why do black people ruin their career by attending a HBCU?

Originally Posted by Mdotte

Originally Posted by TrueBlack88

Originally Posted by Mdotte

Originally Posted by Ebonics

Originally Posted by HueyP in LouieV

Originally Posted by ACBboyz84

it's sad that majority of black people always feel inferior and insecure around white people.

These schools y'all claim are "diverse" are not diverse at all...they are predominately white.


International: 5%
African American: 5%
Asian: 17%
Caucasian: 50%
Hispanic: 8%
Native American: 0%

Where is the diversity you speak of?
well..every college execpt HBCU's will always be predominately white..if black ppl cared more about their education and less about gangbangin and rapping, we would have more blacks in these universities...and even so..50% white is better than 99% black

but on a serious note,im attending norfolk state in the spring(although im second guessing heavily after reading this thread)but i dont think your future depends on your diploma,and if indeed it should,i wouldn't want to work for that company anyway.I am in no way afraid of caucasian people and that wasn't my reasoning for applying to an hbcu.
Lmao, hahaha...

In regards to Norfolk, take a visit, if you haven't already. Talk to some of the students, don't rely on the tour-guide to give an objective opinion. Hell, add people on facebook from the school and talk to them. Thats the best way to learn about a school, HBCU or not. You know who you are and what skills you need to 'work' on to be the best prospective prospect to an employer you can be so go to the school that you feel comfortable helping you make that journey, be it HBCU or not. These are just opinions in here and everyone has one so don't be dissuaded against anything until you done your own checking. Good luck...

goods looks on the advice and the luck,i appreciate it...all my facebook friends are from norfolk state and none from my CC.They all tell me is a good school and just get's bashed by the public and from people that know people there,or people who came for the weekend and a situation went down.
No problem. Always glad to help a brother out...

Like I said, as long as you go take a visit, get a feel for the school, etc, then you'll be fine in whatever decision you make. A lot of schools haveimages based on public opinion - good and bad - that don't accurately reflect what really goes down at that particular school, so you gotta go visit foryourself. And as long as you like it, thats what matters. As you stated, you shouldn't let the reputation of the school define you as a person or a jobapplicant. You gotta let you speak for you and let your skills speak for themselves. As long as you go to a school that helps with those skills, you're atthe right school...
First off....I was not stereotyping you based off of the fact that you are a pig. I was simply making an observation based on the experiences that youdetailed in your previous post.

Secondly...you talk about not generalzing and stereotyping people....yet you label me as "pro-Black, me-against-the-world type"...without knowinga thing about me.

Who even told you that I subscribe to Huey Newtons ideologies?....But since you brought it up, claiming to have "learned from his teachings" andselectively posting quotes that have nothing to do with the topic at hand....heres what Brother Huey had to say about you and yourcomrades...

An occupying force was the description in case you missed it.....

You don't know my personal views on anything...but your "eager to prove yourself worthy" and "assimilation by any mean necessary"posts in this thread, surely do strengthen the popular sterotypes about black pigs.
Mayor you really should've spent more time in Long Island, maybe then you would feel more comfortable around other races instead of inferior to them.
Originally Posted by ProduccionFrescos

Originally Posted by Ebonics

the majority of the faces people will encouter in whatever career you chooses will be white. I think most black people know how to deal with each other but are uncomfortable dealing with other races, sending them to all black colleges does NOT give them the diversity that they need to deal with corporate America. i think that too many of our people are intimidated by whites because of the "keep it all black" mentality that some of us have.i can honestly sit here and say that anybody hiring students are going to chekc their college and see a non diversified school like a HBCU and not hire them based on that. because most likley the employer is going to think you cant deal with a diverse envionment and won't be used to other forms of people
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]C'mon fam[/color]
Originally Posted by HueyP in LouieV

First off....I was not stereotyping you based off of the fact that you are a pig. I was simply making an observation based on the experiences that you detailed in your previous post.

