Why do us MEN get the short end of the stick?

That moment you realize its not about the ring.

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Simple find a woman that doesn't want all thay

You probably dealing with vain females and females who more worried about your wallet than your well being. Not saying they dont love you but it may not have even happened at all if you were a broke boy.
Not gon lie I dropped a nice piece of change for a engagement ring, now I'm adding wedding + wedding ring total and it's looking :x

I'm cool with just rocking a gold band .. I would appreciate a nice watch :smokin
I hate rings so I'm not rocking a wedding band....she better just get my a nice watch to rock

  • Sex change
  • Don't get married
  • Become a pimp... or Mormon

I hate rings so I'm not rocking a wedding band....she better just get my a nice watch to rock
I tried to get that deal wit the wife. She countered with, "cool, I wont wear one too." i wasn't lettin that happen. I told her I hate rings, chains, anything on me ( clothes too) tried to get a ring tat. She threw a fit.
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More women are gravitating away from this diamond culture, though. Antique rings and gemstones are growing in popularity; they're significantly less than diamonds -- which btw are not even considered a rare stone. That's why royalty used emeralds, sapphires and rubies as engagement rings. They know better.
The diamond ring is used because it is the hardest naturally occurring substance. I think two have been discovered that are harder, but they aren't shiny so back to diamonds. Diamond is supposed to last forever, not tarnish etc etc. That said most marriages end in divorcee now so i guess it's not a good symbol for marriage.
Do the knowledge.

As a man, I'm suppose to court a woman and all that, and at the end of the day, I'm supposed to go out and buy a $30,000 ring for you?

And then after that, buy a wedding ring for both me and you?!

Come on, B. What do I get? Why does the female get a big rock on her finger, and me, as a man who worked his *** off, don't get a damn thing??

Why are weddings surrounded around the woman? What about the man? Why can't it be a day for the man to look glamorous and stunt? Why is it always focused on the bride?

Anyone want to share some experiences or thoughts?
First, To answer the original question. Nature operates like that. There are very few species that the female works to get the male. Reproduction is half the battle in nature, and females have the only eggs. If it wasn't for the need to court and cater to the woman, men would not be the stronger, more physically dominant (and emotionally stable?) gender. So for that much you should be thankful for the thousands of years of evolutionary competition that you benefitted from.

Second, Weddings are becoming less and less the norm. If you were born 150 years or so later, you probably would have a much easier time finding a chick who doesn't need the ring and wedding. It's pretty much hanging on because of media conditioning, romantic comedies, and disney. If you can get hollywood to stop glorifying the wedding/knight in shining armor routine, it will only take a couple generations to end that nonsense.

Third, the reason all of the attention surrounds the woman is because they are the ones that need the emotional validation. Men who need that sort of validation would be vulnerable and naive and wouldn't be suitable to be the protector of their household/family/property etc. If you have had interactions with men who like to look glamorous and stunt, you'll usually find that those are the ones that can't hold their own when the heat comes down. You have to be able to stunt from within, so that no one knows what you're packing otherwise they might see you as an easy target.

Once again, the woman needs it. You are gonna go get it because you want 
I tried to get that deal wit the wife. She countered with, "cool, I wont wear one too." i wasn't lettin that happen. I told her I hate rings, chains, anything on me ( clothes too) tried to get a ring tat. She threw a fit.
Not even that serious. You should have taken that deal. So waht if she doesn't wear it. That means what? You passed up a damn good deal
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More women are gravitating away from this diamond culture, though. Antique rings and gemstones are growing in popularity; they're significantly less than diamonds -- which btw are not even considered a rare stone. That's why royalty used emeralds, sapphires and rubies as engagement rings. They know better.
The diamond ring is used because it is the hardest naturally occurring substance. I think two have been discovered that are harder, but they aren't shiny so back to diamonds. Diamond is supposed to last forever, not tarnish etc etc. That said most marriages end in divorcee now so i guess it's not a good symbol for marriage.
Do the knowledge.

As a man, I'm suppose to court a woman and all that, and at the end of the day, I'm supposed to go out and buy a $30,000 ring for you?

And then after that, buy a wedding ring for both me and you?!

Come on, B. What do I get? Why does the female get a big rock on her finger, and me, as a man who worked his *** off, don't get a damn thing??

