why do black people ruin their career by attending a HBCU?

SBU is a top 100 university, of course i'd prefer that on my resume, being diverse is not what makes it look good on the resume. Other than that, choosingschools isn't a black and white (in the literary sense) thing for me. I never overly yearned to go to an hbcu, what i looked for was price/proximity andother factors.
You cannot be this dumb. You don't think we are taught how to deal with cooperate America at our schools? You don't think we learn more from ourprofessors who already experienced how to deal with the cooperate realm? My professors are some of the most successful people in Washington DC and most of themgraduated at my school(Howard). You need to thoroughly think things through before posting ignorance.
I don't think going to an HBCU will make a difference unless the employer is prejudice or racist. If you network you can basically get into any professionyou want.
Originally Posted by lnMyMind

Originally Posted by The Natural Mystic

You cannot be this dumb.
coming from a dude who said Bun B is better than Cam'Ron
I can see and understand where the OP is coming from. Instead of looking at his typos look at the message. And no he is not saying if you go to an HBCU you aregoing to fail in life but he is basically trying to say why not get to "practice" a few mins early if you will.
Originally Posted by Dr Spaceman

My favorite is someone telling me that themselves or another white person they know would've gotten the job, but a black person took it. And this was told to them by someone with pull in the company, hr rep/manager, something like that. If your connection is that deep that they're discussing hiring practices that they are not supposed to, why didn't they just give you the job?
because Sharpton, Jesse, and the Affirmative Action police blocked it, and were like, "Nope! You got a job opening? Here you go!" anddropped off an under qualified negro. I mean that's how Affirmative Action works right?

And the OP started this topic, based on Howard University? You serious? Look up Howard University's job placement record and success of grads. I would haveassumed your inspiration was one of the bad ones like Delaware State or Fort Valley, but Howard? Puff Daddy disapproves of this topic vehemently.

This has to be one of the most ignorant statements i have ever heard of. I attend a PWI, but i would never discredit anyone that goes to an HBCU. Many of themare on par or even better than some of your PWI's. I know plenty of successful people that have come out of HBCU's, and guess what they know how totalk to white people. (amazing right)

Speaking from personal experience just because you go to a PWI doesn't mean your diversified. You don't walk around campus seeing mixed crews of peoplewith everyone just intermingling. People still pretty much stick to their comfort zone and what they know. People still seperate themselves

All in all its a personal choice and if you feel you'll do better at a PWI then go for it......PWI = Predominantly White Institution
Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

I can see and understand where the OP is coming from. Instead of looking at his typos look at the message. And no he is not saying if you go to an HBCU you are going to fail in life but he is basically trying to say why not get to "practice" a few mins early if you will.

Practice what?

Being a minstrel?
well my school is accredited so its w/e...

but i can relate/get along w/ all races....i never really had that problem and i dont think me going to one will ruin that....
Originally Posted by SJ108

This has to be one of the most ignorant statements i have ever heard of. I attend a PWI, but i would never discredit anyone that goes to an HBCU. Many of them are on par or even better than some of your PWI's. I know plenty of successful people that have come out of HBCU's, and guess what they know how to talk to white people. (amazing right)

Speaking from personal experience just because you go to a PWI doesn't mean your diversified. You don't walk around campus seeing mixed crews of people with everyone just intermingling. People still pretty much stick to their comfort zone and what they know. People still seperate themselves

All in all its a personal choice and if you feel you'll do better at a PWI then go for it......PWI = Predominantly White Institution

Please read again, and notice the OPs intent...he is not saying that employers will discredit your education...heis saying that people that go to these institutions just to be around people like themselves are hurting themselves...like I said b4 in this thread...when youshut yourself out from a certain type of people then you ruin the ability to relate to this certain type of people when the time comes.....this happenseveryday in the real world...much in the reverse of this topic.....put a person from a PWI into a situation where he mainly deals with Black people on his/herlevel and see how damn uncomfortable he becomes...I've seen it many a time
Originally Posted by TD The God

