Will Smith thinks MIB III sucks

Hate does not equal criticism.

Do you love and support everything you encounter in your life? If you don't then I can say the same thing to you, "while you're hating on ______, what are you doing with your life, I bet it isn't as good as _______"

It is a very weak argument. Simply because he's had enormous success that 99.999999% of us will never see, doesn't exclude him from fair criticism based on his work. Are we calling him a horrible human being and a bad parent? Insulting his looks? Laughing at his fame and fortunes? Or are we simply saying that as an actor he isn't as good as others and he's more entertaining than a great actor.
All this hate... damn that Hitch is still my favorite movie.

"First ever rap Grammy, lets talk about the only reason yo *** went to Miami" ---Will Smith
How? Is this real life? No one says INDEPENDENCE DAY ...Really?? Will is that dude. I don't see how y'all are throwing out ungodly numbers like 95% and such. Wild Wild West/ Handcock, okay I can see. I actually didn't have an issue with WWW. When I saw it at my younger age, it was what it was and had a dope song. Same with MIB, epic song with the movie. He's a great actor and if he should have a say in a script if he feels it can be tweaked a bit, imo.

C'mon NT
Man yall better open yall minds. While we are focusing on his movie career I mean Will is an OG and paved the way for what we see now. The hate needs to cease, because we all know we were feeling his work when it dropped.
Originally Posted by Crank Lucas

Originally Posted by panchie

wow never knew there was so much hate on will smith movies

 HOW THE EFF is there hate on MIB???? or any will smith movie when were children. we watch the movie now and its mehh but back then it was AMAZING. men in black was fing movie, the song was on repeat for like 3 months, always watched the video did the dance. I even loved wild wild west as a kid too. its like wrestling, it sucks today but it was the !!** during our childhood

I kinda feel you on this...
i swear some of yall act like broads calling it hate if you dont like someones work

i love will smith, just not a fan of his films except for 2

"if i dont like it, i dont like it, that dont mean that im hating" - Common
I enjoy a lot of his movies. Then again, I don't expect Citizen Kane when I walk into a theater and watch one of this movies.
He's an action/comedic star, nothing more, nothing less. He's had some roles where he has deviated from that, but for the most part, he's an entertainer and he excels at it.
Originally Posted by GrimlocK

I can't blame him for calling out some parts of the movie that don't fit his style. At this point in his career i'm guessing he's aiming at longevity and if he keeps playing consistently $$@%@# roles then his pay goes down as well as the offers.

Apparently Alex Proyas and Smith didn't get on too well... given some of his previous choices, i would say Smith is pissed he doesn't have an Oscar by now.

Originally Posted by Koudie From BroOklyn

Will is the best, stop lying to yourselves lol, than denzel..

wait actually denzel first, than will .. or maybe they're equal lol w.e they're both awesome

Washington should stop wasting his talent on Tony Scott movies.

Originally Posted by WiLLMaTiC

hey at least the man doesnt want to give the public bad work.

I swear ya'll hate anybody that successful or anything that's popular.  
Will may not be a GREAT actor, not all of his movies were even good.  But this "he's a terrible actor" and "95% of his movies suck" is absurd.
Originally Posted by sixzerofour

are we all forgetting ALI??

dude is a fantastic actor, he just needs to find some better scripts.
Man, what? 

Jamie Foxx did way better than him in that movie. 
Originally Posted by malikdagoat

I swear ya'll hate anybody that successful or anything that's popular.  
Will may not be a GREAT actor, not all of his movies were even good.  But this "he's a terrible actor" and "95% of his movies suck" is absurd.
Originally Posted by SneakerFr

I'll respectfully disagree with the majority in here. The only will smith movie I didn't like was I Robot, everything else was ok to good.

Hold up, aside from the garbage movies listed already, you really think this movie is good?
Easily one of the worst movies ever!


I know he hasnt made that many films recently, but you guys are saying he and his movies suck just to be cool or for the lulz. Period.

Look me in the eyes and tell me these movies suck:

Independence Day
Bad Boys I & II
Enemy of the State (one of my favorites)
Legend of Bagger Vance
Pursuit of Happyness
I, Robot

Im sorry but thats a great resume. Hancock is the only movie on there I havent seen, but at worst, that movie is average. Every other one has been a great film. If calling Will Smith movies awful is the cool thing to do, count me out. I guess I am not cool anymore.

Will Smith doesnt make bad films. Period.
He was decent in Six Degrees of Seperation I give him that and maybe Shark Tale but he was a cartoon character still annoying.
All I know he is a Popcorn actor he is what he is and believe me Carlton would trade places with Will any day
Originally Posted by dland24

I know he hasnt made that many films recently, but you guys are saying he and his movies suck just to be cool or for the lulz. Period.

Look me in the eyes and tell me these movies suck:

Independence Day
Bad Boys I & II
Enemy of the State (one of my favorites)
Legend of Bagger Vance
Pursuit of Happyness
I, Robot

Im sorry but thats a great resume. Hancock is the only movie on there I havent seen, but at worst, that movie is average. Every other one has been a great film. If calling Will Smith movies awful is the cool thing to do, count me out. I guess I am not cool anymore.

Will Smith doesnt make bad films. Period.
I can honestly say MIB II sucks, just plain out horrible. 
I still watch it when it's on tv though, just liek Wild Wild West.
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