Secondly...you talk about not generalzing and stereotyping people....yet you label me as "pro-Black, me-against-the-world type"...without knowing a thing about me.

Who even told you that I subscribe to Huey Newtons ideologies?....But since you brought it up, claiming to have "learned from his teachings" and selectively posting quotes that have nothing to do with the topic at hand....heres what Brother Huey had to say about you and your comrades...

An occupying force was the description in case you missed it.....

You don't know my personal views on anything...but your "eager to prove yourself worthy" and "assimilation by any mean necessary" posts in this thread, surely do strengthen the popular sterotypes about black pigs.
There is no 'selectively' quoting Huey on anything. I quoted him on a very specific thing and it was factual. It wasn't out ofcontext, it was him talking about what happens when people abuse a certain philosophy, pick and choose it, and then, with that wrong mentality, end up doingmore damage than good for the 'cause'. From my observations of you, that is the case. I was immersed in this thread, intelligently, expressing myopinion with others. You didn't address the topic at hand, you came at me and asked, "aren't you a pig?". Right off the bat, you came at mein a disrespectful and ignorant manner. If you had something intelligent to add or say, you should have easily said it and we could have gone from there. Inthe adult world, when people have differences, they intelligently talk them out and even debate them. You, on the other hand, decided to use a derogatory termand thus there is no 'exchange of idea's, its simply two people arguing about something off-topic. Quite frankly, there's better ways of handlingthings in the world and I hope you figure that out eventually...

Second, I DO know about you. I know you from the post you've directed at me on several occasions. And thats fine that you have these emotions towards mebut if you do, just be a man about it and come straight at me. You're beating around the bush and calling me 'pig' this and that, but if youactually have something to say, say it.Your wasting time throwing names and dated-insults, but if you want to have an intelligent conversation, a higher-leveltalk, then lets do it...

Anyway, of 'what I know about you', I know you stereotype and generalize all police officers in the United States. If you stereotype and generalizeanybody, you're mentality is already flawed. You've already failed fighting for the 'cause' you so ignorantly try to represent. You have Hueyas your avatar and name-sake but maybe its Malcolm or Martin you could learn more from. They realized you can't simply lump everybody into one conveniantcategory. When you do that, you intellectually limit yourself. You seem a little too comfortable in doing so...

And lastly, just a hint, stop filling someone else's shoes. You've obviously read up on Huey and the Panthers and the whole movement and instead oflearning from it and applying it to present day, you've simply decided to take it and live it literally. Thats where you ultimately fail. When your tryingto fight your own revolution, you tailor-make it, you don't jack it off someone else. Huey didn't do that with Malcolm or Mao, Martin didn't dothat with Ghandi, they all made it their own. You can read as much history as you want, but if you don't figure out how to apply it to modern day, then youmight as well have not read it...


First off all...if you check the first page or 2 you will see that I made intelligent comments regarding the topic. I simply asked you a question about yourprofession....the way you interpreted was totally of your doing...

Secondly...I don't have any feelings toward or about you. I don't know who you are and have never wasted a second of my life formulating an opinionabout who you might be and how I feel about you as a person. I simply reply to the substance of people's posts...Sorry that you were so emotionallytraumatized by the term pig, thats just an interchangeable term for "police officer" in my vocabulary. I don't generalize all pigs but I do knowthe role of all police forces in inner city America and that is across the board. You can be the most well intentioned Marine in the world....you are still atrained killerat the end of the day.

And yes I have read material on the Panthers....but I have also read the works of Machiavelli, Rosseau, Steven Biko, Nelson Mandela, Frederick Douglas,Marcus Garvey, Malcolm X, Dr. Martin Luther King, Thurgood Marshall, Kwame Nkrumah, Karl Marx, Barack Obama etc. etc.

