Who has more swag than this guy in college basketball?

And yet, there was a post two weeks back talkin about how those high school kids looked like a bunch of douches....

Dudes that hit women don't have swag... Devendorf gives new meaning to 'tries too damn hard'...
Originally Posted by Nowitness41Dirk

And yet, there was a post two weeks back talkin about how those high school kids looked like a bunch of douches....
good point....those "douches" finished 3rd inthe state tourney this week...losing to the team who went on to win the state title.
Originally Posted by DontStepOnMyShoes

whats the story about him hittin females, never even heard of him til the 6 ot game

Devendorf returned to the Syracuse lineup with a 14-point effort against LeMoyne and 22 points against Oakland.[sup][7][/sup][sup][8][/sup] However, on December 10, 2008,Devendorf was suspended indefinitely, pending appeal, from Syracuse University.[sup][9][/sup][sup][10][/sup] The suspensionis the result of a University judicial board hearing stemming from an incident involving Devendorf and a female student. Devendorf was accused of striking thefemale student in the face during an altercation in the early morning hours of November 1. The board found Devendorf violated three student codes out of thefive he was accused of violating. Furthermore, Devendorf was already on disciplinary probation as the result of him harming a student during the spring 2008semester.[sup][11][/sup] The university judicial board recommended he be suspended for the remainder of the academic year, which his coachJim Boeheim thought was too severe.[sup][12][/sup] Devendorf, as expected,[sup][10][/sup] appealed.[sup][13][/sup]

The Appeals board rendered its decision effective on December 19, 2008, upon which Devendorf was suspended. Upon his completion of 40 hours of community service, he would be allowed to rejoin the University and thebasketball team.[sup][5][/sup] After completing his 40 hours of community service, Devendorf was reinstated by the University on December27.[sup][14][/sup][sup][15][/sup]

Devendorf returned to the Syracuse lineup against Seton Hallon December 30, 2008 and scored 20 points to go along with five assists.[sup][16][/sup]
-before i say anything let me say i dont have any thoughts one way or another on dude.
-my cousin goes there on a athletic scholarship and she gave me a little more info...
-devendorf never "hit" the women in the face. according to witnesses (3 of which were basketball players) the girl was leaving a part when he and afew friends walked past her car. she heard someone kick her car and got out of it assuming it was devendorf (more on this in a sec). she got into his faceyellings and screaming and he of course living up to his on court persona yelled back she then started pushing him and he in getting away pushed her off him.the location of this "push" is whats disputed. when police showed up she had no visible marks, bruises, anything. anyways if what i was told is truethen theres a little history between them. she used to mess with flynn and devendorf and flynn are close obviously. anyways thats what my cousin heard/wastold.
-on a side note i agree dude does too much during games but not too much more then most other do. i also dont get how hes "white trash" cause he hasa hair cut and persona typically associated with black people? right cause that assumption isnt grounded in prejudice and sterotypes. oh and hes on path tograduate on time and is athletically a junior. due to his knee injury last year. and he also has a daughter and what do you know his girlfriend/babies mamma isblack have something to say bout that as well....
-i might have gone long but its incredible that people have such strong feelings one way or another bout a person they've never met and know little bout.Just seems childish in a sense......
I should've known who this thread was about.

I'm not really a big fan of his. But since he's on the team I support and since so many ppl have started hating him, I gotta defend dude these days.

I mean, look at how he jumped up in there ready to flex on big boy.



And in the same game, look at how he was ready to scrap once more.


Swag on a hundred thousand trillion.....

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