What's wrong with Gay Marriage?

You know what would solve a lot. Dirty said before to leave Marriage to religious people and civil unions to un-religious so then everyone could be unionized.
Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by tkthafm

If and when science breaks down what "gay" actually is & why exactly it develops, it still doesn't forcibly deem society responsible to cater to/accept/support how it is manifested (IE: marriage). I don't think discovering strong genetic vs environmental determining factors should have much bearing on how we view it. It's all relative, what you call an abnormality or deviation, someone may call a defect, flaw or disease state. Science alone cannot enter this realm and adjudicate the differences. That's where a society's moral/ethical values come into play. It would be a mistake to think that not accepting something like marriage between homosexuals means inherently viewing them as inferior beings. It's obvious that the tide has shifted towards supporting it, at least in the West. In other places the attitude is still strongly negative. My question is basically a mirror image of the OP... what makes the view opposing it wrong ? If a society (which collectively defines marriage) deems homosexual marriage as "wrong" (or homosexuality in and of itself as a defect, flaw or disease state) how do they have any less backing to their claim than a society that supports it ?

Before someone makes the "what about if X race is viewed as inferior" argument... this is not an issue of fundamental human rights or again, if the person is even viewed as "equal". It's a question of how society defines the boundaries of what actions human beings make are acceptable/allowed within THAT society. The source for most of the opposition comes from religious belief, so let's look at Islam & Judaism as examples. Both hold that all races/humans are equal. Interracial marriage is acceptable. In a society that ascribes to these teachings, what then should force them to allow gay marriage ? a self-righteous belief that they should, just because that person/society has deemed it "RIGHT" ? I don't think so, homie.

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I suppose you're right, if a society thinks its right to stone women for engaging in beauty pageants and punish homosexuality with death, who the hell am I do impose my views on them. If it were up to certain people we would be living in the dark ages. I simply think this is one more progressive step for humanity as a whole, and like other struggles for human rights there will be resistance

How is this a struggle for human rights ? It seems those in favor are on the exact same footing as those in opposition in believing that it should/shouldn't be allowed due to their OWN constructs/value systems. Help me understand here, what exactly is the support for your belief that homosexuals getting married should be an inalienable human right in every society around the world ? That science may show homosexuality has genetic roots ?
The homosexuality is "natural" argument should NOT have to be made. Whether or not we have found whatever gene makes them the way they are is completely irrelevant. At the end of the day, they wake up every morning feeling a certain way and having a sexual inclination toward the same sex. I am gay and I can't help it should be enough to justify letting homosexuals be themselves but it isn't enough for society.

Nor should it be. Re-read the first sentence of my post.

There are many immoral thought processes throughout history and presently that are perpetuated by the majority of society. Doesn't make it right. At a time people thought human beings that didn't look like them were animals to be bred and sold. Those societies COLLECTIVELY thought it was the correct thing to do. 

I also addressed this, so let me copy/paste.

Before someone makes the "what about if X race is viewed as inferior" argument... this is not an issue of fundamental human rights or again, if the person is even viewed as "equal". It's a question of how society defines the boundaries of what actions human beings make are acceptable/allowed within THAT society. The source for most of the opposition comes from religious belief, so let's look at Islam & Judaism as examples. Both hold that all races/humans are equal. Interracial marriage is acceptable. In a society that ascribes to these teachings, what then should force them to allow gay marriage ?
Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by tkthafm

If and when science breaks down what "gay" actually is & why exactly it develops, it still doesn't forcibly deem society responsible to cater to/accept/support how it is manifested (IE: marriage). I don't think discovering strong genetic vs environmental determining factors should have much bearing on how we view it. It's all relative, what you call an abnormality or deviation, someone may call a defect, flaw or disease state. Science alone cannot enter this realm and adjudicate the differences. That's where a society's moral/ethical values come into play. It would be a mistake to think that not accepting something like marriage between homosexuals means inherently viewing them as inferior beings. It's obvious that the tide has shifted towards supporting it, at least in the West. In other places the attitude is still strongly negative. My question is basically a mirror image of the OP... what makes the view opposing it wrong ? If a society (which collectively defines marriage) deems homosexual marriage as "wrong" (or homosexuality in and of itself as a defect, flaw or disease state) how do they have any less backing to their claim than a society that supports it ?

Before someone makes the "what about if X race is viewed as inferior" argument... this is not an issue of fundamental human rights or again, if the person is even viewed as "equal". It's a question of how society defines the boundaries of what actions human beings make are acceptable/allowed within THAT society. The source for most of the opposition comes from religious belief, so let's look at Islam & Judaism as examples. Both hold that all races/humans are equal. Interracial marriage is acceptable. In a society that ascribes to these teachings, what then should force them to allow gay marriage ? a self-righteous belief that they should, just because that person/society has deemed it "RIGHT" ? I don't think so, homie.

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I suppose you're right, if a society thinks its right to stone women for engaging in beauty pageants and punish homosexuality with death, who the hell am I do impose my views on them. If it were up to certain people we would be living in the dark ages. I simply think this is one more progressive step for humanity as a whole, and like other struggles for human rights there will be resistance

How is this a struggle for human rights ? It seems those in favor are on the exact same footing as those in opposition in believing that it should/shouldn't be allowed due to their OWN constructs/value systems. Help me understand here, what exactly is the support for your belief that homosexuals getting married should be an inalienable human right in every society around the world ? That science may show homosexuality has genetic roots ?
The homosexuality is "natural" argument should NOT have to be made. Whether or not we have found whatever gene makes them the way they are is completely irrelevant. At the end of the day, they wake up every morning feeling a certain way and having a sexual inclination toward the same sex. I am gay and I can't help it should be enough to justify letting homosexuals be themselves but it isn't enough for society.