Where you fail...is that you see a pciture of Huey Newton in my avatar and you see the word pig and you automatically jump to conclusions about me as aperson and my ideologies. I admire Huey and The Panther's for their revolutionary spirit, ingenuity and their dedication to action....but much off theirphilospohies and action plans were flawed and flaky. I have my own views on the world, which is a conglomeration of all the things that I have learned andwitnessed thus far...but of course you know that...because you know all about me.....

You good now?
I read maybe 25% of the posts so far and I'll throw this in:

From what I've seen, attending two seperate moderately diverse universities, all colleges from the majority white to the majority black are trying to gaindiversity.

FAMU offered the world to my friend because he's hispanic and my white/irish friend was given a full ride to a HBCU in Georgia as catcher for the baseballteam (although its pretty rare to find a talented black catcher for some reason), and it was my understanding that these HBCUs were tyring to shed that"black only" label.

On the other side every university I've heard about has a program for minorities, giving them scholarships, social events etc just to attract them to thatschool.
Originally Posted by HueyP in LouieV



First off all...if you check the first page or 2 you will see that I made intelligent comments regarding the topic. I simply asked you a question about your profession....the way you interpreted was totally of your doing...

Secondly...I don't have any feelings toward or about you. I don't know who you are and have never wasted a second of my life formulating an opinion about who you might be and how I feel about you as a person. I simply reply to the substance of people's posts...Sorry that you were so emotionally traumatized by the term pig, thats just an interchangeable term for "police officer" in my vocabulary. I don't generalize all pigs but I do know the role of all police forces in inner city America and that is across the board. You can be the most well intentioned Marine in the world....you are still a trained killerat the end of the day.

And yes I have read material on the Panthers....but I have also read the works of Machiavelli, Rosseau, Steven Biko, Nelson Mandela, Frederick Douglas, Marcus Garvey, Malcolm X, Dr. Martin Luther King, Thurgood Marshall, Kwame Nkrumah, Karl Marx, Barack Obama etc. etc.

Where you fail...is that you see a pciture of Huey Newton in my avatar and you see the word pig and you automatically jump to conclusions about me as a person and my ideologies. I admire Huey and The Panther's for their revolutionary spirit, ingenuity and their dedication to action....but much off their philospohies and action plans were flawed and flaky. I have my own views on the world, which is a conglomeration of all the things that I have learned and witnessed thus far...but of course you know that...because you know all about me.....

You good now?
Lol, I mean, you laughing...it IS funny...

You didn't ask about my 'profession', you called me a "pig". So right off the bat, you start negatively. As you told me, you remember mefrom a previous topic. Obviously we had a difference in opinion. So, you held the grudge and carried it to this thread...months later. So right away, yourgunning for my head looking to start something. And thats fine, we can go back and forth all day, but don't try to be slick with it. If you want to have anall out conversation on the topic or whatever grievances you have, then lets do that...

And I never said I was traumatized, I never said it affected me, I simply said that you stereotype and generalize all police officers in the United States. Byreferring to me as a 'pig', obviously in a derogatory manner (and then the follow up defense of it, "to put your post in perspective") youhave already labeled and assumed me to be something. Thats not saying my feelings are hurt or I'm insulted, but thats just a reflection on YOU and whatYOU'RE working with. Me replying to you isn't because I'm getting mad or upset, I honestly just don't understand the angle your coming from,ESPECIALLY because it doesn't fall in line with the angle you seem to WANT to be coming from...

And I don't know what your "worldly" views are. What I DO know, once again, is that instead of allowing for us to have a more rational dialogue,you decided to confront me in a childish way which started this back and forth. For someone as well-read as you, having studied so many intelligent, saavymen...you sure do have an 'interesting' way of letting your feelings be known. You've called me a deragatory term, what, at least 3 times in thethread and I honestly have no true idea of why. Like I said before, if you had of came at me in the correct manner instead of this foolish beating around thebush, we could have avoided all this and talked like grown-men. There's nothing wrong with having different outlooks on life but when you take differencesand make them road-blocks, you waste everybody's time...

I'm good now...you?
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