Why did the Raptors..............

Why wasn't Michael Jordan picked first in his draft? nobody knows whos gonna work out in the league.
not really..jus goosebear10 sorry to disappoint did kobe2nj live in mississauga???

Anyways like I said bargnani on his own doesnt irritate me..well his defense and his need to sit out on the three point line to shoot 3's makes me shake myhead from time to time..but it's that alot of fans and people who dont watch basketball regularly and have a need to make this guy into something he isnteither YET or wont be.Not saying any of the andrea supporters are like that here since Im sure all you guys watch all the games.But they have the need to blameit on the coach or the lack of respect that toronto doesnt get from the US sports media.But seem to never want to blame his shortcomings or ability to adapt todefenses adjusting to his game.Thats what irritates me the most about andrea.

Like Ive said before That particular draft was one that wasnt the best one to have the #1 pick.Who else were you going to pick? Aldridge and bosh play the samegame and Andrea as well to a certain extent but his shooting ability gave him more "value"/"potential" Unfortunately what wasnt taken intoconsideration was his severe lack of rebounding or defense or back to the basket game.But hey Colangelo wanted to make the raptors into phoenix east and add acomponent that he didnt have in phoenix west..a 3 point shooting 5.Personally Ill take the better defender every time over the scorer.Especially on a teamwhere I can get scoring everywhere else.
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