Who's Getting armed before obama

Originally Posted by Dirtylicious

Nobody will ever convince me they NEED a gun
what are you going to do when a burglar breaks into your home and attempts to rape/kill your daughter?

wait for the police?
What if the burglar breaks into your house unarmed, but while rooting through your closet, finds your gun and kills your family?

What if your own child finds the gun and accidentally kills you or another child?

Oooooh. Hypothetical situations are soooo useful.
Originally Posted by Dunk Demon


Originally Posted by The Yes Guy

I wonder what the Founding Fathers would think now. Its nearly impossible to try to justify modern actions by their ideals, since so much has changed since the writing of the Constitution. This is part of the problem I have with Ron Paul, but thats another day's debate.

When the 2nd Amendment was written, there were no assault rifles. There were no easily concealable yet still devastating weapons. Would the Founding Fathers support the right to bear these modern weapons, in these modern times where a well armed militia is not necessary? You cannot try to put words in their mouths. Not to mention that the 2nd Amendment is incredibly poorly worded. "A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed." Any English teacher would be ashamed of that.
They didn't have bulletproof vests either then.

Today's handgun is yesterdays Flint Lock Pistol.
Today's AR is yesterdays muzzle loaded Musket.

The Flint lock pistol and the musket were 'killing machines' when compared to the bow and arrow or sword before them.
In reality much has not changed throughout human history. We are more efficient nowadays in many ways but we still do the same things for the same reasons thatothers have done for millennia before us.

The 2nd amendment is only poorly worded for those that do not agree with it's clear meaning.
Originally Posted by roback1991

Originally Posted by Dirtylicious

Nobody will ever convince me they NEED a gun
what are you going to do when a burglar breaks into your home and attempts to rape/kill your daughter?

wait for the police?
What if the burglar breaks into your house unarmed, but while rooting through your closet, finds your gun and kills your family?

What if your own child finds the gun and accidentally kills you or another child?

Oooooh. Hypothetical situations are soooo useful.

Lock it up.
Originally Posted by wawaweewa

Originally Posted by The Yes Guy

I wonder what the Founding Fathers would think now. Its nearly impossible to try to justify modern actions by their ideals, since so much has changed since the writing of the Constitution. This is part of the problem I have with Ron Paul, but thats another day's debate.

When the 2nd Amendment was written, there were no assault rifles. There were no easily concealable yet still devastating weapons. Would the Founding Fathers support the right to bear these modern weapons, in these modern times where a well armed militia is not necessary? You cannot try to put words in their mouths. Not to mention that the 2nd Amendment is incredibly poorly worded. "A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed." Any English teacher would be ashamed of that.
They didn't have bulletproof vests either then.

Today's handgun is yesterdays Flint Lock Pistol.
Today's AR is yesterdays muzzle loaded Musket.

The Flint lock pistol and the musket were 'killing machines' when compared to the bow and arrow or sword before them.
In reality much has not changed throughout human history. We are more efficient nowadays in many ways but we still do the same things for the same reasons that others have done for millennia before us.

The 2nd amendment is only poorly worded for those that do not agree with it's clear meaning.

So an equivalent amount of people wear bulletproof vests as own guns? That doesn't really hold up. The Amendment is poorly worded regardless. As a sentenceit fails, whatever the meaning really is (although I agree with the common interpretation, I just don't agree with that interpretation. Does that makesense?)
I own a revolver and a break-open shotgun.

Once my wife starts working, she and I will both be getting our CHL's, along with another pistol for each.

Personal defense and home defense reasons only. It is best to have a gun and not need one that to not have one and need one. I've always believed that youHope for the best and prepare for the worst.
Originally Posted by The Yes Guy

Originally Posted by wawaweewa

Originally Posted by The Yes Guy

I wonder what the Founding Fathers would think now. Its nearly impossible to try to justify modern actions by their ideals, since so much has changed since the writing of the Constitution. This is part of the problem I have with Ron Paul, but thats another day's debate.

When the 2nd Amendment was written, there were no assault rifles. There were no easily concealable yet still devastating weapons. Would the Founding Fathers support the right to bear these modern weapons, in these modern times where a well armed militia is not necessary? You cannot try to put words in their mouths. Not to mention that the 2nd Amendment is incredibly poorly worded. "A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed." Any English teacher would be ashamed of that.
They didn't have bulletproof vests either then.

Today's handgun is yesterdays Flint Lock Pistol.
Today's AR is yesterdays muzzle loaded Musket.

The Flint lock pistol and the musket were 'killing machines' when compared to the bow and arrow or sword before them.
In reality much has not changed throughout human history. We are more efficient nowadays in many ways but we still do the same things for the same reasons that others have done for millennia before us.

The 2nd amendment is only poorly worded for those that do not agree with it's clear meaning.

So an equivalent amount of people wear bulletproof vests as own guns? That doesn't really hold up. The Amendment is poorly worded regardless. As a sentence it fails, whatever the meaning really is (although I agree with the common interpretation, I just don't agree with that interpretation. Does that make sense?)

I feel like I should clarify my point of view. I think that in one's home, one should be able to own guns for self defense purposes. Anything more thanthat I am shaky on.
Originally Posted by BabyfacedAssassin31

The problem is why these nutjobs have access to firearms in the first place
criminals are going to have access to firearms regardless of what the law says.
Originally Posted by jaysonmytoes23

munfy, you must be racist saying that. and stupid
How does that make me racist? Because I disagree with Obama's views on gun control.

Originally Posted by roback1991

Originally Posted by Dirtylicious

Nobody will ever convince me they NEED a gun
what are you going to do when a burglar breaks into your home and attempts to rape/kill your daughter?

wait for the police?
What if the burglar breaks into your house unarmed, but while rooting through your closet, finds your gun and kills your family?

