why do black people ruin their career by attending a HBCU?


Aug 16, 2008
the majority of the faces people will encouter in whatever career you chooses will be white. I think most black people know how to deal with each other but areuncomfortable dealing with other races, sending them to all black colleges does NOT give them the diversity that they need to deal with corporate America. ithink that too many of our people are intimidated by whites because of the "keep it all black" mentality that some of us have.i can honestly sit hereand say that anybody hiring students are going to chekc their college and see a non diversified school like a HBCU and not hire them based on that. becausemost likley the employer is going to think you cant deal with a diverse envionment and won't be used to other forms ofpeople
Same reason a lot of kids goto schools like Bob Jones and other places even worse than BJ that aren't actually accredited.
Originally Posted by Ebonics

the majority of the faces people will encouter in whatever career you chooses will be white. I think most black people know how to deal with each other but are uncomfortable dealing with other races, sending them to all black colleges does NOT give them the diversity that they need to deal with corporate America. i think that too many of our people are intimidated by whites because of the "keep it all black" mentality that some of us have.i can honestly sit here and say that anybody hiring students are going to chekc their college and see a non diversified school like a HBCU and not hire them based on that. because most likley the employer is going to think you cant deal with a diverse envionment and won't be used to other forms of people
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]C'mon fam[/color]
what's the difference btw going to a HBCU and a religious school like BYU?

If a school is a good school it's a good school. People I know who went to like Hampton University for example haven't had any difficulties withdiversity or getting a job.

This is a dumb thread. And I don't even go to a HBCU.
Originally Posted by ProduccionFrescos

Originally Posted by Ebonics

the majority of the faces people will encouter in whatever career you chooses will be white. I think most black people know how to deal with each other but are uncomfortable dealing with other races, sending them to all black colleges does NOT give them the diversity that they need to deal with corporate America. i think that too many of our people are intimidated by whites because of the "keep it all black" mentality that some of us have.i can honestly sit here and say that anybody hiring students are going to chekc their college and see a non diversified school like a HBCU and not hire them based on that. because most likley the employer is going to think you cant deal with a diverse envionment and won't be used to other forms of people
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]C'mon fam[/color]
..we need to get you a TGP app
*Says the guy who was trying to go to Howard Univ*
yea i wont lie..i used to want to go to a HBCU..a year ago..things changed
So would a white person ruin their career by goin 2, say UC Berkeley or Nebraska? Aint much diversity there eitha, I'd imagine. Are you insinuating thatHBCU's and the education/experience thereof are somehow inferior? You being black, you should be ashamed of that attitude. Oh, and HBCU's are justthat...HISTORICALLY black...I want 2 Morgan 4 a while, and it had a healthy population of non blacks.
I just like Howard's program for Radio/television not cuz i'm in love with black people or anything. N I been around white/black/Hispanic etc etc mywhole life I know how to deal with all kinds of races. LI ftw.
thats not true you can come out getting a good job my man just came out of del state working with verizon corporate making $100,000 a year
Originally Posted by ProduccionFrescos

Originally Posted by Ebonics

the majority of the faces people will encouter in whatever career you chooses will be white. I think most black people know how to deal with each other but are uncomfortable dealing with other races, sending them to all black colleges does NOT give them the diversity that they need to deal with corporate America. i think that too many of our people are intimidated by whites because of the "keep it all black" mentality that some of us have.i can honestly sit here and say that anybody hiring students are going to chekc their college and see a non diversified school like a HBCU and not hire them based on that. because most likley the employer is going to think you cant deal with a diverse envionment and won't be used to other forms of people
C'mon fam


Originally Posted by potus2028

So would a white person ruin their career by goin 2, say UC Berkeley or Nebraska? Aint much diversity there eitha, I'd imagine. Are you insinuating that HBCU's and the education/experience thereof are somehow inferior? You being black, you should be ashamed of that attitude. Oh, and HBCU's are just that...HISTORICALLY black...I want 2 Morgan 4 a while, and it had a healthy population of non blacks.
thats exactly what im saying..cmon..white ppl arent the minority..so saying that going to a all white college is invalid..lets be real here
This guy is going to be closed minded idiot for life. Being on NT for a while you see people grow up and broaden their horizons successfully. Not this guy,tries so hard, but only makes him look dumber. I was, but now i'm not even going to bother addressing this idiotic question. I guess all the women athollins university are ruining their career.
I disagree. Accepting people and training yourself how to be tolerable of others isn't something you neccessarily need a 4 year degree to figure out to befunctional in the work place. Most of your success in life after college is about personal chioces, not preprogramed facts or mannerisms. A white person canfind success in a primaily black business and a blck persn can find success in a primarily white business simply by USING their diversity to their advantage
Originally Posted by Dr Spaceman

This guy is going to be closed minded idiot for life. Being on NT for a while you see people grow up and broaden their horizons successfully. Not this guy, tries so hard, but only makes him look dumber. I was, but now i'm not even going to bother addressing this idiotic question. I guess all the women at hollins university are ruining their career.
so going to an all black college will broaden ones horizons?..instead of bashing me..why dont you school me, smart man?..why would going to a HBCUrather than an equally accredited diverse school will benefit me?
Originally Posted by Robby Valentino

you were shook to go to NSU....dont make me post that msg just take the L

Im saying, this cat is such a hypocrite. Why do people ruin their career by screwing up in high school so that they have to attend a CC to even be eligible toattend an HBCU?
Lets be real? Lets. Where else can you obtain a quality education while discovering things about your history and heritage that you would never learnotherwise? I'm not a big proponent of college in general, but 2 say that an HBCU is somehow inherently inferior is ludicrous. The best professors at anyHBCU are among the best anywhere. Now, if all you wanna get out of it is a all-black comfort zone, that's exactly what you'll get...but you could getthat at Temple or Duke or USC or any otha college if that's what you detemined 2 get. The point is, an HBCU diploma is worth absolutely no more or lessthan any other university of similar size, prestige and scope.

Oh, and in a few years, white folk will indeed be the minority. Just sayin.
Originally Posted by Dr Spaceman

Originally Posted by Robby Valentino

you were shook to go to NSU....dont make me post that msg just take the L

Im saying, this cat is such a hypocrite. Why do people ruin their career by screwing up in high school so that they have to attend a CC to even be eligible to attend an HBCU?
CC?...im attending Stony Brook in the spring..what cc?..leave the thread..you have nothing valuable to say, dun
If I'm not mistaken mayor isn't even in a CC or any college for that matter.

Originally Posted by Ebonics

Originally Posted by Dr Spaceman

Originally Posted by Robby Valentino

you were shook to go to NSU....dont make me post that msg just take the L

Im saying, this cat is such a hypocrite. Why do people ruin their career by screwing up in high school so that they have to attend a CC to even be eligible to attend an HBCU?
CC?...im attending Stony Brook in the spring..what cc?..leave the thread..you have nothing valuable to say, dun
You got in already?
Originally Posted by Ebonics

the majority of the faces people will encouter in whatever career you chooses will be white. I think most black people know how to deal with each other but are uncomfortable dealing with other races, sending them to all black colleges does NOT give them the diversity that they need to deal with corporate America. i think that too many of our people are intimidated by whites because of the "keep it all black" mentality that some of us have.i can honestly sit here and say that anybody hiring students are going to chekc their college and see a non diversified school like a HBCU and not hire them based on that. because most likley the employer is going to think you cant deal with a diverse envionment and won't be used to other forms ofpeople
i honestly believe diversity in college is overrated. black people just like any other race go to college to learn. this question only gets askedto black but never to white people who go to historically white colleges
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