When heroin use hit the suburbs, everything changed (warning: potential race thread)

Yup. PCP = wet = Sherm = angel dust = fry stick = dipper

All the same ****. And nobody smokes embalming fluid. Urban legend :lol:

This. You would literally die if you smoked that.

Around me everyone calls PCP "green" and if you mix it with reefer it's "love boat".

But yeah...really bad stuff.
Everyone should keep in mind that the legal status of a narcotic (that includes all legal drugs like alcohol, caffeine, nicotine and prescription drugs as well as the illicit "street" drugs) is a political matter rather than a medical one.

We should also remember that merely using a politically unapproved substance is not the same as addiction. This is the most frustrating thing about drug policy debates. Even smart, reasonable and serious people become none of those things when the policy of drugs, that they do not not like, comes up in a discussion.

Furthermore, even most addicts are not the thieving, shiftless, filthy junkies that popular culture imagines. Addiction is by no means desirable but most of the costs of addiction, to the addict and to society at large, are a result of heroin's being stigmatized and criminalized. Homelessness, incarceration, disease, poverty and social isolation are largely the result of misguided "tough love" policies and action by an addict's friends and family.

When we apply some harm reduction, patience and the notion that drug addicts are people too, we see most addicts quitting and getting on with their lives.
Once in grade school, we were on the bus going back home and this dude stopped his car, took his clothes off and started whacking it in the street...PCP is really something else
Everyone should keep in mind that the legal status of a narcotic (that includes all legal drugs like alcohol, caffeine, nicotine and prescription drugs as well as the illicit "street" drugs) is a political matter rather than a medical one.

We should also remember that merely using a politically unapproved substance is not the same as addiction. This is the most frustrating thing about drug policy debates. Even smart, reasonable and serious people become none of those things when the policy of drugs, that they do not not like, comes up in a discussion.

Furthermore, even most addicts are not the thieving, shiftless, filthy junkies that popular culture imagines. Addiction is by no means desirable but most of the costs of addiction, to the addict and to society at large, are a result of heroin's being stigmatized and criminalized. Homelessness, incarceration, disease, poverty and social isolation are largely the result of misguided "tough love" policies and action by an addict's friends and family.

When we apply some harm reduction, patience and the notion that drug addicts are people too, we see most addicts quitting and getting on with their lives.

So basically its the lack of empathy that stands in the way, in your opinion?
I have a friend who was into all kinds of drugs and used to sell A LOT. Dude said he has no idea how he didn't become addicted to heroin. Says it was the most amazing feeling in the world.
Not everyone has a super addictive personality. You guys are implying every heroin user is a super junkie like in the movies. Trust me bruh I know full blown pillheads and users who are moderately successful people :lol:
Yup. PCP = wet = Sherm = angel dust = fry stick = dipper

All the same ****. And nobody smokes embalming fluid. Urban legend :lol:
while its rare and hard to find their are some functioning junkies

having habits for 20 plus years shooting up still holding a job some people if they dont know what to look for wouldn't think their uses

I know people like this
then on the other hand you have the hardcore junkies they cant or dont want to get off this crap

I also know and knew people like this

One guy had to move to a remote part of spain from ny to get off dope
his family owned a home there

Another friend dropped the addiction all together and is a reality tv show producer

Another tried every other drug under the sun after his first hit of weed and has had a herion problem ever since

One last person i personally knew od off it
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Around my way a lot of young girls with good famlies run away from home or husband to be with some so called pump addict who gives them access to drugs and do tricks for money.

My friend a use to bang the aplus girls while they were still fresh

Couple months later you see them running the street they looking like skelator, skinny in and out of jail with sores all over their body
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Around my way a lot of young girls with good famlies run away from home or husband to be with some so called pump addict who gives them access to drugs and do tricks for money.

My friend a use to bang the aplus girls while they were still fresh

Couple months later you see them running the street they looking like skelator, skinny in and out of jail with sores all over their body
This is the truth bruh, almost everyday there somebody looking for their wife or daughter where i live 
Who said that we're implying that they're full blown addicts? I'm just saying heroin isn't something you try to just to have fun with just like how crack was. People thought they could smoke it once and be good, but that high was so unbelievable that they needed to chase it again which is chemically impossible due to the level of dopamine released the first time. Seymour Hoffman was clean for a decade plus, but always wanted another taste. You can be a high functioning addict.
Big problem here in Boston and the surrounding areas.. Pills and heroin, all these damn white people and their pills :lol:

im white too btw dont get mad!

I dont even *** with alcohol that much. Just stick to weed
Real talk tho, i watched an episode of intervention where this dude was LEANING.. not gonna lie i kinda wanted to know what that felt like :nerd:

Can you get that high off weed? LOL kidding :smh:
Had sex with this chick while she was on heroin, she seemed mad happy but I wasn't sure whether it was the D or the high. Or a combo of both. Too scared to try it tho. :nerd:

That ain't nothing to brag about. You're a sick fella bruh
Dudes out here banking off that stuff...at the same time I didn't really see the effects of it at first hand till a few years ago
Seen so many self distructions, heroin appears to be the root of complete and utter distruction!! 62 people got popped in my county since the 29th! These cats need to learn to pop a perc smoke some purp and just chill!!! That's almost as disgusting as meth
I'm a pure alcohic with 3 + years of sobriety by the grace of GOD...

What shocked me was the amount of young kids coming through the doors with opiate addiction.

It starts out with CODEINE & OXYCOTIN

THOSE ARE expensive, once those run out These kids turn to street opiates AKA heroine.

It's all downhill after that.
This is why im content with sticking to the dank until my time is up.
I've never even have wanted nor have I snorted anything. I can' imagine shooting up :x
Young black dude sold herion to a young white dude dealer
Young white dude  dealer gave it to his younger underage girl
younger underage girls OD
younger white dude get caught shooting up in car in the driver way of white girl
Police investigate house finds white girl dead
rich parents are mad
Rich parents forgive young white dealer
Younger white dude go to jail and set up young black dealer
young black dealer get 25 years fed time, white boy get 6 months
Must be good to be white and young
Yeah man it's fantastic. We whites are basically immune to consequences. Shucks, just the other day I shot an old lady on the street and the cops gave me a lolly-pop and sent me on my way. Oh how wonderful and easy my life is 
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