Originally Posted by SJ108

This has to be one of the most ignorant statements i have ever heard of. I attend a PWI, but i would never discredit anyone that goes to an HBCU. Many of them are on par or even better than some of your PWI's. I know plenty of successful people that have come out of HBCU's, and guess what they know how to talk to white people. (amazing right)

Speaking from personal experience just because you go to a PWI doesn't mean your diversified. You don't walk around campus seeing mixed crews of people with everyone just intermingling. People still pretty much stick to their comfort zone and what they know. People still seperate themselves

All in all its a personal choice and if you feel you'll do better at a PWI then go for it......PWI = Predominantly White Institution

Please read again, and notice the OPs intent...he is not saying that employers will discredit your education...he is saying that people that go to these institutions just to be around people like themselves are hurting themselves...like I said b4 in this thread...when you shut yourself out from a certain type of people then you ruin the ability to relate to this certain type of people when the time comes.....this happens everyday in the real world...much in the reverse of this topic.....put a person from a PWI into a situation where he mainly deals with Black people on his/her level and see how damn uncomfortable he becomes...I've seen it many a time
Why are you so adamant in defending the op? This thread is stupid and he does not know what he is talking about.
Originally Posted by mdresident

Originally Posted by TD The God

Originally Posted by SJ108

This has to be one of the most ignorant statements i have ever heard of. I attend a PWI, but i would never discredit anyone that goes to an HBCU. Many of them are on par or even better than some of your PWI's. I know plenty of successful people that have come out of HBCU's, and guess what they know how to talk to white people. (amazing right)

Speaking from personal experience just because you go to a PWI doesn't mean your diversified. You don't walk around campus seeing mixed crews of people with everyone just intermingling. People still pretty much stick to their comfort zone and what they know. People still seperate themselves

All in all its a personal choice and if you feel you'll do better at a PWI then go for it......PWI = Predominantly White Institution

Please read again, and notice the OPs intent...he is not saying that employers will discredit your education...he is saying that people that go to these institutions just to be around people like themselves are hurting themselves...like I said b4 in this thread...when you shut yourself out from a certain type of people then you ruin the ability to relate to this certain type of people when the time comes.....this happens everyday in the real world...much in the reverse of this topic.....put a person from a PWI into a situation where he mainly deals with Black people on his/her level and see how damn uncomfortable he becomes...I've seen it many a time
Why are you so adamant in defending the op? This thread is stupid and he does not know what he is talking about.
elitist attitude. you are acting as if your opinion is fact..calm down..you seem mad..welcome to america..there are different ways to view thingsin life..the way YOU see things isnt always the way others will..IMO I think that going to an HBCU can hinder your career..thats my opinion..respect it
Originally Posted by TD The God

Originally Posted by SJ108

This has to be one of the most ignorant statements i have ever heard of. I attend a PWI, but i would never discredit anyone that goes to an HBCU. Many of them are on par or even better than some of your PWI's. I know plenty of successful people that have come out of HBCU's, and guess what they know how to talk to white people. (amazing right)

Speaking from personal experience just because you go to a PWI doesn't mean your diversified. You don't walk around campus seeing mixed crews of people with everyone just intermingling. People still pretty much stick to their comfort zone and what they know. People still seperate themselves

All in all its a personal choice and if you feel you'll do better at a PWI then go for it......PWI = Predominantly White Institution

Please read again, and notice the OPs intent...he is not saying that employers will discredit your education...he is saying that people that go to these institutions just to be around people like themselves are hurting themselves...like I said b4 in this thread...when you shut yourself out from a certain type of people then you ruin the ability to relate to this certain type of people when the time comes.....this happens everyday in the real world...much in the reverse of this topic.....put a person from a PWI into a situation where he mainly deals with Black people on his/her level and see how damn uncomfortable he becomes...I've seen it many a time
I understand his intent and do agree that if that's all your going for is to be around black people that's stupid. Go to a school becauseof the level of education your gonna get.

