Will Smith thinks MIB III sucks

will smith is corny to me. which is further complicated by the fact that people tell me I look like him.
i have a friend that works in the movie industry and he showed me some pics for new MIB movie. they are using custom motorcycles that are crazy looking. i was looking forward to seeing them in the movie.. i'll try and get him to send me the pics so i can post them up.. they were setting up to shoot in downtown brooklyn. they are shooting another movie right by there with Eddie Murphy, Ben Stiller, Matthew Broderick, Judd Hursch. i belive that one is called "Tower Heist"
I can't blame him for calling out some parts of the movie that don't fit his style. At this point in his career i'm guessing he's aiming at longevity and if he keeps playing consistently *#%+$+ roles then his pay goes down as well as the offers.

I don't know how he's improvising to correct certain plot holes but it's either he falls hard on his face for doing it or he makes the movie better. If I was at the same stage as he is I would do the same thing.

Maybe he didnt get a running scene in this movie.
Will is the best, stop lying to yourselves lol, than denzel..

wait actually denzel first, than will .. or maybe they're equal lol w.e they're both awesome
i mean if it makes the movie better than i can wait for delays unless it takes multiple years to complete
MIB was corny but I still enjoyed it as a kid. MIB 2 was wack. Wouldn't even bother with an MIB 3.
Is tommy even alive? The guy looked old as hell in MIB I, & even older in the 2nd one. so i thought they were done.
men in black was a horrible movie, not sure why they made 3 of them.
He is a great actor, but he picks bad movies. And all the success and money has gone to his head, plus the Scientology.
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