThaTown

Originally Posted by mytmouse76

i'm not takin verbal abuse either...we argue cool...but if you comin at me crazy all the time i'm out...i understand some people are just hot heads but what the hell does it take for you to leave if hitting and verbal abuse is "just part of a relationship" or whatever...and no real life relationships aren't volatile...not healthy ones at least...
You fulling yourself then to me, cause even healthy relationships have arguments and that can lead to abuse, and even if they paint a perfect relationship, we all know behind close doors, people in relationships don't agree with each other. They might not do it with insults or violence, but they do it with sly comments or certain looks that let you know, they not feeling you. And that in itself can lead to verbal abuse or hitting.

Stop that !..... Healthy relationships dont involve verbal or physical abuse or cheating.

You not smart enough to engage in this fam, fall back.

You have no idea about me or my life! I've seen far more stuff then you can imagine.

You're not smart enough to realize what a healthy relationship is

I repeat healthy relationships dont involve abuse and cheating!

Yes a relationship can survive it but that doesnt mean its healthy....Example You can have a disease in real life but if its doesnt get treated you will die
Writing in caps doesn't make you right. And hitting a woman that knows your soul is not a disease. Love can not be explained though sciencebuddy. That's why we're debating. You don't have to repeat that healthy relationships DON'T involve abuse and cheating, but you too worriedabout your folks Mouse like a parrot that you not listening to what I'm saying. I'm saying that a woman should cut a dude some slack ESPECIALLY whenshe is going hard at him and stripping away his manhood though verbal insults.
Originally Posted by FromThaTown

Originally Posted by itz rOLLi

when i beat my lady i make sure it hurts more than if i cheated on her.
You're a real man. I put UFC chokeholds on my lady.

yea, and she doesn't even have to verbally abuse me.
Originally Posted by FromThaTown

Originally Posted by mytmouse76

what could i possibly say that would make you think its ok to just hit me like i'm your size?

Your size doesnt matter when your words hurt me like the 2 Towers falling down on 911. Remember I'm vulnerable to you.
What could you say to hurt my feelings??? That's what my lady knows not you.

i was talking in general and not necessarily you... and my size def. matters to the police...
What works for one person doesnt work for everyone. The idea that there is a specific set of rules to all relationships is silly and i gotta believe anyonethat is acting like there is, probably is in for a rude awakening sooner then later.
Originally Posted by FromThaTown

Originally Posted by Mister Friendly

Originally Posted by FromThaTown

Originally Posted by Mister Friendly

Originally Posted by FromThaTown

Originally Posted by mytmouse76

i'm not takin verbal abuse either...we argue cool...but if you comin at me crazy all the time i'm out...i understand some people are just hot heads but what the hell does it take for you to leave if hitting and verbal abuse is "just part of a relationship" or whatever...and no real life relationships aren't volatile...not healthy ones at least...
You fulling yourself then to me, cause even healthy relationships have arguments and that can lead to abuse, and even if they paint a perfect relationship, we all know behind close doors, people in relationships don't agree with each other. They might not do it with insults or violence, but they do it with sly comments or certain looks that let you know, they not feeling you. And that in itself can lead to verbal abuse or hitting.

Stop that !..... Healthy relationships dont involve verbal or physical abuse or cheating.

You not smart enough to engage in this fam, fall back.

You have no idea about me or my life! I've seen far more stuff then you can imagine.

You're not smart enough to realize what a healthy relationship is

I repeat healthy relationships dont involve abuse and cheating!

Yes a relationship can survive it but that doesnt mean its healthy....Example You can have a disease in real life but if its doesnt get treated you will die
Writing in caps doesn't make you right. And hitting a woman that knows your soul is not a disease. Love can not be explained though science buddy. That's why we're debating. You don't have to repeat that healthy relationships DON'T involve abuse and cheating, but you too worried about your folks Mouse like a parrot that you not listening to what I'm saying. I'm saying that a woman should cut a dude some slack ESPECIALLY when she is going hard at him and stripping away his manhood though verbal insults.

Dude you're the one being weak! I saw your point on extreme casesbut come on because she calls you names or hurts your feelings?

You need counseling

You need a hug

Originally Posted by mytmouse76

Originally Posted by FromThaTown

Originally Posted by mytmouse76

what could i possibly say that would make you think its ok to just hit me like i'm your size?

Your size doesnt matter when your words hurt me like the 2 Towers falling down on 911. Remember I'm vulnerable to you.
What could you say to hurt my feelings??? That's what my lady knows not you.

i was talking in general and not necessarily you... and my size def. matters to the police...
Exactly, an old school woman wouldn't want to see her man locked up in jail especially when she insulted his heart.
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