Why do teams punt the ball on 4th down?

Originally Posted by jrp44

I mean in a close game field position is huge....You don't wanna give the other team the ball in your territory when you can pin them deep and rely on your defense to put pressure on the QB
This plus it also depend on the intensity of the game.
yeah youre right there team is stacked ... they sent 2 kids to play football in college last year, one went to army and the other was a feel good in statesigning at arkansas ...
Originally Posted by jerseymizzle

show me where i said anything remotely close to that. i'll wait..

you said they get "waxed" by "decent football programs", and while i admittedly have little knowledge of arkansas high school football, i would have to imagine that of the entire state, at the very least ONE high school would have to have a "decent football program", eventually playing pulaski in the state championship and "waxing" them. but the 2 state championships go against that theory.

what exactly is your definition of decent?
man when are you gonna stop speaking on ##+$ you know nothing about? your belief in this no punting +$$$%@%+ parallels the ignorance you displaywith your knowledge of state championships ... let me try to dumb it down for you ... in almost every state high schools are split up into divisions, usuallyclassified by some #A ... so there will be 3A, 4A, 5A etc... etc...

your precious pulaski academy is in league 5A ... which is all well and grand except theres a 6A east and west and a 7A east and west ... which means onleagues alone there are AT LEAST 24 teams playing at a higher level ... and if arkansas is anything like my hometown, these state championships dont includeprivate schools where some of the most talent is ...

so when you read pulaski is a 2 time state champion, they are a 5A state champion, not the state of arkansas state champion ... when you read that they are68-13, they are most likely 66-5 against their division and 2-8 against their non league schedule which consists of higher level teams ...

and last but not least, when you read about some "study" that uses data, be sure to not swear by it unless you know everything about the data that iscollected ... youre sitting here arguing your #$@ off gettin bent out of shape over something you know nothing about ...
a lot of you don't have the balls to take risks.

i guess taking the easy way out merits less criticism?
The Cunningham punt reminds of a play I had in NCAA '09. 4th and 10 from my own 1. They call an all out punt block, miss the block, the kick goes over thereturner's head and end up rolling all the way downfield and is downed at the 1. 98 yd punt. joint was crazy. lol
Just because their not in the highest division doesnt mean the quality of talent/competition is lesser. All it means is that their HS is smaller populationwise. State divisions have nothing to do with talent. Just the size of schools.
Originally Posted by NikeTalker23

Originally Posted by sonunox34

I coach junior high football and we never punt... but that's junior high. It's funny though, if it's more than 4th and 10 we just throw up a 30-yard interception... better than some kid shanking a 10-yard boot.

As far as the NFL, I think it's more a matter of playing it safe. No one wants to be the coach that lost the lead because he didn't punt. When it comes to multi-millions of dollars at stake, you better play it safe unless you're extremely confident.

Im sorry but that's horrible coaching.

How? We don't have any kids that can punt more than 20 yards... we're doing the best with what we have. The odds aren't that bad of gaining 10yards in junior high... I'll take my chances.
Originally Posted by trak1sh

The only way this logic works is if your playing madden..4th and 20 and converting a TD is the best
I hate ninjas like you.

A brotha would stop somebody for 3 straight plays....then on 4th and 16 they throw a 75 yard hail mary

Don't make no sense when you fools go for it in your own terriotry....and convert
Originally Posted by mogzz04

I knew someone was gonna ressurect this as soon as I finished watchig the game yesterday

Yup...just waiting for it.
Originally Posted by GuttaGetsBusy

Originally Posted by trak1sh

The only way this logic works is if your playing madden..4th and 20 and converting a TD is the best
I hate ninjas like you.

A brotha would stop somebody for 3 straight plays....then on 4th and 16 they throw a 75 yard hail mary

Don't make no sense when you fools go for it in your own terriotry....and convert
step your game up...

at this thread getting bump up
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