Why are weddings surrounded around the woman? What about the man? Why can't it be a day for the man to look glamorous and stunt? Why is it always focused on the bride?

Anyone want to share some experiences or thoughts?
First, To answer the original question. Nature operates like that. There are very few species that the female works to get the male. Reproduction is half the battle in nature, and females have the only eggs. If it wasn't for the need to court and cater to the woman, men would not be the stronger, more physically dominant (and emotionally stable?) gender. So for that much you should be thankful for the thousands of years of evolutionary competition that you benefitted from.

Second, Weddings are becoming less and less the norm. If you were born 150 years or so later, you probably would have a much easier time finding a chick who doesn't need the ring and wedding. It's pretty much hanging on because of media conditioning, romantic comedies, and disney. If you can get hollywood to stop glorifying the wedding/knight in shining armor routine, it will only take a couple generations to end that nonsense.

Third, the reason all of the attention surrounds the woman is because they are the ones that need the emotional validation. Men who need that sort of validation would be vulnerable and naive and wouldn't be suitable to be the protector of their household/family/property etc. If you have had interactions with men who like to look glamorous and stunt, you'll usually find that those are the ones that can't hold their own when the heat comes down. You have to be able to stunt from within, so that no one knows what you're packing otherwise they might see you as an easy target.

Once again, the woman needs it. You are gonna go get it because you want 
The diamond is used in weddings NOT because it's the hardest but because it is THOUGHT to be the rarest.

Though not as common as other minerals diamonds are rather abundant.

The De Beers company in addition to operating several diamond mines began marketing them as the gem stone of choice and marketed them as the one true symbol of love.

You're right though 150 years ago no woman would want a diamond ring, perhaps some other show of marriage but not a diamond ring.

It's all marketing.  Combine that with the materialistic nature of most societies these days and it's near impossible to find a woman who cares about the truth of the situation.
1st who the hell is paying $30,000!for a ring unless your a doctor or lawyer or your family is just wealthy.
When I got married I bought my ex wife $5000 ring and I got a $3000 ring. Far as wedding just went straight to the court house and got married. Kinda glad we did too next week found out she was pregnant.
The diamond is used in weddings NOT because it's the hardest but because it is THOUGHT to be the rarest.

Though not as common as other minerals diamonds are rather abundant.

The De Beers company in addition to operating several diamond mines began marketing them as the gem stone of choice and marketed them as the one true symbol of love.

You're right though 150 years ago no woman would want a diamond ring, perhaps some other show of marriage but not a diamond ring.

It's all marketing.  Combine that with the materialistic nature of most societies these days and it's near impossible to find a woman who cares about the truth of the situation.
. In 1947, Ayer copywriter Frances Gerety penned the slogan “A Diamond is Forever,” a line so elegant and effective De Beers is still using it over six decades later. The slogan helped underscore the diamond’s significance as an enduring, unbreakable symbol of love, and the sales of diamond engagement rings shot through the roof. Within 20 years, 80 percent of American brides were sporting rocks.
Do the knowledge.

As a man, I'm suppose to court a woman and all that, and at the end of the day, I'm supposed to go out and buy a $30,000 ring for you?

And then after that, buy a wedding ring for both me and you?!

Come on, B. What do I get? Why does the female get a big rock on her finger, and me, as a man who worked his *** off, don't get a damn thing??

Why are weddings surrounded around the woman? What about the man? Why can't it be a day for the man to look glamorous and stunt? Why is it always focused on the bride?

Anyone want to share some experiences or thoughts?
Support equal rights. Woman's suffrage changed the game, changed the expectations in gender roles. We're not fighting massive wars or battling dinosaurs and wild animals anymore. There's no NEED for you to DO anything anymore. 

Respect their demands 
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1st who the hell is paying $30,000!for a ring unless your a doctor or lawyer or your family is just wealthy.
When I got married I bought my ex wife $5000 ring and I got a $3000 ring. Far as wedding just went straight to the court house and got married. Kinda glad we did too next week found out she was pregnant.
was it yours brah 
And not for nothing, a lot of cultures has the brides family coming out of pocket for the wedding/honey moon.

Also most women concede their family surname, that sucks for them.
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