Whats your GPA??? vol. College students only.

Originally Posted by TBONE95860

Originally Posted by eye see soles

No, it was directed toward you.

The name of the school matters most when you're looking for a job. So getting a 3.8 may be just as hard as getting it at Harvard than at Hood college.
You can't really define a "good" gpa in those terms.

Just as hard?!?!?
Okay you obviously don't know what you're talking about.

Originally Posted by D723

TBONE I hope you realize that rank of school in your undergraduate career usually ends up meaning very little.
Not for people who are going to go to graduate school like myself (Law School).
Actually you're quite wrong about that. Of course there will be a difference with Ivy League schools but your undergraduate school of choicewill rarely affect what kind of law school you will get into. Trust me, the path you're taking has already been taken by most of my family.
first 2 years in college = 3.65

last 2 years in college = 2.5

once i figured out that a 3.65 didnt mean much as compared to a 2.5 i stopped caring and stopped attending class ... ill graduate this sunday with an economicsdegree from the university of maryland ... my advice to you is dont stress over school unless you are doing something that requires you to get a high gpa ...
Originally Posted by MarleysProtege

first 2 years in college = 3.65

last 2 years in college = 2.5

once i figured out that a 3.65 didnt mean much as compared to a 2.5 i stopped caring and stopped attending class ... ill graduate this sunday with an economics degree from the university of maryland ... my advice to you is dont stress over school unless you are doing something that requires you to get a high gpa ...

How do you figure that it doesn't matter? BTW, I'm going to be an economics major.
Originally Posted by Stork

3.77, don't have grades yet but I know they are all A's and B's.

just wanted to say.. ur avatar trips me out...

i dink i saw hitler somewhere in there.. lol
Originally Posted by Shaq DIESEL 34

Originally Posted by MarleysProtege

first 2 years in college = 3.65

last 2 years in college = 2.5

once i figured out that a 3.65 didnt mean much as compared to a 2.5 i stopped caring and stopped attending class ... ill graduate this sunday with an economics degree from the university of maryland ... my advice to you is dont stress over school unless you are doing something that requires you to get a high gpa ...

How do you figure that it doesn't matter? BTW, I'm going to be an economics major.
Technically, it will only matter if you plan on applying to any programs that require a high gpa. (Graduate school, various job positions may alsolike to see a high gpa, but will be reluctant to follow through with a formal check to verify)

Other than that, it's just another stat to put on your resume.

The important thing when considering GPA, and college overall, is what you yourself can gain from it. Cake walk through college and get that 2.0, only to findthat you didn't really learn anything and can't compete in a highly competitive job market with other graduating students that have the mentaltoughness, sharpness, and intellect that earn 3.8's and up and were on top of things.
Shaq DIESEL 34 wrote:

How do you figure that it doesn't matter? BTW, I'm going to be an economics major.
any regular job it doesnt matter ... but if youre trying to get into a graduate school then by all means try your $#+ off ...

but my advice is, wait till you go through the economics program ... you will almost certainly fail any and every upper level test you take, but it will becurved so much that you will seem like a genius ...

for instance, on my first test for econ460 this semester a 15/75 was a C ... ... ... ...
Psychology = B-
Philosophy = B
World Music = A
English (not announced)
College Algebra = B+

slacking since I'm already in Electrical Engineering. I'm a sophomore btw.
Originally Posted by yankees1129

Originally Posted by dbbabd

^^^^^Dang yankees1129 thats some good stuff right there. Whats ur major?
criminal justice at St. John's
Who's your criminal investigation professor? Brown? If so shes
for her age

Can't wait to go back to school btw.. taking years off ftl

Anyway I got caught up in too much stuff other than school and had tons of roommate problems while I was at SJU.. first semester I had 3.12 then secondsemester 2.54 because of one class.. I had all B's then a D+ because of this old $%! professor and her horrible teaching/grading methods. I let thathinder me from getting an education, didn't even go to the dean or anything. I'm still
at myself for it. Can't wait to go back to school andget good grades then be out.
Originally Posted by MarleysProtege

Shaq DIESEL 34 wrote:

How do you figure that it doesn't matter? BTW, I'm going to be an economics major.
any regular job it doesnt matter ... but if youre trying to get into a graduate school then by all means try your $#+ off ...

but my advice is, wait till you go through the economics program ... you will almost certainly fail any and every upper level test you take, but it will be curved so much that you will seem like a genius ...

for instance, on my first test for econ460 this semester a 15/75 was a C ... ... ... ...

Yeah I've heard that about economics even in 1st year courses at University of Buffalo (65 was an A). I took them at St John's so i wouldn't know.But that's good to know though, i've never really had a great GPA but it's more a result of just doing poorly on tests, not lack of effort. (Well,Sometimes
3.46 from top 50 school for the people that say grades/rankings don't matter...it depends what your goals are. If you want to get a grad degree...gradessure as hell matter. Look at the stats for top law/med/business schools. No more needs to be said. If you want to get a prestigious/highly competitive job,grades are the first way for employers to weed people out. Sure just having high grades won't get you the job, and i've seen people with not so greatgrades get offers...but it usually requires a lot more networking and effort on your part. once you get the interview, your grades usually don't matter asmuch and they'll judge you on who you are and what you can bring to the table, but not having the necessary grades often times won't even give you aninterview. also the difference in rankings for undergrad shows in the types of employers that recruit there, thus the school you go to plays a big part in youropportunities right out of college. I go to a pretty decent school, (think we were ranked #43 in the nation), but just looking at our job website compared tomy friend's at Cal-Berkeley, and they have many more employers, different industries that recruit there. Going to a 'target' school will make yourlife a lot easier if you're trying to get into a certain field. a 3.9 at a Cal/Stanford will get you an interview with Goldman Sachs, a 3.9 from say...CSULong Beach won't. So there definitely is a difference in where you get your grades from.
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