Will you vote for Resident Obama in 2012?

Originally Posted by Digglo

Nope the experiment is over and it failed...

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by SunDOOBIE

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

There's nothing worse than this notion that Obama won simply because he was black. Racists NEVER look at things from two perspectives. For every 18 year old that voted for obama cause he was black.....there was a grown racist set in his ways that voted against him because he was black. 

Obama didn't win because he was black... Obama won because of this guy...


And to the people who say the "OBAMA EXPERIMENT" is over. Do you mean an experiment to see if a black man can lead America? Cause that is exactly what it sounds like.

Thats exactly what they mean, because looking at it objectively, he's one of the better decorated candidates to ever run regardless of race.
Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by SunDOOBIE

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

There's nothing worse than this notion that Obama won simply because he was black. Racists NEVER look at things from two perspectives. For every 18 year old that voted for obama cause he was black.....there was a grown racist set in his ways that voted against him because he was black. 

Obama didn't win because he was black... Obama won because of this guy...


And to the people who say the "OBAMA EXPERIMENT" is over. Do you mean an experiment to see if a black man can lead America? Cause that is exactly what it sounds like.

Thats exactly what they mean, because looking at it objectively, he's one of the better decorated candidates to ever run regardless of race.
Originally Posted by CallHimAR

I love the people who say Ron Paul would bring all of this fantastic change, yet probably don't understand that lack of government intervention is what's allowed the wealth gap in this country to widen astronomically. We're now on par with wonderfully democratic, free and classless societies such as Mexico and Russia. 
$$@% yeah Libertarianism!

+#!! yeah invisible hand!

+#!! yeah completely unregulated free market capitalism!

+#!! yeah dying middle class!...wait.. what?

Originality, love it.

What is wealth? How much is it? How much do I need to have for you to consider me "wealthy"? You are assuming that wealth is determined how much money one has, which is erroneous. Now, who are you speaking of? Those big bad corporations? Yeah, those corporations need a what in order to operate? A "corporate charter". Yeah so, ALL corporations need government INTERVENTION.
Originally Posted by CallHimAR

I love the people who say Ron Paul would bring all of this fantastic change, yet probably don't understand that lack of government intervention is what's allowed the wealth gap in this country to widen astronomically. We're now on par with wonderfully democratic, free and classless societies such as Mexico and Russia. 
$$@% yeah Libertarianism!

+#!! yeah invisible hand!

+#!! yeah completely unregulated free market capitalism!

+#!! yeah dying middle class!...wait.. what?

Originality, love it.

What is wealth? How much is it? How much do I need to have for you to consider me "wealthy"? You are assuming that wealth is determined how much money one has, which is erroneous. Now, who are you speaking of? Those big bad corporations? Yeah, those corporations need a what in order to operate? A "corporate charter". Yeah so, ALL corporations need government INTERVENTION.
I will probably vote for him again because I don't think there will be a better alternative. Obama is not the best president by far but he easily one of the best politicians of our time.
I will probably vote for him again because I don't think there will be a better alternative. Obama is not the best president by far but he easily one of the best politicians of our time.
Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

There's nothing worse than this notion that Obama won simply because he was black. Racists NEVER look at things from two perspectives. For every 18 year old that voted for obama cause he was black.....there was a grown racist set in his ways that voted against him because he was black. 

both dont matter because presidential elections are based on electoral votes
u think obama gives a dam about the red states with 4 electoral ballots?
Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

There's nothing worse than this notion that Obama won simply because he was black. Racists NEVER look at things from two perspectives. For every 18 year old that voted for obama cause he was black.....there was a grown racist set in his ways that voted against him because he was black. 

both dont matter because presidential elections are based on electoral votes
u think obama gives a dam about the red states with 4 electoral ballots?
Originally Posted by nom de guerre

Originally Posted by frostythepoptart

I'm torn how I feel about his performance thus far. I don't think he's going to get reelected though. Those same massive 18-21 year olds happily voting for the first black president aren't coming out the 2nd time around in my opinion. We'll see how it goes


ITS CALLED A GENERAL ELECTION. Everyone will vote, even more cause the kids who turned 18 while Obama was in office. Nice shot BTW saying they only voted cause he was black, these kids are smarter than you wish.
ummm..... no
being in this age group myself, i have seen how clueless people my age are

CallHimAR wrote:
SunDOOBIE wrote:
What LACK of Govt intervention? Everything we do in this country involves the Govt. I wake up and eat breakfast at Dennys governed by OSHA and the USDA. The freeway I drive on governed by DOT. I go to work and check my email governed by FTC. I watch the NBA on TV governed by the FCC. The stocks I purchased governed by the SEC. 

Give me a break with this "Lack of Govt intervention" 

Right, because deregulation of the banking industry in the late 90s early 2000s couldn't possibly be what I'm talking about. 
Nor could I be talking about leaving loopholes in the tax code so large corporations with a team of tax lawyers can exploit them so they pay nothing in taxes.

No, I'm talking about your breakfast.

