Why do people still eat McDonalds?




......i JUST finished eatin Mc's when i saw this thread pop up!!!

anywayz......its cheap, quick and right around the corner.......and it stays open 24/7 for them late night munchie runs

btw........i just had a #13 large with DrPepper........it actually taste like a burger from Applebees or Chilis...etc

It's cheap; it's almost everywhere; little kids still want that toy in their Happy Meals; and the fries are crack.

The McNuggets suck. Chick-Fil-a's nuggets are the only nuggets that I can eat as far as fast food goes.
Originally Posted by BallRN23

Originally Posted by KTaylor

Originally Posted by CB94

LIFE causes DEATH. Period. Might as well die living a little....
this seemed really deep to me...
Yeah, except it neglects one important thing: quality of life into and through older age. If you define "living a little" as eating crap, then enjoy "living".
It's funny that you actually EXPECT to live until old age. Who fed you that little fantasy as a kid? If people were EXPECTED to live until oldage, there would be more old people than young people. But it's not even close. The truth is, 6 out of 10 peoplewill probably die way before they ever saw it coming. Dying old is a fantasy that keeps us from worrying about impending doom and nothing more. It's justlike how EVERY little kid has a "when I get rich" fantasy. They never say "if", do they? Thereality of it is that the air you breathe is partially toxic and only contains about 20% oxygen at best. that means 80% of what you suck into your lungs24/7/365 may not be beneficial to your body. The water you drink is slightly contaminated at all times. These bacteria are by default immune to the watertreatments we use to sterilize our water (even lysol only kills 99.9%). These bacteria are multiplying and dividing and multiplying all over again all throughyour bottled water and taps. The soap you wash your body with is made from animal fat which clogs your pores and is bad for you skin. The very testosterone inyour blood stream will cause more stress on your body than if you were a female, which WILL make you die sooner than ifyou were a female. I could go on... The point is, you can try to delay death as long as possible, but you won'tdefeat it. So the only evident purpose of life is to find your own balance between running from death and runningtowards living, and I define "living" and "existing" differently. I want to LIVE my life, not just exist until it's over. If that means having a McChicken one a month, well damn, let me be!
It's always reaffirming (ayo) when you see the golden arches while you're in some foreign country.
Originally Posted by Gello 201

01/03/08....the day I swore off fastfood. But, now that i have stated it...watch me get twisted tonight and get like 6 big macs.
On the real, watch the movie/documentary 'Supersize Me'...you probably won't ever eat @ mcdonalds again.

This documentary is unconvincing. If you ate at any single restaurant anywhere for that amount of time per day you would get the same health issues that hedid. That guy is a moron. He singled out Mcdonald's because they are on top of the fast food ladder. f***ing idiot. I hope people aren't convincedenough to fall for this idiot movie.
It's funny that you actually EXPECT to live until old age. Who fed you that little fantasy as a kid? If people were EXPECTED to live until old age, there would be more old people than young people. But it's not even close. The truth is, 6 out of 10 people will probably die way before they ever saw it coming. Dying old is a fantasy that keeps us from worrying about impending doom and nothing more. It's just like how EVERY little kid has a "when I get rich" fantasy. They never say "if", do they? The reality of it is that the air you breathe is partially toxic and only contains about 20% oxygen at best. that means 80% of what you suck into your lungs 24/7/365 may not be beneficial to your body. The water you drink is slightly contaminated at all times. These bacteria are by default immune to the water treatments we use to sterilize our water (even lysol only kills 99.9%). These bacteria are multiplying and dividing and multiplying all over again all through your bottled water and taps. The soap you wash your body with is made from animal fat which clogs your pores and is bad for you skin. The very testosterone in your blood stream will cause more stress on your body than if you were a female, which WILL make you die sooner than if you were a female. I could go on... The point is, you can try to delay death as long as possible, but you won't defeat it. So the only evident purpose of life is to find your own balance between running from death and running towards living, and I define "living" and "existing" differently. I want to LIVE my life, not just exist until it's over. If that means having a McChicken one a month, well damn, let me be!
Wow. The ignorance is outstanding. Holding this attitude will more than likely lower the quality of one's (relatively shorter) life.
Originally Posted by CB94

Originally Posted by BallRN23

Originally Posted by KTaylor

Originally Posted by CB94

LIFE causes DEATH. Period. Might as well die living a little....
this seemed really deep to me...
Yeah, except it neglects one important thing: quality of life into and through older age. If you define "living a little" as eating crap, then enjoy "living".
It's funny that you actually EXPECT to live until old age. Who fed you that little fantasy as a kid? If people were EXPECTED to live until old age, there would be more old people than young people. But it's not even close. The truth is, 6 out of 10 people will probably die way before they ever saw it coming. Dying old is a fantasy that keeps us from worrying about impending doom and nothing more. It's just like how EVERY little kid has a "when I get rich" fantasy. They never say "if", do they? The reality of it is that the air you breathe is partially toxic and only contains about 20% oxygen at best. that means 80% of what you suck into your lungs 24/7/365 may not be beneficial to your body. The water you drink is slightly contaminated at all times. These bacteria are by default immune to the water treatments we use to sterilize our water (even lysol only kills 99.9%). These bacteria are multiplying and dividing and multiplying all over again all through your bottled water and taps. The soap you wash your body with is made from animal fat which clogs your pores and is bad for you skin. The very testosterone in your blood stream will cause more stress on your body than if you were a female, which WILL make you die sooner than if you were a female. I could go on... The point is, you can try to delay death as long as possible, but you won't defeat it. So the only evident purpose of life is to find your own balance between running from death and running towards living, and I define "living" and "existing" differently. I want to LIVE my life, not just exist until it's over. If that means having a McChicken one a month, well damn, let me be!
What's funny is your reply. "Older" age doesn't necessarily mean living to a 100 year of age. You talk about eating atMcDonalds and equate it to "living"....that's sad. How much have you strayed from nature that you describe eating crap that food scientists haveworked on rather than what nature provides for us, and call that "living". Have you looked around and realized what is going on? People are dyingof LIFESTYLE choices. Sure, we live in a much more toxic environment, but does that mean we should give up and knowingly do what is UNHEALTHY for us? It's not about delaying death, like I previously wrote. It's about living a quality life not riddled with heart disease, hypertension, diabetes,cancer, etc. You have clearly been taught that this is normal when it's NOT and you're telling me that I have been fed a fantasy as a kid?? You arevastly underestimating my knowledge/education with the tone of your reply.

For your information, I use soap made from all natural ingredients without all the chemicals in regular soaps, and do as much as I can to provide myself of ahealthy environment (physical, mental, food, etc.) conducive to better health. Health is not about a reductionistic paradigm in which you neglect all but oneaspect of what is required for health. That is where my frustration lies with many people. And nobody said that you can't go to McDonalds. You obviouslyhave the choice of eating there all day, every day, if you want.
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