why do black people ruin their career by attending a HBCU?

Originally Posted by ProduccionFrescos

Originally Posted by Ebonics

the majority of the faces people will encouter in whatever career you chooses will be white. I think most black people know how to deal with each other but are uncomfortable dealing with other races, sending them to all black colleges does NOT give them the diversity that they need to deal with corporate America. i think that too many of our people are intimidated by whites because of the "keep it all black" mentality that some of us have.i can honestly sit here and say that anybody hiring students are going to chekc their college and see a non diversified school like a HBCU and not hire them based on that. because most likley the employer is going to think you cant deal with a diverse envionment and won't be used to other forms of people
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]C'mon fam[/color]

Dude never has anything useful to add to a post....so dude was typing fast and didn't complete a fewwords...this GUY....

And to add...I would NEVER go to a HBCU nor would I go to a religious school...I mean, I want to submerge myself into the real working class world, then I willsubmerge myself into something (a school) that mimics the working white collar world...

As a black man, I find it much easier to work with black people...to be honest, when I deal with other races I always have that thought in the back of my mindthat I am being looked at less qualified due to my skin color....off tangent a little - but I think you all will get my drift....you have to step out of yourboundaries a little as a black person in America if you are trying to make it in this racially ruled society we live in....blah blah blah
Post secondary education will broaden your horizons and expose you to new things no matter what you choose. I don't go to an hbcu, but i know successfulpeople who did, namely NSU who had no issue integrating into the corporate world. Unlike a major non HBCU, their curriculum is focused on the very question youasked, helping young black persons(and others since its more diverse now) be successful in the world regardless of where they are. You think they teach thatdarkies stay with darkies over there? you make me cringe everytime you try to start a serious discussion.

Yo my bad i realize im goin hard on you just cuz you the mayor and you have a history of stupidity.
Originally Posted by TD The God

Originally Posted by ProduccionFrescos

Originally Posted by Ebonics

the majority of the faces people will encouter in whatever career you chooses will be white. I think most black people know how to deal with each other but are uncomfortable dealing with other races, sending them to all black colleges does NOT give them the diversity that they need to deal with corporate America. i think that too many of our people are intimidated by whites because of the "keep it all black" mentality that some of us have.i can honestly sit here and say that anybody hiring students are going to chekc their college and see a non diversified school like a HBCU and not hire them based on that. because most likley the employer is going to think you cant deal with a diverse envionment and won't be used to other forms of people
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]C'mon fam[/color]

Dude never has anything useful to add to a post....so dude was typing fast and didn't complete a few words...this GUY....

And to add...I would NEVER go to a HBCU nor would I go to a religious school...I mean, I want to submerge myself into the real working class world, then I will submerge myself into something (a school) that mimics the working white collar world...

As a black man, I find it much easier to work with black people...to be honest, when I deal with other races I always have that thought in the back of my mind that I am being looked at less qualified due to my skin color....off tangent a little - but I think you all will get my drift....you have to step out of your boundaries a little as a black person in America if you are trying to make it in this racially ruled society we live in....blah blah blah
well written
Originally Posted by potus2028

Lets be real? Lets. Where else can you obtain a quality education while discovering things about your history and heritage that you would never learn otherwise? I'm not a big proponent of college in general, but 2 say that an HBCU is somehow inherently inferior is ludicrous. The best professors at any HBCU are among the best anywhere. Now, if all you wanna get out of it is a all-black comfort zone, that's exactly what you'll get...but you could get that at Temple or Duke or USC or any otha college if that's what you detemined 2 get. The point is, an HBCU diploma is worth absolutely no more or less than any other university of similar size, prestige and scope.

Oh, and in a few years, white folk will indeed be the minority. Just sayin.
You guys are missing the point - white people run the business world - they may be the minority interms of population, but they are the majority on wall street, they run the majority of law firms, engineering firms, real estate...etc...

