Who remembers these days of NT?

it was LovetheXIV... damn i forgot about him... I remember when some random made a myspace page & flossed all his shoes
Originally Posted by damnitzdom

josh howard 4 mvp
That posting spree was ridiculous!

I also remember the big Dirtylicious photoshop spree everyone was on. I can't even find the ones I did.

Only highlight for me recently for Yuku is the Boozer thread. That thread alone got me lurkin and posting again.
Good pics Dunkman, been way too long since I seen that Big Bird pic.
My old CPU is wrecked, anyone have anymore old pics?

I remember a few good stories...of course there was the Harlem Shake..there was one I remember vaguely..It involved being drunk, smashing, the beach, a fight and giving a dude "the fish of fury", and a few others.

That NYC teenbash thread had me 
. Some classy dance moves on the flo' out there.

Originally Posted by AtlDunkman

Definitely good times. Been here since 2002, but don't really post much anymore.I have a few pics saved from back then.

this kills me every time i see it
Just to put this out there i've held NT down with pr0n plenty of times. 
Anyone remember this night?

yes i remember that
i wish we could go back to ezboard

also view limit on the site
had to log out just to view NT
Anyone remember that goofy looking kid that used to post in WDYWT that used to work at Finishline? Can't remember his name.

I remember the thread when everyone said the dude looked like the white tiger that had downs syndrome *real tears
Meth's got that strong ether thats the "im not mad...just disappointed" %+$% that knocks your heart to your knees.
Originally Posted by cap1229

Meth's got that strong ether thats the "im not mad...just disappointed" %+$% that knocks your heart to your knees.
Damn near my exact thoughts
. I read that like maaaaan, like a father being disappointed in his son, then shakes his 
head while turning around and walking away.
Anyone remember that goofy looking kid that used to post in WDYWT that used to work at Finishline? Can't remember his name.
HAHAHA!!!! The dude who had that patented pose? Damn, someone will remember his name for sure. It's on the tip of my tongue.

Great shots guys. I have not seen Meth or Dirty that mad in years.

Is it gay if I love y'all?
Originally Posted by TroyMcClure

Anyone remember that goofy looking kid that used to post in WDYWT that used to work at Finishline? Can't remember his name.

HAHAHA!!!! The dude who had that patented pose? Damn, someone will remember his name for sure. It's on the tip of my tongue.

Great shots guys. I have not seen Meth or Dirty that mad in years.

Is it gay if I love y'all?

Abernja I posted it right after he asked 
That's not the guy i'm thinking of. I'm thinking of the guy who always had on shades, did a point like pose, had...I guess...spiked hair (blowoutesque). He probably posted in the WDYWT thread everyday for a year.
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