Where are the jobs???

I'm employed but not making any money, really. Not even enough to stay afloat without help or selling stuff. **** sucks.

I got laid off earlier this year and yeah. Took a huge pay cut with this new position but the pay is better than unemployment in this state which doesnt last very long and is only 350 max a week.

I'm so done with life really.

Gotta keep plugging away my dude. I've been where you've been (laid off, unemployment ran out, stuck driving uber). I'm not where I want to be currently either. Sh*t just takes time and well directed hustle. Where are you from?
If I knew how to network I would probably be further ahead. Very underrated professional skill which I am horrible at

Networking have a goal you want to accomplish. Can be either short or long term. Don’t be nervous. 9 times out of 10 the person across from you is just as nervous (or as bad) as you are and if they are in the capacity to help they will. Generally people want to help other people. If you act geniune and sincere that will also go a long way.

Essentially two types of networking...(I will explain further)
1. Advance the cause of the person you are speaking with
2. Advance your own cause

1. You meet a random person at a networking event. Find out as much information about them as possible. Advance their cause as much as possible. How can you help that person. Remember what I said about YOUR goals: through your discussion if there is a mutual synergy (meaning can that person also help YOU) ask the person for coffee later in the week. Keep your interactions brief.
When you get really good you can intertwine your own goals that fit within the parameters with what the other person wants to accomplish.
2. This would be for more college or post graduate scenarios. Job fairs, etc. You would be meeting with individuals with advanced careers. They know what the drill is by attending. Have a goal in mind. Keep your conversations brief but targeted to what you are trying to accomplish. If that person can help ask them to coffee at a later date.

I hope that helps. Once you realize that networking is the key to advancement and that it really isn’t that hard it will take you far. My recommended reading would be Daniel H Pink: To Sell is Human. When you read the book you will understand why.
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