why do Muslims don't eat pork??

Originally Posted by ady2glude707

One time I invited my muslim coworker to my bbq and gave him a pork chop but i said it was a steak and when he was finished eating it I told him what it really was and he started gagging and wanted to throw up

I cant even begin to describe how much of an immature jerk you are. I hope one of your homies bring over a trannie, lets you get dome and then tell you it wasa man.
Originally Posted by blackngold1z

Me fail inglish? Thats umpossable.

religions don't need a real reason to forbid or force you to do something because they are based on stories that are partly if not completely made up. byall means don't eat the stuff if you don't like it but letting some thousand + year old book tell you how to live your life seems a bit odd to me.might as well give up the internet as it is the creation of the "white man" smh at fools thinking stuff like this. yea, can't eat pork but youcan stone your wife to death because she was raped. great logic there. religion has some great guidance on how to be a good person, but the majority of itmakes no sense in the 21st century..
The "bottom-line" reason for the prohibition of pork consumption is simply that Allah has prohibited it. No specific sanitary or other reason is specified in the Qur'an or Sunnah. We do believe that Allah is al-Hakeem, the Wise, whose orders and prohibitions are not meaningless, but rather contain rationale and wisdom. Therefore, we can rest assured that, in the final analysis, the harms of eating pork outweigh its benefits, even if we have not yet learned or discovered the details of this.

That having been said, scientific research has discovered some health hazards related to pork . The following summary is extracted from a scientific paper on the website of the Islamic Organization for Medical Sciences:

"The more important and definitely proven hazards connected with the consumption of pork are the two parasitic zoonoses, trichinellosis and systemic cysticercosis. Both these infections can be life threatening and their prevention requires difficult measures including change of food. Of the non-communicable diseases attributable to pork consumption (food) allergy and liver cirrhosis have been shown to occur, though more work is needed to prove its aetiological role in cirrhosis. Consumption of pork and lard can give rise to hyperlipidaemia, constituting a risk factor in cardiovascular diseases. Furthermore, high pork and lard consumption in a low fiber diet would have a correlation with high incidence of cancer of the colon. However, these risk factors are shared by pork with other meats and foods of animal origin. Of the additives used in curing pork for preparation of ham, bacon, sausages, etc. nitrites could be a hazard as they are converted to nitrosamines which have been shown to be carcinogenic in animals. The exact risk for man is not known and nitrites are present in many other foods including vegetables and sometimes in drinking water. Pig breeding establishments can be sources of transmission of zoonoses to people exposed to living animals; these include leptospirosis (swineherds disease), brucellosis, erysipeloid and anthrax. Pigs may also increase chances of spread of balantidial dysentery and Japanese encephalitis. However, other meat animals can also act as sources of some of these zoonoses and of others which may be equally (or more) dangerous. Pigs can cause strong psychological reactions (e.g. disgust) especially when scavenging on rubbish heaps or wallowing in mud mixed with their own excreta."
[As of 03 March 2007, the entire paper could still be viewed at: http://www.islamset.com/hip/pork/Abdussalam.html

The Qur'an clearly prohibits pork, and informs us of its uncleanness or impurity:

"Say: I do not find within that which was revealed to me [anything] forbidden to one who would eat it unless it be or the flesh of swine, for indeed it is impure (rijs)." [Qur'an, 6:145]

Therefore, as believers, we believe and affirm, with conviction and submission, that the pig is unclean. It is possible that this includes sanitary uncleanness (it is said that pigs eat or wallow in their own excrement, for example), and the health hazards mentioned above. However, this does not rule a spiritual uncleanness, such that even if one hypothetically postulates a pork free of all microbes and adverse effects to health (indeed, some of the hazards can reportedly be eliminated or reduced), this would not justify making it permissible. Allah's knowledge is greater and deeper than ours, and perfect and all-embracing, whereas science is not all-encompassing, and is constantly changing -- new discoveries are made, old theories are abandoned. Hence, even if, hypothetically, we cannot discover any of the wisdom or rationale behind a particular divine injunction, this does not exempt us from following it.

And Allah knows best.


