Why Does Feminism Scare You?

Seriously? 80% of divorces initiated by women tells me men are not abandoning their children.

2 parents households yield more successful, well adjusted children. What variables should trump that? Outside of abuse. Only selfish ones.

Feminist definitely promote independent "don't need no man" women but I guess it again falls into a define which feminist argument.

feminism bears some responsibility in the need of both parents need to work. If you don't understand that then you don't understand basic supply and demand economics.

Like others have said. Stereotypical expectations of men never changed with the movement. That's why I don't buy into that claim. They changed the expectation of women to dutifully and respectfully serve their man and household to more equally split that domestic responsibility but they still expect to be protected like children
My goodness... the misogyny...
My goodness... the misogyny...

90 percent of divorces are initiated by women but what circumstances led to those divorces. It's rarely women. Dudes want to wild out and treat women any type of way without consequences.

You're not being oppressed if you cheat or hit your wife and she decides to leave. #reverse misogyny.

Why won't she let me act any type of way.:angry:
Lol Osaka doesnt "dominate". Shes good, very good, but she doesnt "dominate".

She's young. Give her time unless she quits. She dominated the interest in the sport. I think people are looking for someone to fill Serena shoes. Hence the rise in Osaka popularity.
The top 10 highest paid tennis players is split 50/50 between men and women. Serena is #2 behind Novak.

Im not sure you understand how tennis players get paid. Or even know much about tennis, as Venus isnt even in the top 100.

Interesting, didn't know it was that close.

Also, how does the pay system work for them?

I come in Peace.
Seriously? 80% of divorces initiated by women tells me men are not abandoning their children.

2 parents households yield more successful, well adjusted children. What variables should trump that? Outside of abuse. Only selfish ones.

Feminist definitely promote independent "don't need no man" women but I guess it again falls into a define which feminist argument.

feminism bears some responsibility in the need of both parents need to work. If you don't understand that then you don't understand basic supply and demand economics.

Like others have said. Stereotypical expectations of men never changed with the movement. That's why I don't buy into that claim. They changed the expectation of women to dutifully and respectfully serve their man and household to more equally split that domestic responsibility but they still expect to be protected like children
-Just because they are initiated by women doesn't put women at fault. And that still doesn't cover the amount of fathers that leave who aren't married to the mothers. Naturally, women have a deeper connection with the baby since it comes from their own body, which in my opinion makes it easier for the man to abandon the child rather than the mom. Father's leave their kids all the time in an alarming rate, I don't know where you've been not knowing that.

-I didn't argue against your 2-parent household opinion, but I just pointed out that parent's can be ******(emotional distant, arguementative, abusive, conceited, apathetic, etc.) and single parents can definitely successfully raise a kid over a couple. Yes, a two parent household has a higher odds of fulfilling parental needs, but that doesn't automatically apply in every situation versus a single-parent.

-Nobody really needs anyone, that goes for both sexes and there's nothing wrong with that ideology.

-The economy determined that both parents need to work, that's not caused by feminism. The income/expense imbalance wasn't triggered by Feminist. Aside from that, both parents are fully capable of running the household if they're competent. It almost feels like you want to condemn women to being a stay at home mom which is an archaic way of thinking, unless you consider yourself inferior to women as far as maintaining a living-space.

-Men have been dominant through-out history and is still running the world. The way we have to change is by challenging the notion that women need to serve us. Humans are all fully capable of properly functioning in our society so neither gender show have predetermined "role" in society. A woman can be the bread-winner, a guy can be a stay at home dad, a woman can be a CEO of a big company, a guy can be an effective subordinate to a woman, woman can get periods and still be capable leaders, men can be outwardly emotional if they feel they need too, etc, etc, etc.

This gender role BS in some ways is holding us back as a species and the sooner we stop labeling each other and being more open-minded the better. That 1950s mindset is akin to a lighter version of Sharia Laws in the middle east and that needs to go extinct
along with people thinking that would effective make the world a better place, it's our hindering progress.
You also have to account for popularity. Serena is a more marketable player than any of those men. She increased the popularity and marketability of a sport no one used to give a sh*t about, atleast in this country.. Osaka did the same for her generation.

Not only do these players dominate but they bring in a lot of revenue for the sport and made it more mainstream.

Novak has won 3 of 3 majors this year. If he isn't number 1 then somethings up :lol:

In fairness Serena is doing great to be at number 2 considering she isn't currently playing at a super high level.

But yeah in terms of influence it's not close..... Serena has been transcendent for the sport.
Novak has won 3 of 3 majors this year. If he isn't number 1 then somethings up :lol:

In fairness Serena is doing great to be at number 2 considering she isn't currently playing at a super high level.