What if your own child finds the gun and accidentally kills you or another child?

Oooooh. Hypothetical situations are soooo useful.

Originally Posted by Munfy

Originally Posted by jaysonmytoes23

munfy, you must be racist saying that. and stupid
How does that make me racist? Because I disagree with Obama's views on gun control.

He may have views against something but ultimately, he's not going to be able to change AMENDMENTS.

I'm sure Bush was against abortion. Did it matter? No.
It's Better to Have a Gun and Not Need It, Than to Need a Gun and Not Have it

thats all that needs to be said to convince me to get one in the future. A licensed one of course
Originally Posted by roback1991

Originally Posted by Dirtylicious

Nobody will ever convince me they NEED a gun
what are you going to do when a burglar breaks into your home and attempts to rape/kill your daughter?

wait for the police?
What if the burglar breaks into your house unarmed, but while rooting through your closet, finds your gun and kills your family?

What if your own child finds the gun and accidentally kills you or another child?

Oooooh. Hypothetical situations are soooo useful.

Thank you.

Now i have no idea what the statistics are but i would be willing to guess they are pretty even with the slight edge going to kids shooting eachother orthemselves in homes with guns inside them over someone breaking into your home and shooting your family.

i'm sure more daughters are raped at high school keggers and college frat parties.
Irrelevant to the discussion. We're discussing what one can do to protect their family IN THEIR OWN HOME.

not irrelevant at all. you used a burglar breaking into your house to rape your daughter as a reason for owning a gun. i was simply pointing outthat there are lots of more likely ways for someone to be attacked. if the possibility that violence MIGHT happen is justification for owning a gun, then whynot use that excuse for everything? where do we draw the line? schools get shot up every once in a while. girls can be raped at high school parties. i've heard of churches getting shot up. should school kids be strapped, should the preacher and the ushers hold heat? for the record i'm not reallyagainst responsible people owning hand guns. i just think that made up scenarios or the POSSIBILITY of something happening is a weak excuse for why you NEED agun. pitbull in the house= possible dead burglar. taser, pepper spray= hurt burglar. protect your family however you see fit. i dont know where you live orwhat your situation is. i'm not trying to tell you what needs to be done for you family. i do know that america has an insane gun lust and too many thinkthat a gun is the answer to everything.
most of the morons in here talking about protecting their family would accidentally shoot their sister as she sneaks into the house after a party...
for the record i'm not really against responsible people owning hand guns.
followed by
i just think that made up scenarios or the POSSIBILITY of something happening is a weak excuse for why you NEED a gun
but isn't that the reason why most people own guns in the first place...to protect themselves, Just in CASE?
thus...seems to me that by logical conclusion...you're against most gun ownership.

so where do we draw the line?...me?...I draw the line when it comes to my FAMILY and my HOME.

yes...violence can happen anywhere...but I'm going to do what is necessary to protect my family to the fullest extent I can...I'm not going to rely ona minister or someone else to protect my kids out in the world...but once they step into the house...I'm doing whatever I can to keep the world's evilsat bay.....A DOG can be shot..their neck broken easily...a dude on PCP doesn't feel the effect of a pepper spray or tazer...but I know you can't easilydodge the spray of a double ought shotgun shell.

protect your family however you see fit.
and that's the bottom line... who is anyone else to say how I should can can legally protect my own family?

i do know that america has an insane gun lust and too many think that a gun is the answer to everything.
..and what do you suggest be done then?....ban guns?


A Wild Boar was engaged in whetting his tusks upon the trunk of a tree in the forest when a Fox came by and, seeing what he was at, said to him, "Why are you doing that, pray? The huntsmen are not out to-day, and there are no other dangers at hand that I can see." "True, my friend," replied the Boar, "but the instant my life is in danger I shall need to use my tusks. There'll be no time to sharpen them then."
all i want is a pistol for the range. i'm not worried about protection. i got 2 dogs that run to the door when they hear the slightest sound. betterprotection than a gun IMO. if someone wanted to break in my house they would be a fool if they still tried once they heard my dogs. if they are still dumbenough to come in RIP.

dogs>guns. dogs will prevent the break in before it happens. with a gun you will just end up with a dead burglar or crackhead on your hands and have todeal with the police a whole bunch more. i'm not anti guns, but if you're talking home protection dogs do a much better job.
Originally Posted by Dirtylicious

Ya'll can stay believing that the police will be there lickety-split...or that the world's evils can't affect you.... but I choose to prepare myself for the time that it does.
I don't WANT to have to fire my gun...but I WILL if I have to...

Agreed. I'm not gonna die from a lack of shooting back.
I never thought I would want a gun, but after getting married and now owning a house? The idea has crossed my mind more than once. Amazing how priorities canchange with life events......
I think everyone should legally own a handgun. I have a glock 27 40 cal, a smith & wesson .22 8-shot revolver, a over under HUGLU shotgun,and a 12 gauge HUGLU pump plus I have to concealed weapons permits for VA and AL (and various other states due to reciprocity laws).
Originally Posted by dmxfury

I never thought I would want a gun, but after getting married and now owning a house? The idea has crossed my mind more than once. Amazing how priorities can change with life events......
next thing you know dmx, you'll be wanting kids!!
Originally Posted by MisterP0315

Originally Posted by Munfy

Originally Posted by jaysonmytoes23

munfy, you must be racist saying that. and stupid
How does that make me racist? Because I disagree with Obama's views on gun control.

He may have views against something but ultimately, he's not going to be able to change AMENDMENTS.

I'm sure Bush was against abortion. Did it matter? No.
im saying, i came in here thinking "damn this post isreally happening". Good to see that it isn't to an extent.
Dirty, first things first, a dog is next haha. Nah, no hurry for anything after that
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