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...I go to school at Uni. of Hartford

But I hope to be a doctor one day
I'm not sure where you're from but if you were to get into UConn's med school then that'd be a good look for you.

BTW, what schools did you attend?
Duke undergrad, UConn B-school post grad.

My son Malta

I bought a townhouse over by my old school and I'm in process of remodel so I can rent them out for top dollar.

I'm good with $ but it could always be better.

Btw, my losses since the market collapsing is now at 37k

Malta, u need to help a brother out with some insider info word to martha stewart
My dude, you got the right idea. Fix that %$*! up, and just rent it out. Especially if its by your school you know students ALWAYS lookin'for off campus housing so you shouldn't have a problem finding occupants.

And even though I would love to give dudes some investment help I wouldn't want to steer someone the wrong way and they end up losing their lifes savings,word to Boiler Room.
Originally Posted by Shapeshiftah

what do you do? how long did you work before you started making 6 figures?
i am an IT consultant working for a number of new york city government clients. i was working for about seven years (three of those years stuck at the $80k mark) until i found this consulting company, which offered me a really nice six-figure salary. i started out as a salaried employee making $105k a year, but switched to W2 (hourly) after a year, and basically doubled my salary. only thing i gave up was vacation time; i still get medical, dental, vision, and 401k.

two years later, i'm still here, and loving the work i do.

Do you need to know crazy math?? How long and what was your major during school??
Boiler Room

Why I got that Dvd at the crib

Funny #+#!, I was beefin to our managing director about losin that 30k. And he shut me up said "try losin 900k and half your 401k earnings"
I was like
DK always speaks the truth. ^

Hey if I can help one person out I'm satisfied. Thanks man.

you're 17 and you make 5 figures??? how????

have you graduated HS or are you a senior? if you're a HS senior you're styling on me...

5 figures ranges from 10,000-99,999. It's not hard to get 5 figures.

I do data entry for a local mortgage company. I'm going to high school full time(senior year) and then I go to work after school Monday-Friday, and workfull time(8:30-5:00) on days off and in the summer. After a year of this, I should make around $11,000, that assuming I don't get a raise. I considermyself very lucky to have found such a great job in such a tough market.

Also, if anyone has any Human Resource-esque questions I'd be happy to relay them to my dad if I can't answer them myself.

P.S.- Ricardo Malta, do you mind if I PM you? As an aspiring entrepreneur and investment analyst I have a couple of things I'd like to talk with you about.

If I can get this venture going I might be able to solve some of you all's unemployment issues.

Boiler Room FTW!
Originally Posted by ESPNonthescreen

Originally Posted by JDub4

Originally Posted by ESPNonthescreen

Originally Posted by Destination Kicks

MBA's are glorified B.A. in Communication degrees. Most old school execs know it too.
It kind of depends how old one is when he gets the MBA.
A 25 year old kid with an MBA (no matter where its from) is still a 25 year old kid with no real experience

Yep. My dad is a VP of Human Resources for a rather large company and he said he could care less about whether or not they have an MBA, all about the experience. He put together a series of about 10 books that he could've read and learned the same amount as he did in his 2 years in Graduate School at the Kelley School of Business (Indiana).

I'm pulling in about 5 figures, lol. Not bad for a 17 year old. If this venture I want to go into works out I could be making 6 figures soon. But I don't want to get ahead of myself.
you're 17 and you make 5 figures??? how????

have you graduated HS or are you a senior? if you're a HS senior you're styling on me...
5 figures ranges from 10,000-99,999. It's not hard to get 5 figures.
well dude said "i'll be making 6 figures soon" as if he was close... i dunno.

and i don't know many 17 year olds making 10k anyways... either you have a very high paying job or you put in a LOT of hours.

im only 17 and i make about $10,000 a year. im makin $7.50 an hour workin 20 hours a week during school and some crazy hours when im onbreaks(winter, summer, etc..) at a dry cleaners.
Originally Posted by justhotkicks

Originally Posted by da703trailblaza

Originally Posted by MidEastBeast

If I survive pharmacy school, I should be making 6 figs. Only thing that keeps me going.