Edit - and he isnt saying that the colleges nor the education is bad ....we're just saying that the fact that you only deal with people like yourself canbe detrimental to your future....and another thing...I'm so against segregation - it just isn't a good thing, never was and never will be....and thoseexclusively white schools...*%!% them too....those people there don't care about us anyhow
Originally Posted by TD The God

Originally Posted by ProduccionFrescos

Originally Posted by Ebonics

the majority of the faces people will encouter in whatever career you chooses will be white. I think most black people know how to deal with each other but are uncomfortable dealing with other races, sending them to all black colleges does NOT give them the diversity that they need to deal with corporate America. i think that too many of our people are intimidated by whites because of the "keep it all black" mentality that some of us have.i can honestly sit here and say that anybody hiring students are going to chekc their college and see a non diversified school like a HBCU and not hire them based on that. because most likley the employer is going to think you cant deal with a diverse envionment and won't be used to other forms of people
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]C'mon fam[/color]

Dude never has anything useful to add to a post....so dude was typing fast and didn't complete a few words...this GUY....
Going to an HBCU isn't "ruining your career," and this is coming from a black sophomore at the University of Michigan who didn't evenconsider applying to an HBCU. The opportunities that many HBCU's offer are exclusive to graduates of HBCU's, and that can't be replicated forgraduates of "predominantly white" universities and LAC's.
Originally Posted by mdresident

Your not too bright are you?
...i dont care for grammar errors or whatever..but dont call someone elsenot too bright and make a grammatical error
Originally Posted by TD The God

Originally Posted by potus2028

Lets be real? Lets. Where else can you obtain a quality education while discovering things about your history and heritage that you would never learn otherwise? I'm not a big proponent of college in general, but 2 say that an HBCU is somehow inherently inferior is ludicrous. The best professors at any HBCU are among the best anywhere. Now, if all you wanna get out of it is a all-black comfort zone, that's exactly what you'll get...but you could get that at Temple or Duke or USC or any otha college if that's what you detemined 2 get. The point is, an HBCU diploma is worth absolutely no more or less than any other university of similar size, prestige and scope.

Oh, and in a few years, white folk will indeed be the minority. Just sayin.
You guys are missing the point - white people run this business world - they may be the minority in terms of population, but they are the majority on wall street, they run the majority of law firms, engineering firms, real estate...etc...
thats quite obvious, we know this. The point you guys are missing is that attending an hbcu does not put you at a disadvantage. They werecreated to put confident young black men out there in that white dominated world. It doesn't make sense that you think this will be their first and onlyexperience with white people, and that their such an enigma that you're gonna be stutterin' and stammerin'.

Oh I went to SBU too mayor, make the best of it, it'll get boring at times, but you won't know what you got till its gone. Smash indiscriminantly.
If black people represent 13% of the population, and you have been alive about 18 yrs by the time you go to college, do you truly believe that black people atHBCUs don't know how to and have no experience with diversity? And furthermore, again people overestimate the difference between interacting with a blackperson versus a white person, particularly in a business setting where the parameters are pretty set in stone as far as what is acceptable and not. I said thesame thing last time, but it's like you believe we'll show up to a corporate interview in a G Unit velour and try to give the HR person daps andhandpounds instead of a handshake.
Originally Posted by TD The God

You guys are missing the point - white people run this business world - they may be the minority in terms of population, but they are the majority on wall street, they run the majority of law firms, engineering firms, real estate...etc...
But what does that have to do with the value of a degree at an accredited HBCU versus a degree at any other accredited university? Nothing atall. Either or will get you in the door, provided you have networked appropriately (which is arguably more important than the degree).
Originally Posted by Dr Spaceman

Originally Posted by TD The God

Originally Posted by potus2028

Lets be real? Lets. Where else can you obtain a quality education while discovering things about your history and heritage that you would never learn otherwise? I'm not a big proponent of college in general, but 2 say that an HBCU is somehow inherently inferior is ludicrous. The best professors at any HBCU are among the best anywhere. Now, if all you wanna get out of it is a all-black comfort zone, that's exactly what you'll get...but you could get that at Temple or Duke or USC or any otha college if that's what you detemined 2 get. The point is, an HBCU diploma is worth absolutely no more or less than any other university of similar size, prestige and scope.

Oh, and in a few years, white folk will indeed be the minority. Just sayin.
You guys are missing the point - white people run this business world - they may be the minority in terms of population, but they are the majority on wall street, they run the majority of law firms, engineering firms, real estate...etc...
thats quite obvious, we know this. The point you guys are missing is that attending an hbcu does not put you at a disadvantage. They were created to put confident young black men out there in that white dominated world. It doesn't make sense that you think this will be their first and only experience with white people, and that their such an enigma that you're gonna be stutterin' and stammerin'.

