When's the right time to drop the L word?

May 4, 2008
Been talking to this chick real seriously for a while and we've been pretty much dating for a month but just made it official about 10 days ago.. I really do care about her and we're both obsessed with each other. Is it too early to drop the L word? When did you guys do it?
Been talking to this chick real seriously for a while and we've been pretty much dating for a month but just made it official about 10 days ago.. I really do care about her and we're both obsessed with each other. Is it too early to drop the L word? When did you guys do it?
You're just in the infatuation stage right now, son.

Let it ride for a little bit, and then see how you feel.
You're just in the infatuation stage right now, son.

Let it ride for a little bit, and then see how you feel.
Originally Posted by gregzzy23

Her: I love you
You: Thanks
i just drop'd the L word on my lady. she was waiting and dropin hints for a while. it felt right so it happened. 
youll just know when the time is right
i just drop'd the L word on my lady. she was waiting and dropin hints for a while. it felt right so it happened. 
youll just know when the time is right
L word?

As in i Love you forever and ever or as in Listen Here i don't love you anymore cause you love me too much?

Specify bro.
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