Why do us MEN get the short end of the stick?

**** I would've agreed lol....us not wearing a ring isn't gonna make me insecure about anything because I'll never marry a woman I don't fully trust

I would do a ring tat tho 
It aint about me trusting her. I got no prob wit that. She looks good so dude gonna hassle her. I cant stop that. But lets say 10 dudes wanna hassle her, maybe 2 will pass cus of the ring. TO me its worth it.

My wedding band all black. I went wit the stealth look.
Since I was gonna do it , it had to be dope to me. Im not into
flashy stuff. SIlver, plat, n gold and all that.

chicks stay giving me compliments on it.
hoors gonna hoor
Very cool....you've given me things to think about...and I wasnt even thinking about things...
I wouldn't date a girl that expects absurd amounts of money to be spent on a wedding ring. 
**** I would've agreed lol....us not wearing a ring isn't gonna make me insecure about anything because I'll never marry a woman I don't fully trust

I would do a ring tat tho 8)  
It aint about me trusting her. I got no prob wit that. She looks good so dude gonna hassle her. I cant stop that. But lets say 10 dudes wanna hassle her, maybe 2 will pass cus of the ring. TO me its worth it.

My wedding band all black. I went wit the stealth look.
Since I was gonna do it , it had to be dope to me. Im not into
flashy stuff. SIlver, plat, n gold and all that.
View media item 1310787chicks stay giving me compliments on it.
hoors gonna hoor

Funny you say flashy because I originally wanted that exact ring but with me being a tannish color, it actually stood out more so I just decided to go with the white gold/brushed aluminum color.
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Because we have the ability to smash yambs everyday and not get judged. Being head of the house is gonna come with responsibility and other things that are stupid

But even tho theres some things thats wack i wouldnt have it any other way.

Goin out with chicks and telling them what were doing >
It's time like these when I really appreciate the type of personality my girlfriend has.

Education-driven, not heavily into materialistic things, but still takes care of herself for me. Too hard to find someone like that nowadays :smh:
You a grown *** man aint nobody making you do nothing. Its something you want to do. Monatery value shouldent matter (as long as its in your means)its just supposed to be a symbolic way to tell her/him( i dont judge :lol:) that you want them till death. It doesnt gotta cost x amount for her to say yes. And if it does than you two have diffrent priorities
your fooling yourself if you think good women don't care about how much you spend on wedding + rings

A good woman is not going to want to start off the marriage in debt just for a fancy ring

My girl knows I won't be able to get her a baller engagement ring on a resident salary and it's not an issue
A good woman is not going to want to start off the marriage in debt just for a fancy ring

My girl knows I won't be able to get her a baller engagement ring on a resident salary and it's not an issue
what I'm saying is there are plenty of smart, sensible women that will be great wives in the long run...

But don't give a damb about going to ridiculous debt for the wedding...

Chicks wait their entire lives for that day and to them, it's worth it...
A girl that loves you is going to marry you regardless of what ring you present to her, that doesn't mean in her head she doesn't have a dream ring/wedding :lol:

See that right there makes me never wanna get married.  Its like a rite of passage where you sacrifice your balls for....Im still trying to figure out what exactly I would be sacrificing my balls for...

The grand scope of weddings is something I will never understand. Having a giant party isn't going to make me love my wife more and isn't a symbol of  love. We could turn the money that would be spent on all that into something else that'll actually, you know, be useful. But like I said, it is what it is. If it's what she wants, it's what she will get.

What's the point of girls having a Sweet 16? Bottom line is, a wedding is just another day a girl can say is hers and that's the biggest gift you can get ever give them.

I truly understand guys saying "I'd rather spend the money on something else for the future, house, etc.." but honestly, in the grand scheme of things, the $50K~ you spend for a wedding isn't much when you look back on it in a few years, depending on where you are in life. You can't pay for the memories of that day.
There are men getting screwed over in divorce court losing their house, car, hard earned money, and some times kids. I've heard horror stories of men losing everything to bum wives. Sometimes dudes are even paying for their ex wife's lawyer/ legal fee's. That's getting the short end of the stick and should be discussed yet dudes in here complaining about a ring...
^^ tbh. Women out here taking fools to the cleaners in court & the system just letting them flourish relentlessly.
What's the point of girls having a Sweet 16? Bottom line is, a wedding is just another day a girl can say is hers and that's the biggest gift you can get ever give them.
The greatest gift you can ever give your wife is yourself as a lifetime companion to grow with her, not a party.

I truly understand guys saying "I'd rather spend the money on something else for the future, house, etc.." but honestly, in the grand scheme of things, the $50K~ you spend for a wedding isn't much when you look back on it in a few years, depending on where you are in life. You can't pay for the memories of that day.
Tell that to everyone who's amassed student loans debt. At least they spent $50K on 4+ years and not a single day.
What's the point of girls having a Sweet 16? Bottom line is, a wedding is just another day a girl can say is hers and that's the biggest gift you can get ever give them.
The greatest gift you can ever give your wife is yourself as a lifetime companion to grow with her, not a party.

I truly understand guys saying "I'd rather spend the money on something else for the future, house, etc.." but honestly, in the grand scheme of things, the $50K~ you spend for a wedding isn't much when you look back on it in a few years, depending on where you are in life. You can't pay for the memories of that day.
Tell that to everyone who's amassed student loans debt. At least they spent $50K on 4+ years and not a single day.

How long you been married?
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