Will racism ever end? If so, how?


Apr 23, 2008
Real talk. This is one of the most thought provoking question I've ever been asked.

Once I heard a guy say that it could be done away with if schools stopped teaching about the world's more darker past (ie slavery, wars, etc), and thelogiv dude kicked made sense:

A new generation of children will never know of discrimination
Their minds will be unfiltered

But in the long run, I disagreed with it because that idea lends itself to the suggestion that we do away with years and years of history, which serves asguidance for the future. Plus it was apparent that dude didn't think about the fact that children learn from sources other than schools (parents). So thatwas a no no for that idea.

So no matter the strides we make, it'll be around for some time.

Our attorney general made the claim that America was a nation of cowards when it came to discussing race, and for the most part I agree with him, but could itbe that there just aren't any good suggestions/ideas?
Originally Posted by iBlink

Real talk. This is one of the most thought provoking question I've ever been asked.

Once I heard a guy say that it could be done away with if schools stopped started teaching about the world's more darker past (ie slavery, wars, etc), and the logiv dude kicked made sense:

This is one of the reasons racism actually does exist because no one wants to talk about the darkest parts of American history, namely slavery.

In public school slavery gets a 2 page blurb in a textbook. And I doubt they even teach it in certain private schools.And if they do, its not the correctinformation

I learned about the middle passage and such from my white 6th grade teacher who brought in movies and books

because the materials and knowledge the school bequeathed to us was so inadequate.

Maybe if the people in this country would stop trying to hide the past and embrace it we would be more open minded
Anything besides an "ism" too much baggage with words with such a powerful suffix. Call it whatever we would like.
nope, u got racist parents passing on their racist thoughts/attitudes to their kids who eventually become racist adults, not all of these kids are dumb enoughto believe that way of thinking though, each one that looks past that kind of thinking helps us shrink the gap

but its never going to end
If racism goes away we will find something else to start hating ie ugly/ attractive, tall/short, fat/skinny.
Originally Posted by kix4kix

It will never end as long as we continue to call it believe in raceism.
or what he said^^
I think this is the closest we've ever been to deading racism.

I remember when Obama won the election... they reported something like more white people voted for him than any other president since Kennedy or something likethat.
No .

There will always be forms of it .

If it isn't race , it's another thing .
Originally Posted by DAYTONA 5000

If racism goes away we will find something else to start hating ie ugly/ attractive, tall/short, fat/skinny.
Seeing as how racism will NEVER go away we as humans already find other things to discriminate against
Racism will always be around no matter what. Their will always be that person that hates people for who they are and cause of their skin color.
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