But yeah in terms of influence it's not close..... Serena has been transcendent for the sport.

Serena ain't number 2 in anything. If it weren't for her sister she would have far more medals than Novak. Aint nobody checking for Novak as far as soccer mainstream influence. Serena was getting in people's asses post pregnancy. I think she is the GOAT athlete.
Bdw Novak has won 20 majors vs Serena 23 for career. So as of right now taking the entire body of work into consideration

-Just because they are initiated by women doesn't put women at fault. And that still doesn't cover the amount of fathers that leave who aren't married to the mothers. Naturally, women have a deeper connection with the baby since it comes from their own body, which in my opinion makes it easier for the man to abandon the child rather than the mom. Father's leave their kids all the time in an alarming rate, I don't know where you've been not knowing that.

-I didn't argue against your 2-parent household opinion, but I just pointed out that parent's can be ****ty(emotional distant, arguementative, abusive, conceited, apathetic, etc.) and single parents can definitely successfully raise a kid over a couple. Yes, a two parent household has a higher odds of fulfilling parental needs, but that doesn't automatically apply in every situation versus a single-parent.

-Nobody really needs anyone, that goes for both sexes and there's nothing wrong with that ideology.

-The economy determined that both parents need to work, that's not caused by feminism. The income/expense imbalance wasn't triggered by Feminist. Aside from that, both parents are fully capable of running the household if they're competent. It almost feels like you want to condemn women to being a stay at home mom which is an archaic way of thinking, unless you consider yourself inferior to women as far as maintaining a living-space.

-Men have been dominant through-out history and is still running the world. The way we have to change is by challenging the notion that women need to serve us. Humans are all fully capable of properly functioning in our society so neither gender show have predetermined "role" in society. A woman can be the bread-winner, a guy can be a stay at home dad, a woman can be a CEO of a big company, a guy can be an effective subordinate to a woman, woman can get periods and still be capable leaders, men can be outwardly emotional if they feel they need too, etc, etc, etc.

This gender role BS in some ways is holding us back as a species and the sooner we stop labeling each other and being more open-minded the better. That 1950s mindset is akin to a lighter version of Sharia Laws in the middle east and that needs to go extinct
along with people thinking that would effective make the world a better place, it's our hindering progress.

The world is evolving and some people are afraid of being left behind. They want to MAGA us back into the dark ages where all you needed to be successful is being able to hunt.

Today's economy is driven by brains and generational wealth. Naturally men who have neither yearn for control wherever they can get it.
-Just because they are initiated by women doesn't put women at fault. And that still doesn't cover the amount of fathers that leave who aren't married to the mothers. Naturally, women have a deeper connection with the baby since it comes from their own body, which in my opinion makes it easier for the man to abandon the child rather than the mom. Father's leave their kids all the time in an alarming rate, I don't know where you've been not knowing that.

-I didn't argue against your 2-parent household opinion, but I just pointed out that parent's can be ****ty(emotional distant, arguementative, abusive, conceited, apathetic, etc.) and single parents can definitely successfully raise a kid over a couple. Yes, a two parent household has a higher odds of fulfilling parental needs, but that doesn't automatically apply in every situation versus a single-parent.

-Nobody really needs anyone, that goes for both sexes and there's nothing wrong with that ideology.

-The economy determined that both parents need to work, that's not caused by feminism. The income/expense imbalance wasn't triggered by Feminist. Aside from that, both parents are fully capable of running the household if they're competent. It almost feels like you want to condemn women to being a stay at home mom which is an archaic way of thinking, unless you consider yourself inferior to women as far as maintaining a living-space.

-Men have been dominant through-out history and is still running the world. The way we have to change is by challenging the notion that women need to serve us. Humans are all fully capable of properly functioning in our society so neither gender show have predetermined "role" in society. A woman can be the bread-winner, a guy can be a stay at home dad, a woman can be a CEO of a big company, a guy can be an effective subordinate to a woman, woman can get periods and still be capable leaders, men can be outwardly emotional if they feel they need too, etc, etc, etc.

This gender role BS in some ways is holding us back as a species and the sooner we stop labeling each other and being more open-minded the better. That 1950s mindset is akin to a lighter version of Sharia Laws in the middle east and that needs to go extinct
along with people thinking that would effective make the world a better place, it's our hindering progress.

Another issue with feminism... They are quick to say my body my choice. This is MY baby. I birthed them. I bond with them better than you. But then they have a shocked pikachu face when the man no longer feels connected. Both parents are needed to conceive. biology has given women more burden in the process but if that's to be used as leverage AGAINST the man, then it's not equal. Many men didn't want children to begin with and express that. But feminist aren't out screaming his semen his choice or his wallet his choice. Just like men EXPECT to pay for the date to entertain a woman and get laid. They expect to provide for their family. They aren't out abandoning kids in droves. Women aren't reporting all these abusive scenarios at the rate that they choose to leave relationships.