I was headed in that track until Cell Bio deaded me, any advice to carry on?
If you're getting tripped up by Cell Bio, I strongly suggest you consider different majors.
Bio is all memorization... Organic Chem > Bio. Well for me at least... Having a professor with a PHD from Harvard makes it that much harder.
Do you need to know crazy math?? How long and what was your major during school??
nah, not really, unless you want to go work for an engineering-centric company like google. i worked there for a bit, and they put you through apretty tough technical interview.

i studied computer science and did my fair share of math
, but thesedays, i don't use any of what i learned as an undergrad. i got my MS in management information systems, and wish i had done the same for my undergrad. would have been easier. looking back, my MS wasn't even necessary for me to get where i'm at, but i suppose it's good to have that 2nd piece ofpaper.
Originally Posted by da703trailblaza

How hard is it to get into the finance industry? Goldman has always been the goal...
Finance is super easy if you are good at being a drone and getting work done efficiently and accurately and don't mind working long hours.
Originally Posted by Toy Collector123

Originally Posted by tmukg21

Originally Posted by ThuG LyFe

almost 2.5 years left of pharmacy school. then making 100k but after taxes only like 60k.

and obama probably won't help either.
40gs in Taxes
didn't realize the tax rate was like that, not in the real world yet

still in college ftw

Son thinking 100G gonna increase is taxes! WRONG! u aint making enough to hang with the Rockefellers
Son thinking Obama was telling the truth when he said only 250,000+ get a tax increase.

As far as the question.... I'm still in college, so no.
But after Law School a few years down the road
P.S.- Ricardo Malta, do you mind if I PM you? As an aspiring entrepreneur and investment analyst I have a couple of things I'd like to talk with you about.
Go right ahead. Don't get mad if I don't see it at first, I always accidentally overlook the mailbox at the top of the screen.
SMH at my dude Malta instead of me livin my life, ay ay ay aaay. Time to step my game up.
That's how I was when I saw how some of my older dudes was livin' when they had graduated from college. Pure motivation.

Yo Malta, how's the return for your fund looking? I would assume it's still in the black...
Yea we doin' aight
I feel like slappin' some ofthe execs in my group. Dudes is cakin' like Betty Crock and don't know how to act
2-3 years left of school along with 2 years of experience, and I'll be able to say "I do".

Engineering ftw.
I work for Intel as a Corporate Analytical Engr. and make exactly $134K. I worked extremely hard to get where I am and I'm proud to say that I am onlyhalfway done.

Stay in school kids!!! If you think education is expensive, wait 'till you see what ignorance will cost you....
Originally Posted by NDZTRUCKT

I work for Intel as a Corporate Analytical Engr. and make exactly $134K. I worked extremely hard to get where I am and I'm proud to say that I am only halfway done.

Stay in school kids!!! If you think education is expensive, wait 'till you see what ignorance will cost you....


Man, I almost died going through college and med school. It is tough no doubt about it, but its all worth it in the end. The best investment you can ever makeis staying in school and receiving an education.

seeing my last name on a lab coat followed by M.D. is the greatest feeling I have ever felt.
Originally Posted by Ricardo Malta

Good investment. Having that cash flow on top of your salary is definitely living comfortably. I'm assuming you make over 100k from your salary alone?

what do u do??? and what is your salary if you dont mind me asking. 3 cars at 25 and living comfortably thats

I'm an associate at a Hedge Fund in Boston (no I won't tell you which one and no I can't get you a job
) My base is over $150k with quarterly, performance, and year end bonuses. Alot of what I have in regards to assets didn't all come from my income but from solid investments when I was younger that have done well over the years (lots of CD's, bonds, VMWare IPO
, etc). When I was 21, me and 2 of my friends bought 2 beach houses in Belmar, NJ and rented them out during the summer for the past 4 summers before selling them 2 months ago.

I do alot of supplemental real estate stuff with various investment partners because it's lucrative over a period of time. My next move is to sell my condo in CT and purchase a 3 or 4 bedroom condo in NYC and rent out the rooms. There is always a need for apartments in NYC and quite frankly, people are willing to pay well over $1500 a month for a room and depending on where it is in the city (Midtown, Gramercy, etc) I could possibly stretch a 3/4 bedroom to $7,500-$8,000 a month. Real estate ain't hurtin' in big dense cities like NYC, San Francisco, Chicago, etc so if you can get in on it and have the funds then do so.
My man
You sir have given me a new idea. Thanks.
My base is in the 6 figures, and I still find it necessary to do extra work on the side if I REALLY want to live comfortably. I do tutoring on the side whichbrings in another $20k+ in cash.
Originally Posted by dbbabd

can someone explain hedge funds and what do u need to do such a thing

If you're asking this, you'll probably never get in one. To explain it to you though down to the barebones, it's a group of people that managelarge sums of cash from investors and invest in equities etc. expecting returns later.
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