Who Is the Most Misunderstood Person in History?

Malcolm X for me is 100% misunderstood by a good chunk of people, especially younger people
appreciate jesus because he, like us, is mortal.


How is Jesus mortal when he can resurrect. I asked my pastor friend about the significance of his so called sacrifice. How the hell is dying then resurrecting a sacrifice? My grandmother died, and she ain't coming back.  People have given their lives for more than Jesus has and they don't get to come back.

Jesus died for every human who has existed and will exist. No one has ever died for more than Jesus. He was all human and all God. Its not easy to explain or grasp, but He is The God and us mortals will never be able to fully comprehend his greatness.

Jesus was beaten, bruised, killed then burried. But by the power of God, he was able to resurrect because Jesus was/is God taking the form of man here on earth.
Spend a couple years off NT, come back and dudes are still debating religious nonsense... never change
I like anton better when he defends Lebron
If belief in jesus helps some become better people why do you feel the need to throw shade each and everytime someone mentions the name? ***** sad man.
His flesh was tortured and bruised til all life was drained from it.

And his spirit left his body. But he was able to manifest himself in our realm temporarily thereafter to show that

he had fulfilled his Fathers will. To be sinless, yet bare the sins of all mankind. To die unjustly so we

could be justified. All this for us (our spirits/consciousness) to have access to God/the most high/ the supreme consciousness.

He is with the Father of all now, so he lives. And his act of supreme selflessness has left the door open for all of us.

The one innocence died for all of the guilty, so we could all have a second chance if we chose.

How exactly is any of this a sacrifice? Dude allowed himself to be in a sick snuff-film type torture, and wants us to give him credit for the ultimate sacrifice. We all suffering b, he need to pull his skirt down.

My grandmother suffered months of agony with pancreatic cancer and died. We all know people that have suffered and died. Black slaves suffered and died for this country, we should put Kunta and Nat Turner on the cross instead of Jesus Christ.

Sorry your grandmother had to go through that. I mean that.
Out of respect, I wont even attempt to speak on that kind of situation.

I personally don't believe Jesus wants credit exactly. Modern day Christianity loves to point to what he did for us, (which is special and sacred),
but fails to highlight and emphasize what he truly wants us/humanity to do for ourselves.
He just wants us to follow him in universal truth/ higher nature, exuding selflessness, understanding, humility, kindness, showing pure love...
He came to show us how to love our creator and most importantly each other.
If a man say, I love God, and hateth his brother, he is a liar: for he that loveth not his brother whom he hath seen, how can he love God whom he hath not seen? -1John4:20
Not for his own fame or glory, but for the heavenly fathers', and for our benefit.
He's not supposed to be an image of a white man we put on a chain, or a name we yell just when we are in distress or want to show our 'holiness'
Jesus' way is a lifestyle, a higher level of consciousness if you will, that we should strive to attain.
His example also show that if we connect to all living things through true love. Then when we leave this physical realm, we can transcend it and
be in the true presence of the holy eternal one, from which all life springs forth from.
If everyone jumped off a cliff...

Did he make you a better person? I cant tell

Then call them out too b.

And yes, Satan ABSOLUTELY represents several humanist principles I abide by. He has made me a better person. To name a few.

-Raw individualism-staying true to yourself no matter what society may think of you
-Confidence and auto-theism
-An unquenchable thirst for knowledge and discovery
-An adversary to tyranny

Right on. Happy for you.

Is he real though?
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