Source: www.sunnipath.com

Originally Posted by jibbycanoe

religions don't need a real reason to forbid or force you to do something because they are based on stories that are partly if not completely made up. by all means don't eat the stuff if you don't like it but letting some thousand + year old book tell you how to live your life seems a bit odd to me. might as well give up the internet as it is the creation of the "white man" smh at fools thinking stuff like this. yea, can't eat pork but you can stone your wife to death because she was raped. great logic there. religion has some great guidance on how to be a good person, but the majority of it makes no sense in the 21st century..
Originally Posted by jibbycanoe

religions don't need a real reason to forbid or force you to do something because they are based on stories that are partly if not completely made up. by all means don't eat the stuff if you don't like it but letting some thousand + year old book tell you how to live your life seems a bit odd to me. might as well give up the internet as it is the creation of the "white man" smh at fools thinking stuff like this. yea, can't eat pork but you can stone your wife to death because she was raped. great logic there. religion has some great guidance on how to be a good person, but the majority of it makes no sense in the 21st century..
I agree with you to some extent, since I am not religious. But, I know people who are not even religious or Muslim or Jewish, for example who areeven Christians, who gave up on eating pork but still eat other kinds of meat. It can be just a matter of choice and lifestyle.

On another note, nowhere in the Qur'an or true Islam does it advocate the stoning of women.
Originally Posted by TheSwoosh

Well, as a good friend of mine says:

"I'm not a betting man. But, if I were I would bet on believing in Allah. If I am wrong, I get to say I lived my life well and helped humanity. If I am right and live my life well I get to enter into paradise (god willing) and the unbelievers get sent to the hell fires. So the question is. Why would you bet against the Allah."
you must not have read the Quran.
it calls for women to be treated like animals
and Muhammad himself said "I was ordered to fight the people until they believed in Allah and his messenger"
muslims and the qurand divided people into muslims and non-muslims and called to fight others until they believed in what they believe
Actually it calls for women to be given a life of comfort and protection.
We are obligate to provide religious freedom for jews, christians and non-believers if we are under control in a country. They don't even have to serve inour military.
Actually islam divided people into believers and non-believers. Man divided people into muslims and non-muslims. The Quran says something to the effect of"Do not fight amongst your selves for it causes division.

Take some time and actually explore the Quran and decided for yourself what islam is really about.
Originally Posted by Lizaker4Lizife

Originally Posted by TheSwoosh

Well, as a good friend of mine says:

"I'm not a betting man. But, if I were I would bet on believing in Allah. If I am wrong, I get to say I lived my life well and helped humanity. If I am right and live my life well I get to enter into paradise (god willing) and the unbelievers get sent to the hell fires. So the question is. Why would you bet against the Allah."
you must not have read the Quran.
it calls for women to be treated like animals
and Muhammad himself said "I was ordered to fight the people until they believed in Allah and his messenger"
muslims and the qurand divided people into muslims and non-muslims and called to fight others until they believed in what they believe

i thought the quran was a peaceful religion. and that they are against murder.

Take not life, which Allah hath made sacred, except by way of justice and law: thus does He command you, that ye may learn wisdom.) (Al-An`am 6: 151) andAllah says in the Qur'an, (Nor take life, which Allah has made sacred, except for just cause. And if anyone is slain wrongfully, We have given his heirauthority (to demand Qisas or to forgive): but let him not exceed bounds in the matter of taking life; for he is helped (by the law)) (Al-Israa' 17:33).

yet they will fight and kill in order to make people believe in Allah. If the Quran is against violence how can terrorists claim that they do all theattacks (9/11, madrid) in name of Allah? isn't that contradictive?
Lizaker4Lizife wrote:
you must not have read the Quran.
it calls for women to be treated like animals
and Muhammad himself said "I was ordered to fight the people until they believed in Allah and his messenger"
muslims and the qurand divided people into muslims and non-muslims and called to fight others until they believed in what they believe

Where does it call for women to be treated like animals? Can you please provide some back-up instead of talking nonsense. I can guarantee you theQur'an gives women more rights and higher status than the Torah and the Bible.

