when your parents can no longer take care for themselves what your plan?

Originally Posted by MrDoeBoI

Originally Posted by i just got lucky

Originally Posted by lana85

This is how is should be.
Pretty much.  Put yourself in that position, would you like to be placed in a nursing/retirement home or would you like to stay at home with family?  I would do anything and would go out my way to take care of my fam.   Hopefully by doing this, my kids would return the favor and take care of me when I'm older. 
When it's all said and done ,they took care of me when I couldn't take care of myself .So it's only right I return it.
Nursing home is out of the question, idk how people do that with the potential abuse situation. I wish someone would lay their hands on my mother. I'm gonna take care of her myself
The right thing to do is have them live with you... Especially if one dies and you just have your mom or dad left. Hate to think about it though....
Originally Posted by IamMD

in a home.
I'm Mexican, so putting my mom in a home is not an option...thought wouldn't even cross my mind.

Got to take care of Momma, 'cause she took care of my !!!.  Least I can do.


Didn't even read the second page,

I remember when my Grandma (RIP) lost her leg due to complications with Diabetes, during her recovery, the Doctor came in and gave the fam nursing home as an option, all my aunts and uncles gave him a major
, pretty proud moment there.

Even when she was in the hospital with complications/surgery, my grandpa, mom, aunts and uncles all had a little rotation so she would never be alone.  Same thing when my grandpa before he passed in 2009.
I'll be taking my parents in when they can no longer live by themselves. I personally would not feel right putting them in a home.
Originally Posted by Liban906

I'm going to suck it up and take care of them. Can you imagine abandoning your parents because you're a little too "busy"? After all they've done for you? I know my parents went through hell raising us so I'm definitely not passing my mom and dad off to a nursing home. If it gets to the point where they need constant 24/7 care, I'll hire a live in nurse but they're always gonna have a place under my roof

Originally Posted by SunDOOBIE

Originally Posted by Liban906

I'm going to suck it up and take care of them. Can you imagine abandoning your parents because you're a little too "busy"? After all they've done for you? I know my parents went through hell raising us so I'm definitely not passing my mom and dad off to a nursing home. If it gets to the point where they need constant 24/7 care, I'll hire a live in nurse but they're always gonna have a place under my roof
Best Answer right here.  
Watching my mom take care of my grandma the last 7 years of her life was
One of the toughest things I've seen my mom endure and I never realized how hard it was how much emotionally and physically it can drain you, but I only got one mom..she's worth it

and get ready for the selfish @!$*# in your family who don't want to help even a little, then feel entitled to something once the person passes
my grandmother is 87 and lives alone, drives, and VERY active. She volunteers with organizations that work with Polish immigrants in Chicago, goes to church everyday, and beat cancer.

Its crazy to think about how my grandparents were all relatively healthy/independent until their last days but I can already see the side effects of poor health with my parents. I'll do my best to take care of them if it comes to it, though.
What if you aren't any good at taking care of others? The people in nursing homes get paid because they know what they're doing... I have no clue how to cook for a person with special dietary needs, sort medications, set appointments, that kind of stuff.

It's not that I'm unwilling to help, but I feel like I'd be doing more harm than good if I ever tried to take care of someone else, especially if they couldn't help me help them
I already know that my life will be very busy in the future but family always gonna come first. If needed I would hire a nurse to come to MY house
where my parent/s would be living too.I cant really see this happening with my mother but my father coming to live with me because of illness or
financial problems is something I can see
Reading through this thread made me kind of sad.

I'd definitely take care of both of my parents, though. They've been through a lot and gave me everything, so I must return the favor as much as I can. I think about this sometimes and it puts me in a certain mood, so I kind of try to prepare myself for it, even though I'm still in college. I'll have my brother and his girlfriend to help me out, too. My grandpa stays with us whenever he's not in Vietnam. My grandma stayed with us, but she passed away when I was only 7. RIP.

I've almost lost both of my parents at some point. I will definitely take care of them when they need me to.

I'm Asian, btw.
Simple! take care of them like they took care of me. I don't know how people can send there parents to Nursing/Old Folks Home.
Originally Posted by enlightenedespot

Im African, our children are our social security.

Our family is big so there will always be some young family members living in our compound to share the duties.

Yep. But if my parents choose to stay here in the US instead of going back when they are old, they always have a place under my roof.
Originally Posted by Liban906

I'm going to suck it up and take care of them. Can you imagine abandoning your parents because you're a little too "busy"? After all they've done for you? I know my parents went through hell raising us so I'm definitely not passing my mom and dad off to a nursing home. If it gets to the point where they need constant 24/7 care, I'll hire a live in nurse but they're always gonna have a place under my roof

over the last 5 years my mom has completely bankrolled my entire college career and living expenses... Just off that alone I owe her more than a home I don't give a #@%@ if she $%#%% on my wifes face she will always be number one
I'm going to take care of them. I have the European mindset as my mom does it for my grandfather by allowing him to live in a room where he wouldn't be able to afford anything in a safe neighborhood. Plus, all I have is my mom who sacrificed everything for me. It would be so wrong of me to actually just leave here there. On top of that, I want to set an example for my children so that they'll do the same for me. Every girl I've dated and haven gotten serious with I laid it out to them that if this gets really serious you'll have to understand this one thing.
Originally Posted by lana85

Originally Posted by Liban906

I'm going to suck it up and take care of them. Can you imagine abandoning your parents because you're a little too "busy"? After all they've done for you? I know my parents went through hell raising us so I'm definitely not passing my mom and dad off to a nursing home. If it gets to the point where they need constant 24/7 care, I'll hire a live in nurse but they're always gonna have a place under my roof
This is how is should be.
Staying with me til the end, absolutely no other option. Just like my Hispanic folks in here, most Asians share the same culture of taking care of our parents when they get older. Its only right seeing they brought us into this world and took care of us.
Originally Posted by imvictor

Originally Posted by lana85

Originally Posted by Liban906

I'm going to suck it up and take care of them. Can you imagine abandoning your parents because you're a little too "busy"? After all they've done for you? I know my parents went through hell raising us so I'm definitely not passing my mom and dad off to a nursing home. If it gets to the point where they need constant 24/7 care, I'll hire a live in nurse but they're always gonna have a place under my roof
This is how is should be.
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