The way you switched the situation around i can see how that would happen in some cases. I've only seen this with the people that have fully assimilated,tokens if you will. But like i said i attend a PWI and I was at NC A&T's homecoming yesterday and not once did i feel uncomfortable. I felt right athome.
Originally Posted by Ebonics

Originally Posted by mdresident

Originally Posted by TD The God

Originally Posted by SJ108

This has to be one of the most ignorant statements i have ever heard of. I attend a PWI, but i would never discredit anyone that goes to an HBCU. Many of them are on par or even better than some of your PWI's. I know plenty of successful people that have come out of HBCU's, and guess what they know how to talk to white people. (amazing right)

Speaking from personal experience just because you go to a PWI doesn't mean your diversified. You don't walk around campus seeing mixed crews of people with everyone just intermingling. People still pretty much stick to their comfort zone and what they know. People still seperate themselves

All in all its a personal choice and if you feel you'll do better at a PWI then go for it......PWI = Predominantly White Institution

Please read again, and notice the OPs intent...he is not saying that employers will discredit your education...he is saying that people that go to these institutions just to be around people like themselves are hurting themselves...like I said b4 in this thread...when you shut yourself out from a certain type of people then you ruin the ability to relate to this certain type of people when the time comes.....this happens everyday in the real world...much in the reverse of this topic.....put a person from a PWI into a situation where he mainly deals with Black people on his/her level and see how damn uncomfortable he becomes...I've seen it many a time
Why are you so adamant in defending the op? This thread is stupid and he does not know what he is talking about.
elitist attitude. you are acting as if your opinion is fact..calm down..you seem mad..welcome to america..there are different ways to view things in life..the way YOU see things isnt always the way others will..IMO I think that going to an HBCU can hinder your career..thats my opinion..respect it
No, why would i respect something that isn't true? You simply came up with an idea that going to an HBCU can ruin one's career with noreal evidence. Show me some evidence. Show me how you came up with this ridiculous opinion. If you come up with something reasonable i might respect youropinion.
if you are an employer in a business atmosphere..and theres two black guys applying for the same position with the same credientials and everything..are yougoing to hire the guy who came from howard or the other guy who came from a diversified school?...heres the perk/catch..you are a WHITE employer
^Howard is a very prestigous school...so that right there throws your argument out the window.
thats one crazy generalization by the op. traditionally black schools and their enrollment has nothing to do with "keeping it all Black" as you say,most of the time its because they have alumni in the family or members of their family which never got a chance to go and live through their kids in thatsense. Its more of prestige, and not to "keep it all black".
possibly off topic but your thought process echos that of these recent youtube videos from the republican rallies. Seems like the boldest people on themicrophone are usually the least informed on the specific topic.
Originally Posted by Ebonics

if you are an employer in a business atmosphere..and theres two black guys applying for the same position with the same credientials and everything..are you going to hire the guy who came from howard or the other guy who came from a diversified school?...heres the perk/catch..you are a WHITE employer
I'm not white, so i can't put myself in that position. But if that is the case, than i would just be a racist and would not hire eitherof them. right?
I go to a HBCU ( bowie state university) and i HATE it....There is little to no diversity
A bunch of ignorant black folks....a degree from this school wouldn't be looked at highly by an employer
I would recommend that if you plan to go to a HBCU go to howard or hampton otherwise DONT GO to one.
Originally Posted by Ebonics

if you are an employer in a business atmosphere..and theres two black guys applying for the same position with the same credientials and everything..are you going to hire the guy who came from howard or the other guy who came from a diversified school?...heres the perk/catch..you are a WHITE employer

1) This is you:


2) It's quite clear that you feel inferior to white people.

3) I wish I woulda went to a HBCU.
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