Originally Posted by tkthafm
If and when science breaks down what "gay" actually is & why exactly it develops, it still doesn't forcibly deem society responsible to cater to/accept/support how it is manifested (IE: marriage). I don't think discovering strong genetic vs environmental determining factors should have much bearing on how we view it. It's all relative, what you call an abnormality or deviation, someone may call a defect, flaw or disease state. Science alone cannot enter this realm and adjudicate the differences. That's where a society's moral/ethical values come into play. It would be a mistake to think that not accepting something like marriage between homosexuals means inherently viewing them as inferior beings. It's obvious that the tide has shifted towards supporting it, at least in the West. In other places the attitude is still strongly negative. My question is basically a mirror image of the OP... what makes the view opposing it wrong ? If a society (which collectively defines marriage) deems homosexual marriage as "wrong" (or homosexuality in and of itself as a defect, flaw or disease state) how do they have any less backing to their claim than a society that supports it ?
Before someone makes the "what about if X race is viewed as inferior" argument... this is not an issue of fundamental human rights or again, if the person is even viewed as "equal". It's a question of how society defines the boundaries of what actions human beings make are acceptable/allowed within THAT society. The source for most of the opposition comes from religious belief, so let's look at Islam & Judaism as examples. Both hold that all races/humans are equal. Interracial marriage is acceptable. In a society that ascribes to these teachings, what then should force them to allow gay marriage ? a self-righteous belief that they should, just because that person/society has deemed it "RIGHT" ? I don't think so, homie.