Again outside of abuse and infidelity, the child is better off with 2 parents. Emotional distance? Apathy? Go to counseling for that. It's not about higher odds.. A single parent household literally can't provide all the social and emotional needs of the child. Sure the child can make do.

If you guys want to abandon the nuclear family ideal as archaic Maga nonsense, that's fine. Say no one needs anyone, but the cost of raising a child and retirement vs. wages is really not supporting good outcomes and media and culture will have to shift to show far more depiction of that lifestyle as normal because kids grow up reading and watching content involving mom AND dad. Feminism doubled the labor force what do you believe that does for wages and benefits?

I've already said I could careless who the breadwinner is. Women should have the right to make equal pay. But men aren't naturally fulfilling domestic roles because they are still EXPECTED, to provide for the household and women select men with that mindset. Many men would love to marry a rich woman and stay at home. But would a woman choose to keep them.. Unlikely. It's women who hold onto gender roles. But only when it benefits them.
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Misogynists trivialize it. It's fairly simple.

Equal opportunities for achievement in various institutions including work force, education, politics etc. Which includes equity in funding.

Protection from historic actions of male aggression and microaggressions eg. (reproductive rights protection from unwanted advances, stereotyping)

I can see why these principles would scare some men though :lol:

And who are you to make that assertion? Because IMO all you're doing is pandering. And you lack the nuance to engage in such a varied discussion. In your eyes women can do no wrong and are victims at every turn in life. And when pressed on this subject you automatically draw the M card.
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And who are you to make that assertion? Because IMO all you're doing is pandering. And you lack the nuance to engage in such a varied discussion. In your eyes women can do no wrong and are victims at every turn in life. And when pressed on this subject you automatically draw the M card.

I'm not pandering to anyone this is a male dominated forum , I have nothing to gain. I just want women to be treated equally, especially in corporate America. Im not going to have that pseudonuanced conversation with you.

While yall are bickering about traditional roles and the problems with feminism, women have surpassed men in educational achievement in many countries and in many cultures. Get your sh*t together otherwise that nightmare you have of putting on an apron will come true. :lol: :smh:
Get your sh*t together otherwise that nightmare you have of putting on an apron will come true. :lol: :smh:

Let me know when women wanna lay brick and roof houses, I'll gladly throw an apron on and whip up some meals.

Women want equality in comfortable positions, they don't want it across the board.

Never in my life have I heard a woman complain about how men are treated in divorce court.

You want equality there as well?
Let me know when women wanna lay brick and roof houses, I'll gladly throw an apron on and whip up some meals.

Women want equality in comfortable positions, they don't want it across the board.

Never in my life have I heard a woman complain about how men are treated in divorce court.

You want equality there as well?

Honestly that's work is for peasants. Women want to be doctors, engineers, and CEOs. Doing back breaking work ain't it.

My man really said laying brick like it's a badge of honor.:rofl::rofl::rofl:

There are big sturdy women out there who could lay concrete of they wanted it. I mean I've seen some of the dudes who do thsr type of work and a lot of them look frail as hell.
Honestly that's work is for peasants. Women want to be doctors and CEOs. Doing back breaking work ain't it.

My man really said laying brick like it's a badge of honor.:rofl::rofl::rofl:
So you look down on people who do general labor? "Peasants" huh?

Yet you live in a house/apt, work in a building that was built by "peasants".

You really are a trash individual who thinks highly of themselves.
So you look down on people who do general labor? "Peasants" huh?

Yet you live in a house/apt, work in a building that was built by "peasants".

You really are a trash individual who thinks highly of themselves.

I'm just saying that's a horrible example of work "equality". There are jobs historically done by women that takes it toll on your body as well. Aint nobody aspiring to get housemaid knee. I'm talking about cush white collar jobs. Aint nobody fighting for equal rights to mine coal.
Honestly that's work is for peasants. Women want to be doctors, engineers, and CEOs. Doing back breaking work ain't it.

My man really said laying brick like it's a badge of honor.:rofl::rofl::rofl:

There are big sturdy women out there who could lay concrete of they wanted it. I mean I've seen some of the dudes who do thsr type of work and a lot of them look frail as hell.
This tells me everything I need to know about you. You have a massive disdain for men. At every turn you constantly down men to uplift women. We can all agree that women should be treated fairly, but not at the expense of declaring superiority over men.
“I don’t like feminism because (insert something that’s not feminism)”


Y’all boys are just mentally and physically weak
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