You got that quote from where? As for your last statement, it is a bunch of B.S.
Originally Posted by Hazeleyed Honey

Lizaker4Lizife wrote:
you must not have read the Quran.
it calls for women to be treated like animals
and Muhammad himself said "I was ordered to fight the people until they believed in Allah and his messenger"
muslims and the qurand divided people into muslims and non-muslims and called to fight others until they believed in what they believe
Where does it call for women to be treated like animals? Can you please provide some back-up instead of talking nonsense. I can guarantee you the Qur'an gives women more rights and higher status than the Torah and the Bible.

You got that quote from where? As for your last statement, it is a bunch of B.S.

dont agree with it at all... but it happens all over the world.. that's why you also see 1 man with 3 or 4 wives

Men are in charge of women, because Allah hath made the one of them to excel the other, and because they spend of their property (forthe support of women). So good women are the obedient, guarding in secret that which Allah hath guarded. As for thosefrom whom ye fear rebellion, admonish them and banish them to beds apart, and scourge them. Then if they obey you, seek not a way against them. Lo!Allah is ever High, Exalted, Great
Originally Posted by TheYoungestGun

i thought the quran was a peaceful religion. and that they are against murder.
Take not life, which Allah hath made sacred, except by way of justice and law: thus does He command you, that ye may learn wisdom.) (Al-An`am 6: 151) and Allah says in the Qur'an, (Nor take life, which Allah has made sacred, except for just cause. And if anyone is slain wrongfully, We have given his heir authority (to demand Qisas or to forgive): but let him not exceed bounds in the matter of taking life; for he is helped (by the law)) (Al-Israa' 17: 33).

yet they will fight and kill in order to make people believe in Allah. If the Quran is against violence how can terrorists claim that they do all the attacks (9/11, madrid) in name of Allah? isn't that contradictive?

What is with your generalizations in the last statement?

Are terrorists even rational and representative to take as what the true Islam is? Most Muslims condemn their actions of using Islam as pretext of theirviolent and unjustifiable actions. They use Islam and twist it through their own interpretations as a political and ideological tool to pursue their sickeningintentions, which is no way at all what Islam is about. Extreme religious fanatics of any religion have done this when they resort to religion as a politicaltool to create an agenda.
Originally Posted by TheYoungestGun

Originally Posted by Lizaker4Lizife

Originally Posted by TheSwoosh

Well, as a good friend of mine says:

"I'm not a betting man. But, if I were I would bet on believing in Allah. If I am wrong, I get to say I lived my life well and helped humanity. If I am right and live my life well I get to enter into paradise (god willing) and the unbelievers get sent to the hell fires. So the question is. Why would you bet against the Allah."
you must not have read the Quran.
it calls for women to be treated like animals
and Muhammad himself said "I was ordered to fight the people until they believed in Allah and his messenger"
muslims and the qurand divided people into muslims and non-muslims and called to fight others until they believed in what they believe

i thought the quran was a peaceful religion. and that they are against murder.

Take not life, which Allah hath made sacred, except by way of justice and law: thus does He command you, that ye may learn wisdom.) (Al-An`am 6: 151) and Allah says in the Qur'an, (Nor take life, which Allah has made sacred, except for just cause. And if anyone is slain wrongfully, We have given his heir authority (to demand Qisas or to forgive): but let him not exceed bounds in the matter of taking life; for he is helped (by the law)) (Al-Israa' 17: 33).

yet they will fight and kill in order to make people believe in Allah. If the Quran is against violence how can terrorists claim that they do all the attacks (9/11, madrid) in name of Allah? isn't that contradictive?
It is, and that is a problem. I don't follow Islam, but I believe that no person should ever force their beliefs upon another individual. Youcan suggest them, but never force them. I believe that in the Quran, there is a verse that says to Muhammad something along the lines of "Convert peopleto Islam." Some extremists took that too far and began to equip their methods with violence and there came the modern day extremists.
Originally Posted by Hazeleyed Honey

Originally Posted by TheYoungestGun

i thought the quran was a peaceful religion. and that they are against murder.
Take not life, which Allah hath made sacred, except by way of justice and law: thus does He command you, that ye may learn wisdom.) (Al-An`am 6: 151) and Allah says in the Qur'an, (Nor take life, which Allah has made sacred, except for just cause. And if anyone is slain wrongfully, We have given his heir authority (to demand Qisas or to forgive): but let him not exceed bounds in the matter of taking life; for he is helped (by the law)) (Al-Israa' 17: 33).

yet they will fight and kill in order to make people believe in Allah. If the Quran is against violence how can terrorists claim that they do all the attacks (9/11, madrid) in name of Allah? isn't that contradictive?

