Will Smith thinks MIB III sucks

I'll respectfully disagree with the majority in here. The only will smith movie I didn't like was I Robot, everything else was ok to good.
after you mature and look back at alot of his movies

you realize how average alot of them are

alot of them are only good because will is a highly charismatic person
lol. I thought NT loved Will Smith considering that everybody's favorite sitcom on here is Fresh Prince.
I like a lot of Will Smith movies but he is one of those actors that even though the movie is bad, if it is showing on TV I'll be watching it anyways.

Some of you guys are crazy to say most of his movies suck.

Independence Day
Bad Boys
Pursuit of Happyness
I am Legend
Enemy of the State

Those are all good to great movies.
The others, even though not as good, has been entertaining to say the least.
MIB was great

MIB 2 was....enh....

I have no problem with an actor, especially of his stature taking time out to fix the script to possibly make it better. Id rather watch a movie he tried to fix and save then him go through with it and then talk about how he didnt like it all along.
i Like will smith 
 . . .
Originally Posted by RFX45

I like a lot of Will Smith movies but he is one of those actors that even though the movie is bad, if it is showing on TV I'll be watching it anyways.

Some of you guys are crazy to say most of his movies suck.

Independence Day
Bad Boys
Pursuit of Happyness
I am Legend
Enemy of the State

Those are all good to great movies.
The others, even though not as good, has been entertaining to say the least.

I wasnt a fan of I am Legend as much but I kinda liked iRobot
Will did not make Independence Day hwat it is.

Homie just had TONS of one liners.

The story was so cool with the effects at it's time and the story being aliens invading the earth was really dope.
Originally Posted by chillainvillain

 @ all the Will Smith hate on here.
It's just the truth, most of the love for Will Smith is simply tied to nostalgia, but really his movies aren't that great and his acting is very
1 dimensional, he's the same guy with different hair in every movie
Pretty sure it was JRS who said it, but Smith is a movie star... not an actor.

His films are entertaining for the most part, he can play funny, an action star, and can do well enough with the dramatic. He has his moments for sure, but short of Ali (which could have been better and isn't really Will's fault), he's not irreplaceable in any of his best stuff. You can imagine another actor doing as good or better job in most of his roles. By now he's just a cash cow and a near guarantee to gross at least 100 million domestic and a few hundred million overseas.

I like Smith, he's incredibly talented, funny, and I enjoyed a lot of his work, but he's a box office draw first and an actor second.
Yeah it's not hate. Will's not the worst actor but all of his movies are just about average. In the few roles he's been good it's in a movie that is just okay.

I really felt he could've hit his stride doing comedic films a lot more but he went the action star with goofy tendencies and charm route.

Just look at his filmography. His last 9 movies have grossed over a 100 mil in the U.S. Dude is geared toward the box office not amazing memorable acting performances.

The first MIB was okay. Interesting concept.
Originally Posted by panchie

wow never knew there was so much hate on will smith movies

 HOW THE EFF is there hate on MIB???? or any will smith movie when were children. we watch the movie now and its mehh but back then it was AMAZING. men in black was fing movie, the song was on repeat for like 3 months, always watched the video did the dance. I even loved wild wild west as a kid too. its like wrestling, it sucks today but it was the !!** during our childhood
Originally Posted by Crank Lucas

Originally Posted by panchie

wow never knew there was so much hate on will smith movies

 HOW THE EFF is there hate on MIB???? or any will smith movie when were children. we watch the movie now and its mehh but back then it was AMAZING. men in black was fing movie, the song was on repeat for like 3 months, always watched the video did the dance. I even loved wild wild west as a kid too. its like wrestling, it sucks today but it was the !!** during our childhood
I can see what you're saying for MIB  but WWW was doodoo and only watched for Selma
and after that we really aint kids no more unless The Legend of Bagger Vance is something you hold dear to your heart.
lmao at the hate for will. So while yall are hating on this man and his millions what are you doing with your life besides criticizing his work.
Originally Posted by npa07

lmao at the hate for will. So while yall are hating on this man and his millions what are you doing with your life besides criticizing his work.
People can't have descending opinions without the irrelevant point about how rich dude is being brought up? Where is the hate? If we're talking about actual good movies and good actors how does Will Smith and his body of work have any worth?
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