Why Obama should not be President.

Originally Posted by PhillyPG1

He voted against banning partial birth abortion.


He voted against this particular bill because it didn't have provisions in it about situations where the mother's life is threatened. This wasdiscussed in the 3rd debate. Plus, partial birth abortions were illegal already. Know the "facts" big guy
My vote is def going to Obama... my only fear is that this election won't be honest like the 2004 election where the voting machines had been tamperedwith...
I don't understand what is wrong with helping illegal immigrants who want to make a better life for themselves and families...one day they can actuallybecome legal.
Originally Posted by Juve9ile18

I don't understand what is wrong with helping illegal immigrants who want to make a better life for themselves and families...one day they can actually become legal.
They broke our laws be coming in illegally, we should at least fine 'em before we give them the chance to become legal
Originally Posted by Forgot About Jae

Originally Posted by Juve9ile18

I don't understand what is wrong with helping illegal immigrants who want to make a better life for themselves and families...one day they can actually become legal.
They broke our laws be coming in legally, we should at least fine 'em before we consider letting them be legal

Fine them for what money?? Most of them come hear with nothing, in hopes of having a better life and eventually making some money
your cred went out the window when you said you are not leaning or are for McCain

you sounds like Lou Dobbs (aka closet racist)
Anytime I read the word Hussein in his name, I know what's coming after that... LOL
Originally Posted by Mister Friendly

Barack Obama wants to re-impose the failed and discredited Clinton Gun Ban
Really? People really need to automatic weapons like AK-47s? People need handguns but AK-47s no.

If you didn't know the sale of automatic weapons as been heavily restricted since 1934 and there has been no manufacture of automaticavailable to the public since 1986. Also the thing about the Clinton gun ban it did nothing to deter crime. The AWB banned cosmetic features on rifles likeflash hiders and collapsible stocks. Most gun crimes are committed with cheap throwaway handguns anyway.

Barack Obama supports gun owner licensing and gun registration
Is this a bad thing? You need a license and registeration for a car or motorcycle. You need to a license to sell real estate. You need to a licensing for alot things why don't you need a license for something that is very deadly? Guns are meant to be deadly or harmful. Why shouldn't you a license for it.

A lot of people disagree with this for the fact it would make it easier for the government to come and take them if they wanted too.
Mister Friendly wrote:

Barack Obama wants to re-impose the failed and discredited Clinton Gun Ban

Really? People really need to automatic weapons like AK-47s? People need handguns but AK-47s no.

If you didn't know the sale of automatic weapons as been heavily restricted since 1934 and there has been no manufacture of automatic available to the public since 1986. Also the thing about the Clinton gun ban it did nothing to deter crime. The AWB banned cosmetic features on rifles like flash hiders and collapsible stocks. Most gun crimes are committed with cheap throwaway handguns anyway.

Barack Obama supports gun owner licensing and gun registration
Is this a bad thing? You need a license and registeration for a car or motorcycle. You need to a license to sell real estate. You need to a licensing for alot things why don't you need a license for something that is very deadly? Guns are meant to be deadly or harmful. Why shouldn't you a license for it.

A lot of people disagree with this for the fact it would make it easier for the government to come and take them if they wanted too.

You may no valid arguments. So you mean to tell me we need semi-automatic weapons on the streets? for what? Guns are meant to kill!

About your point on licensing is nosense. That's like saying why do we need driver licenses,the police will know where we live to arrest us for speedingtickets. You need a license for almost everything:To sell alcohol,sell real estate,plumbing,bartending,hunting,fishing,hairdressing,amusement park operator andetc. But you don't need a license to possess something that can kill? These gun nuts
Because of your apparent display of advserity along with other right wing extremist who fail to point out equal if not worse issues that Mccain has voted forand/or against, I choose Obama. Not to mention how you emphasized his middle name. Only extremist do that (shame on you!)
Originally Posted by Oh YoU MaD

Originally Posted by early90s

If you are here illegally why should you reap our benefits when you aren't contributing to society? Driver licenses too?

Thanks to them, the food on your table is hand picked daily by them, and you are living in a nice house which they built
Thanks to them prices at grocery stores are low.. I would love to see you working in a field under the burning hot sun for 10 hours a day 6 days a week for $6 an hour...

why not drivers licenses? sure as hell would not worry about a hit and run because the guy didnt have a license.. he'd have insurance to pay for theaccident. i never understood why people were so against giving illegal immigrants licenses. plus, imagine all the money the state would be making. i understandnot giving illegals social security.. but a license? seriously?
I hate his position on firearms, I also do not agree with his policy towards illegal immigrants and social security. Despite these facts, I say again, I cannotsupport a man running for POTUS who cannot give high-fives. So I guess it's Nader in '08!
Originally Posted by Mister Friendly

Mister Friendly wrote:

Barack Obama wants to re-impose the failed and discredited Clinton Gun Ban
Really? People really need to automatic weapons like AK-47s? People need handguns but AK-47s no.