What is with your generalizations in the last statement?

Are terrorists even rational and representative to take as what the true Islam is? Most Muslims condemn their actions of using Islam as pretext of their violent and unjustifiable actions. They use Islam and twist it through their own interpretations as a political and ideological tool to pursue their sickening intentions, which is no way at all what Islam is about. Extreme religious fanatics of any religion have done this when they resort to religion as a political tool to create an agenda.

you're saying Muslims are against violence right? yet mohammad does say that "I was ordered to fight the people until they believed in Allah and hismessenger"
muslims and the qurand divided people into muslims and non-muslims and called to fight others until they believed in what they believe.

how can you be against violence, but force a religion upon people by fighting them so they'll believe in Allah?
Originally Posted by theemcee0

judaism and islam originated in the middle east. plain and simple, there are no pigs where these religions originiated, vs., say, christianity, which originated in italy, or taoism, which originiatd in asia. both of these regions have pigs, and neither religions prohibits their consumption. as for mcdonald's all over the world, they're smart enough to change the meats to accomodate the demographic. india has lamb burgers. according to a teacher of mine, they taste exactly like beef, but since they aren't, everybody can eat em.
I think that McDonalds even sells some beef items in India. I doubt that they're popular, but I'm pretty sure I've heard that they do.
Originally Posted by TheYoungestGun

dont agree with it at all... but it happens all over the world.. that's why you also see 1 man with 3 or 4 wives

Men are in charge of women, because Allah hath made the one of them to excel the other, and because they spend of their property (for the support of women). So good women are the obedient, guarding in secret that which Allah hath guarded. As for those from whom ye fear rebellion, admonish them and banish them to beds apart, and scourge them. Then if they obey you, seek not a way against them. Lo! Allah is ever High, Exalted, Great
Again, polygamy in Islam is nowadays abused in ways it should not be. This law was implemented and done at a time when Prophet Muhammad and hisgentlemen, as well as their armies used to be at war. There were a lot of deaths of the male population and a lot of women were widowed, or left with no men tomarry. Hence, they decided at that time that one man can marry more than one, up to four, as a means of resource to care for the women of that local populationof that time. So, it was not as a means that any man can do it just because he can. It was under circumstances where women had not much choice to choose whomto marry to provide for them at that time. Also, it suggests that you cannot marry this number of women unless you can care for them and love them equally andjustly, which is nearly impossible. So again, the way it is done today is the B.S. way and it is abused. That law was implemented at a time for a certainreason. Let's not forget polygamy is also permissible in the Torah.

As for your second quote, you know how many OTHER translations you overlooked? Let's take this English translation from this man...
Dr. Muhammad Muhsin Khan
[size=-1]Men are the protectors and maintainers of women, because Allâh has made one of them to excel the other, and[/size]
[size=-1]because they spend (to support them) from their means. Therefore the righteous women are devoutly obedient (to[/size]
[size=-1]Allâh and to their husbands), and guard in the husband's absence what Allâh orders them to guard (e.g. their chastity,[/size]
[size=-1]their husband's property, etc.). As to those women on whose part you see ill­conduct, admonish them (first), (next),[/size]
[size=-1]refuse to share their beds, (and last) beat them (lightly, if it is useful), but if they return to obedience, seek not against[/size]
[size=-1]them means (of annoyance). Surely, Allâh is Ever Most High, Most Great.[/size]

So, now let's break down this verse...The Qur'an was written in Old Arabic in which words have many different meanings. One word can meanmany several things. In the Qur'an, the verse includes the word "daraba" and in this paragraph it is translated "to beat".However, it is not mean to "beat" in the literal sense. Infact, in this verse, the word daraba also means "to seperate". So, this is whatit should be. But, some will translate it in this manner without explaining further to what it should be or it means.