Oh I went to SBU too mayor, make the best of it, it'll get boring at times, but you won't know what you got till its gone. Smash indiscriminantly.
thats many years ago..its 08' now..dont you think these HBCU's are no longer needed?..and yea..i heard SBU was boring as hell..but theyhave a very good bio program..
Originally Posted by Ebonics

Originally Posted by mdresident

Your not too bright are you?
...i dont care for grammar errors or whatever..but dont call someone else not too bright and make a grammatical error
I was not referring to your grammar.
Your threadis stupid and has no credibility. Show me statistics on how you know that attending an HBCU "ruins careers." YOU'RE full of crap.
Originally Posted by mdresident

Originally Posted by Ebonics

Originally Posted by mdresident

Your not too bright are you?
...i dont care for grammar errors or whatever..but dont call someone else not too bright and make a grammatical error
I was not referring to your grammar.
Your thread is stupid and has no credibility. Show me statistics on how you know that attending an HBCU "ruins careers." YOU'RE full of crap.
They were created to put confident young black men out there in that white dominated world

Not quite. It was more to give everybody an equal opportunity to a quality education which included blacks, Native Americans, women, and even white people whocouldn't afford to get into the more pretentious universities like UM.
No, it's today, their procedures still stand. And the H stands for Historically, as they know its no longer necessary to have an all black school that wasbuilt out of necessity. All are welcome to attend, but due to the history, its still predominantly black. What would you have them do to shake the hbcu image?nothing, there's nothing they can do, and i wouldn't have it any other way. Those who forget history are doomed to repeat it.

Originally Posted by DatZNasty

They were created to put confident young black men out there in that white dominated world

Not quite. It was more to give everybody an equal opportunity to an equal opportunity which included blacks, Native Americans, women, and even white people who couldn't afford to get into the more pretentious universities like UM.

even better
Wait, I get it now. Go to a predominantly white college. Then graduate with a degree and some new white friends so that I have the experience of talking towhite people and then walk into a predominantly white business world. Right???
Originally Posted by HueyP in LouieV

_ up....
If I know mayor's internet persona like i think I do he'll just say:

"well thats only a few people the majority of the people that go to HBCU's ruined their careers."

Originally Posted by HueyP in LouieV

Originally Posted by Ebonics

Originally Posted by lnMyMind

Originally Posted by The Natural Mystic

You cannot be this dumb.
coming from a dude who said Bun B is better than Cam'Ron

He is.....and what does that have to do with this argument?

Frankly, there's a large contingent of people who will take exception to anything we do anyways so I can't bring myself at all to complain about blackpeople going to college because they don't do it on my terms or whatever. I know people who think everytime they see a black dude in a work environment heis only there because of Affirmative Action and couldn't possibly be there by his own merit, same with colleges, and I've literally heard people saythings like that or the commonly believed rumor that if you're black all you need is a 2.0 and you can get a free ride anywhere you want to go. So I say*%!% it. Do what you feel is best for you. People are going to hate regardless.

How would you even go about removing "Historically," from the colleges past? It's not possible. You could encourage more white people to joinsure, but that won't not make it an HBCU. ANd furthermore why should it only be the HBCU's that go through this contraction? What about the collegesthat actually stood for and condoned segregation at one point? Why not get rid of them too? Because they being racist to non whites who of course are lessimportant, while you perceive HBCUs to be racist toward white people which is the ultimate sin?
Originally Posted by I R Andre

Originally Posted by HueyP in LouieV

_ up....
If I know mayor's internet persona like i think I do he'll just say:

"well thats only a few people the majority of the people that go to HBCU's ruined their careers."
seriously..if going to Howard will enhance my chances at gaining a bunch of internships and help me gain experience with physical therapy betterthan stony brook..then id be glad to attend that school..i agree with some..i think its about resources..and im just saying..people never thought about jobplacement carrying a HBCU diploma..why would howard be a better school to attend?..dudes is paying about 35k tuition there.if you gunna pay all that money..whynot go to cornell, NYU, Syracuse?
My favorite is someone telling me that themselves or another white person they know would've gotten the job, but a black person took it. And this was toldto them by someone with pull in the company, hr rep/manager, something like that. If your connection is that deep that they're discussing hiring practicesthat they are not supposed to, why didn't they just give you the job?
Originally Posted by Dr Spaceman

My favorite is someone telling me that themselves or another white person they know would've gotten the job, but a black person took it. And this was told to them by someone with pull in the company, hr rep/manager, something like that. If your connection is that deep that they're discussing hiring practices that they are not supposed to, why didn't they just give you the job?
are you a SBU graduate?..would you prefer a HBCU over SBU?..what degree would look better IYO?
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