Which old school hip hop artist is overrated in your eyes?

Please, expound.

At the end of the day I just feel like Big L's technical rapping ability is greater than his collective music as a whole.

I used to see dudes saying L was undisputed Top 5 ever here all the time. But I can think of a good 15-20 albums from 95/96 that I feel are better bodies of music than Lifestylez.

So yea, as an artist, I think L is overrated. I've felt that way for a decade. *shrugs*

Generally speaking I think we do champion a select few from past eras while others equally deserving of being remembered have seemingly been forgotten entirely.
LL COOL J is the most corny and overrated rapper in history!

yeah he made hiphop popular with the ladies, thanks for that
^I'm going to say this as nicely as possible...

Shut the hell up.

Just playin...

but seriously tho
At the end of the day I just feel like Big L's technical rapping ability is greater than his collective music as a whole.
I used to see dudes saying L was undisputed Top 5 ever here all the time. But I can think of a good 15-20 albums from 95/96 that I feel are better bodies of music than Lifestylez.
So yea, as an artist, I think L is overrated. I've felt that way for a decade. *shrugs*
Generally speaking I think we do champion a select few from past eras while others equally deserving of being remembered have seemingly been forgotten entirely.
ahh...its hard to record more music when youre dead.....
Personally the only dude from the "OLD SCHOOL" who i could connect with and really listen too is Slick Rick...
Bro...Tupac is the Marvin Gaye of Hip-Hop. That's the best way I can put it.
The passion in their music was unmatched in their genre. Nobody nobody nobody in soul makes you FEEL their music like Marvin Gaye, to me, and same w/ Tupac and rap. If you can't feel him that takes away 50% of his appeal to you. and no you don't have to relate to being a thug to feel him. But if you just pop in a Pac CD listening for mad lyrics and metaphors and similes it won't be there that much. But the ability to paint a vivd picture and make you feel what he's saying is there and is better than anyone's. People saying it's because he's dead must not know about the droves of young black men ready to do whatever he said, the plethora of women of all races/nationalities who loved him, and the mass appeal he had while he was still alive. EVERYBODY anticipated All Eyez on Me when he got off lock and Me Against the World was #1 while he was there. This didn't happen just because.
You're absolutely right.  And that's because there used to be standards in music...hip hop especially.  You weren't respected unless you were nice.  Whoever was the nicest generally had it on lock.  

Today, it has nothing to do with that, and we accept some truly weak and mediocre material.

All I'm sayin is... if a N' can't ball, can he play in the NBA?  If you don't have skills, can you play in the NFL?

I don't think so.  Same rules should apply to hip hop...
dammn i fully agree. well put!
You're basically implying that most, if not all, old school hip hop is not good music.
That's beyond idiotic.

Not at all. Folks act like newer rappers can't be better than the **** they grew up on. Someone being overrated doesn't make them wack. It just means they have overzealous fans.
Not at all. Folks act like newer rappers can't be better than the **** they grew up on. Someone being overrated doesn't make them wack. It just means they have overzealous fans.

Where did "folks act" like that? Stop trying to rationalize your obviously inflammatory statement.

Your claim is that folks like the "nostalgia" better than the music.

False. And foolish.

Carry on.
I could never get into KRS, some of the Boogie Down Productions stuff is cool but dude's voice annoys the **** out of me.
It's funny to see how many people don't like KRS ONE. Dude his name alone is dope. Far better than a lot of the garbage rapper names that come out today. But I can understand if you don't dig him, he was ultra political and didn't always have the best beats but to say overrated is crazy. Dudes lyrics are incredible and has managed to keep is going 25 plus years later.

Tupac is another that blows me away. I always have this argument with my friend and he's from the west coast, but Tupac is far from overrated. Yeah he talked about thug life and being hard and gangster **** and all that, but his flow was definitely dope, he rode beats like nobody else, had and still has one of the best voices in hip-hop ever (why do you think JA Rule tried so hard to sound like him) and made legendary songs that like someone earlier said never sound outdated. There's so many Tupac songs that you can put on to this day and sound just like what's happening now. That's extremely hard to do especially in hip-hop. And yes he did have songs with great content and great story telling (see "Pain"). But everyone has their opinion so I can understand if you don't like him.
Where did "folks act" like that? Stop trying to rationalize your obviously inflammatory statement.
Your claim is that folks like the "nostalgia" better than the music.
False. And foolish.
Carry on.

folks act like that all the time...

im done tho
Tupac's rhyme style was simple but his lyrical content, beat choices (it's well documented that Pac produced a lot of his own music and gave other dude's the credit), sex appeal for the ladies, work ethic, and intelligence is what made him stand out. People love controversy and the bad boy image as well. Say what you want but Pac made great music and his material doesn't sound dated like a lot of old school artist.
I still don't see how people categorize Biggie as one of the greatest after only two albums. Would have loved to see how his work would have been after say about 4 albums. Just my opinion though.
yeah people who say Pac is overrated because his lyrics were simple are missin his whole appeal. he brought passion, feeling, and emotion to evrything and he was much more of a poet...still GOAT in my eyes :pimp:

That was a great explanation from him. People act like the only thing that makes you lyrical is using big words, when that's far from the case.
Nowadays the underrated rappers are the only good ones for the most part. The only way to blow up is to talk about the same **** everyone else is saying. Minus Kendrick, J cole, and maybe a few others who stayed true to what they've always talked about. Back then it took talent and good lyrics combined with song making ability to get big.
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