Hence, certainly, you have to look into the hermeneutic and political choices which went into rendering daraba for example, as beatingspecially when the Qur'an counsels love and mercy and liberality between spouses even if they hate one another. This is also the case with manyverses with words which posess many different meanings in the Arabic language. Usually, it all comes down to certain religious imams (usually men) who are theones that interpret some of these texts and twist it to fit the cultural's patriarchal society, when infact the Qur'an advocates something completelydifferent.

Originally Posted by jumpman247

What happens if you're muslim and you get the swine flu?

if Muslims ever come in contact like that they clean up right away...probably get away from other Muslims so it wont spread out..i think
Y'all would rather blow yall selves up than enjoy a BLT?


religions don't need a real reason to forbid or force you to do something because they are based on stories that are partly if not completely made up. by all means don't eat the stuff if you don't like it but letting some thousand + year old book tell you how to live your life seems a bit odd to me. might as well give up the internet as it is the creation of the "white man" smh at fools thinking stuff like this. yea, can't eat pork but you can stone your wife to death because she was raped. great logic there. religion has some great guidance on how to be a good person, but the majority of it makes no sense in the 21st century..

Your beliefs are based on assumptions that have no proof. Where does it say anything about demonizing the white man in the Koran?

When you say things like "you can stone your wife to death," your basing that off of the actions of illiterate and uneducated ruthless people, who inno way represent the majority of Muslims. Just because you see it on the news doesn't mean all Muslims believe in it. And that's because it isn'tcondoned in Islam.

you must not have read the Quran.
it calls for women to be treated like animals
and Muhammad himself said "I was ordered to fight the people until they believed in Allah and his messenger"
muslims and the qurand divided people into muslims and non-muslims and called to fight others until they believed in what they believe

If you can show me your sources where you show:
a) where it says in the Koran that women should be treated like animals and
b) where it divides people and asks them to fight

Then I would deem your post credible.

But I doubt you can. Islam was never spread by the sword. You simply cannot force someone to be Muslim against their will, it's impossible. Would you wantto be Muslim if I put a sword to your throat and made you convert? No. So you tell me how that works.
Originally Posted by TheYoungestGun

you're saying Muslims are against violence right? yet mohammad does say that "I was ordered to fight the people until they believed in Allah and his messenger"
muslims and the qurand divided people into muslims and non-muslims and called to fight others until they believed in what they believe.

how can you be against violence, but force a religion upon people by fighting them so they'll believe in Allah?
Again, that translation is taken out of context.

Did you overlook where in the Qur'an it says to tolerate and respect all other religions and that it considers Jews and Christians People of The Book? Youseem to be so quick quoting the Quran out of context in an effort to show that Islam promotes violence.

I can take the same type of translations from the Bible. For example:

The "wrath of God" is on all unbelievers. 3:36

All liars, as well as those who are fearful or unbelieving, will be cast into "the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone." 21:8

In Deuteronomy 13:6-16, the Lord instructs Israel to kill anyone who worships a different god or who worships the Lord differently.

In Luke 19:22-27, Jesus orders killed anyone who refuses to be ruled by him.

Hence, you need to know the history behind these passages and context in which it was said. You also need to watch out for translations. Context is important,and many of these seeming cruelties disappear when read as such. However, this would not stop a Christian terrorist from interpreting the Bible in a manner topursue his own sickening intentions when they deem it necessary to twist a religious justification for unspeakable horrors, as Pope Urban II did, for example,when he preached the First Crusade in 1095 or as many American preachers did when they used Leviticus to defend slavery.

Political and religious extremists have abused Islamic, Jewish, or Christian scriptures continuously throughout history. So, I do not know why you are soquick to blame it on Islam.

Most Muslims condemn violence. Infact, I come from a Muslim family and how come they do not interpret these passages as meaning to preach for violence??? Yet,you choose to take the views of extremist radical fanatics to be representative of what the Qur'an advocates for which is completely illogical and absurd.
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