If you didn't know the sale of automatic weapons as been heavily restricted since 1934 and there has been no manufacture of automatic available to the public since 1986. Also the thing about the Clinton gun ban it did nothing to deter crime. The AWB banned cosmetic features on rifles like flash hiders and collapsible stocks. Most gun crimes are committed with cheap throwaway handguns anyway.

Barack Obama supports gun owner licensing and gun registration
Is this a bad thing? You need a license and registeration for a car or motorcycle. You need to a license to sell real estate. You need to a licensing for alot things why don't you need a license for something that is very deadly? Guns are meant to be deadly or harmful. Why shouldn't you a license for it.

A lot of people disagree with this for the fact it would make it easier for the government to come and take them if they wanted too.

You may no valid arguments. So you mean to tell me we need semi-automatic weapons on the streets? for what? Guns are meant to kill!

About your point on licensing is nosense. That's like saying why do we need driver licenses,the police will know where we live to arrest us for speeding tickets. You need a license for almost everything:To sell alcohol,sell real estate,plumbing,bartending,hunting,fishing,hairdressing,amusement park operator and etc. But you don't need a license to possess something that can kill? These gun nuts

Never did I say I agree with it but that is the counter argument some people use. Also nothing else you stated is a constitutional right like the right to beararms. Oh yeah and I'd rather have semi-automatic weapons on the streets than automatic
Originally Posted by Mister Friendly

Mister Friendly wrote:

Barack Obama wants to re-impose the failed and discredited Clinton Gun Ban
Really? People really need to automatic weapons like AK-47s? People need handguns but AK-47s no.

If you didn't know the sale of automatic weapons as been heavily restricted since 1934 and there has been no manufacture of automatic available to the public since 1986. Also the thing about the Clinton gun ban it did nothing to deter crime. The AWB banned cosmetic features on rifles like flash hiders and collapsible stocks. Most gun crimes are committed with cheap throwaway handguns anyway.

Barack Obama supports gun owner licensing and gun registration
Is this a bad thing? You need a license and registeration for a car or motorcycle. You need to a license to sell real estate. You need to a licensing for alot things why don't you need a license for something that is very deadly? Guns are meant to be deadly or harmful. Why shouldn't you a license for it.

A lot of people disagree with this for the fact it would make it easier for the government to come and take them if they wanted too.

You may no valid arguments. So you mean to tell me we need semi-automatic weapons on the streets? for what? Guns are meant to kill!

About your point on licensing is nosense. That's like saying why do we need driver licenses,the police will know where we live to arrest us for speeding tickets. You need a license for almost everything:To sell alcohol,sell real estate,plumbing,bartending,hunting,fishing,hairdressing,amusement park operator and etc. But you don't need a license to possess something that can kill? These gun nuts

Guns are a means of protection. The Founding Fathers put the right to bear arms in the Bill of Rights so that in case the Government decides totake over or do something of some sorts, we have some means of protection. The Government is eating up our civil liberty's every day starting with thePatriot Act, restricting us from bearing arms, well, they have complete control over us then.
either way i think people just ride obama to much because he wants so much radical change. i dont really want him to win because its un realistic.
He is willing to meet with Fidel Castro, Hugo Chavez, Kim Jung; and Mahmond Ahmadinejad, with no preconditions.

Maybe I'm just overlooking something or I'm just plain silly, but I don't' see how anyone, regardless of party affiliation, could think this isa bad thing. Playing hardball with countries and their leaders that we obviously arent in great standing with isn't the best thing to do.
Guns are a means of protection. The Founding Fathers put the right to bear arms in the Bill of Rights so that in case the Government decides to take over or do something of some sorts, we have some means of protection. The Government is eating up our civil liberty's every day starting with the Patriot Act, restricting us from bearing arms, well, they have complete control over us then.

The Founding Fathers believed in alot crap we don't believe in anymore. Stuff evolves. The Founding Fathers didnt believe in women or minorityvoting rights. If you told the Founding Fathers that from 1980-1995 the United States averaged 23,000 homicides a year they would say something needs to bedone. Actually since the 1990s when tougher gun control was enacted homicides have dropped to an average of around 16,000. The US has the highest homicide ratein the world among "first" world developed countries.

The Government doesnt need to abolish firearm ownership there just needs to be more required licensing ,registration and regulation. In fact I'm forconcealed handguns because at least you have to take a class for it. Guns for protection is fine but don't give me this bull about we dont need to licensesand we need to semi/automatic weapons.
The OP represents exactly the type of people i can't STAND onniketalk. Dude's trying to front like he's for neither side when you can CLEARLY see he's leaning on one side.
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