Give me a break with this blatant ignorance. 

yea, i mean its not like subsidies impose on the freemarket at all
pls go
Originally Posted by nom de guerre

Originally Posted by frostythepoptart

I'm torn how I feel about his performance thus far. I don't think he's going to get reelected though. Those same massive 18-21 year olds happily voting for the first black president aren't coming out the 2nd time around in my opinion. We'll see how it goes


ITS CALLED A GENERAL ELECTION. Everyone will vote, even more cause the kids who turned 18 while Obama was in office. Nice shot BTW saying they only voted cause he was black, these kids are smarter than you wish.
ummm..... no
being in this age group myself, i have seen how clueless people my age are

CallHimAR wrote:
SunDOOBIE wrote:
What LACK of Govt intervention? Everything we do in this country involves the Govt. I wake up and eat breakfast at Dennys governed by OSHA and the USDA. The freeway I drive on governed by DOT. I go to work and check my email governed by FTC. I watch the NBA on TV governed by the FCC. The stocks I purchased governed by the SEC. 

Give me a break with this "Lack of Govt intervention" 

Right, because deregulation of the banking industry in the late 90s early 2000s couldn't possibly be what I'm talking about. 
Nor could I be talking about leaving loopholes in the tax code so large corporations with a team of tax lawyers can exploit them so they pay nothing in taxes.

No, I'm talking about your breakfast.

Give me a break with this blatant ignorance. 

yea, i mean its not like subsidies impose on the freemarket at all
pls go
Originally Posted by rashi

Originally Posted by CallHimAR

I love the people who say Ron Paul would bring all of this fantastic change, yet probably don't understand that lack of government intervention is what's allowed the wealth gap in this country to widen astronomically. We're now on par with wonderfully democratic, free and classless societies such as Mexico and Russia. 
$$@% yeah Libertarianism!

+#!! yeah invisible hand!

+#!! yeah completely unregulated free market capitalism!

+#!! yeah dying middle class!...wait.. what?

Originality, love it.

What is wealth? How much is it? How much do I need to have for you to consider me "wealthy"? You are assuming that wealth is determined how much money one has, which is erroneous. Now, who are you speaking of? Those big bad corporations? Yeah, those corporations need a what in order to operate? A "corporate charter". Yeah so, ALL corporations need government INTERVENTION.

I would say wealth is a CEO making five hundred times what his average worker makes, and being allowed to skate on taxes because he has the money for lawyers while the kid making $7.25 has no choice but to have his money pulled from his check. 
I'm speaking of the top 1% of people who get away with financial murder in this country while our roads, bridges, dams and rail road crumble. 

The straw man you just threw at me is so nonsensical I don't even know how to respond.
Originally Posted by rashi

Originally Posted by CallHimAR

I love the people who say Ron Paul would bring all of this fantastic change, yet probably don't understand that lack of government intervention is what's allowed the wealth gap in this country to widen astronomically. We're now on par with wonderfully democratic, free and classless societies such as Mexico and Russia. 
$$@% yeah Libertarianism!

+#!! yeah invisible hand!

+#!! yeah completely unregulated free market capitalism!

+#!! yeah dying middle class!...wait.. what?

Originality, love it.

What is wealth? How much is it? How much do I need to have for you to consider me "wealthy"? You are assuming that wealth is determined how much money one has, which is erroneous. Now, who are you speaking of? Those big bad corporations? Yeah, those corporations need a what in order to operate? A "corporate charter". Yeah so, ALL corporations need government INTERVENTION.

I would say wealth is a CEO making five hundred times what his average worker makes, and being allowed to skate on taxes because he has the money for lawyers while the kid making $7.25 has no choice but to have his money pulled from his check. 
I'm speaking of the top 1% of people who get away with financial murder in this country while our roads, bridges, dams and rail road crumble. 

The straw man you just threw at me is so nonsensical I don't even know how to respond.
Originally Posted by shatterkneesinc

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

There's nothing worse than this notion that Obama won simply because he was black. Racists NEVER look at things from two perspectives. For every 18 year old that voted for obama cause he was black.....there was a grown racist set in his ways that voted against him because he was black. 

both dont matter because presidential elections are based on electoral votes
u think obama gives a dam about the red states with 4 electoral ballots?
uh huh....either way I'm sick of people making that he won cause he's black excuse. Cause they prolly the same people who didnt vote for him because he's "black"
Originally Posted by shatterkneesinc

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

There's nothing worse than this notion that Obama won simply because he was black. Racists NEVER look at things from two perspectives. For every 18 year old that voted for obama cause he was black.....there was a grown racist set in his ways that voted against him because he was black. 

both dont matter because presidential elections are based on electoral votes
u think obama gives a dam about the red states with 4 electoral ballots?
uh huh....either way I'm sick of people making that he won cause he's black excuse. Cause they prolly the same people who didnt vote for him because he's "black"
Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by shatterkneesinc

both dont matter because presidential elections are based on electoral votes
u think obama gives a dam about the red states with 4 electoral ballots?
uh huh....either way I'm sick of people making that he won cause he's black excuse. Cause they prolly the same people who didnt vote for him because he's "black"
Electoral Votes: 364
Popular Votes: 64,414,843
Electoral Votes: 162
Popular Votes: 56,735,145

Fully 96 percent of black voters supported Obama and constituted 13 percent of the electorate, a 2-percentage-point rise in their national turnout. As in past years, black women turned out at a higher rate than black men.

A stunning 54 percent of young white voters supported Obama, compared with 44 percent who went for McCain, the senator from Arizona. In the past three decades, no Democratic presidential nominee has won more than 45 percent of young whites.
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