Whats your GPA??? vol. College students only.

3.6 gpa, next semester will be my 2nd semester of junior year and I have no C's on my transcript and more A's than B's
3.7 for first semester of pharmacy school. Stupid core class gave me a B+ and I got a B+ in chem, A in everything else.
got my grades for this fall quarter, ended up with a 3.68 in mech eng.
...my highest GPA so far (i'm a junior). my lowest grade was a B in linearcircuits-and i'm sure i could have done much better in that class if i had managed my time better during finals week because i barely studied for thefinal...i guess, at least i didn't really have to pay a price for it. i can't be too hard on myself cuz i studied hard for the other ones.
hopefully this trend continues and i can raise my cumulative closer to a 3.5.
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