Nor should it be. Re-read the first sentence of my post.

There are many immoral thought processes throughout history and presently that are perpetuated by the majority of society. Doesn't make it right. At a time people thought human beings that didn't look like them were animals to be bred and sold. Those societies COLLECTIVELY thought it was the correct thing to do. 

I also addressed this, so let me copy/paste.

Before someone makes the "what about if X race is viewed as inferior" argument... this is not an issue of fundamental human rights or again, if the person is even viewed as "equal". It's a question of how society defines the boundaries of what actions human beings make are acceptable/allowed within THAT society. The source for most of the opposition comes from religious belief, so let's look at Islam & Judaism as examples. Both hold that all races/humans are equal. Interracial marriage is acceptable. In a society that ascribes to these teachings, what then should force them to allow gay marriage ?
Originally Posted by tkthafm

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by tkthafm

Last time I checked we live in a multi-religious society, I'm not speaking for a muslim country that subscribes to sharia law (because honestly it's going to take centuries of undoing to see any human progress in those parts of the world). This IS an issue of fundamental human rights, you feel as tho it isn't because as a straight male it's something you probably take for granted. We don't live in the Ukraine or Iran, gays should be allowed to get married in any church or religious institution that would entertain it. Or at the very least be granted civil unions.

The irony of needing "Scientific" approval to justify people getting equal treatment. Reminds me of the lengths eugenics went and still goes to prove black people as less of human beings and deserving of hardship. I am a human being should be enough, unfortunately it isn't.
Originally Posted by tkthafm

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by tkthafm

Last time I checked we live in a multi-religious society, I'm not speaking for a muslim country that subscribes to sharia law (because honestly it's going to take centuries of undoing to see any human progress in those parts of the world). This IS an issue of fundamental human rights, you feel as tho it isn't because as a straight male it's something you probably take for granted. We don't live in the Ukraine or Iran, gays should be allowed to get married in any church or religious institution that would entertain it. Or at the very least be granted civil unions.

The irony of needing "Scientific" approval to justify people getting equal treatment. Reminds me of the lengths eugenics went and still goes to prove black people as less of human beings and deserving of hardship. I am a human being should be enough, unfortunately it isn't.
To the people saying that the same people come in on these arguments, do you not notice how many regulars there are on this forum? Do you just come and view posts and then leave? Or do you just happen to come into religious threads and then look at the sns? C'mon now, there a ton of new memebers each month, but you should already be familiar with the regulars, weather it'd be on a religious thread or outside. Ya'll annoying with your "its always the same group of blah blah" shut up.
To the people saying that the same people come in on these arguments, do you not notice how many regulars there are on this forum? Do you just come and view posts and then leave? Or do you just happen to come into religious threads and then look at the sns? C'mon now, there a ton of new memebers each month, but you should already be familiar with the regulars, weather it'd be on a religious thread or outside. Ya'll annoying with your "its always the same group of blah blah" shut up.
You haven't answered my question though: What exactly is the support for your belief that homosexuals getting married should be an inalienable human right ? (you repeat this many times in your posts)

The truth is there is no answer other than your own values.... and that's fine. Nothing wrong with that. 

We've succeeded in showing that those for gay marriage (such as yourself) and those against are on equal footing when it comes to their views. It's all relative when it comes to this issue and where we draw our values from. Thus OP has his answer and we might as well lock this thread up. Spending all day trying to argue back & forth to convince someone to change their opinion or prove why your view is "right" is a pointless waste of time, so that was never my intent. 
You haven't answered my question though: What exactly is the support for your belief that homosexuals getting married should be an inalienable human right ? (you repeat this many times in your posts)

The truth is there is no answer other than your own values.... and that's fine. Nothing wrong with that. 

We've succeeded in showing that those for gay marriage (such as yourself) and those against are on equal footing when it comes to their views. It's all relative when it comes to this issue and where we draw our values from. Thus OP has his answer and we might as well lock this thread up. Spending all day trying to argue back & forth to convince someone to change their opinion or prove why your view is "right" is a pointless waste of time, so that was never my intent. 
Originally Posted by tkthafm

You haven't answered my question though: What exactly is the support for your belief that homosexuals getting married should be an inalienable human right ? (you repeat this many times in your posts)

The truth is there is no answer other than your own values.... and that's fine. Nothing wrong with that. 

We've succeeded in showing that those for gay marriage (such as yourself) and those against are on equal footing when it comes to their views. It's all relative when it comes to this issue and where we draw our values from. Thus OP has his answer and we might as well lock this thread up. Spending all day trying to argue back & forth to convince someone to change their opinion or prove why your view is "right" is a pointless waste of time, so that was never my intent. 
And I answered the question, you are a straight male and you don't know what its like to not be able to get married and express you love freely. It isn't an inalienable right to YOU because you're not in their shoes. By certain people's values, other races of men can be treated like cattle and freedom is not their inalienable right. If a gay person thinks marriage will make their quality of life that much better I'm in no position to take that away from them.

We haven't succeeded in anything, unlike most arguments the people opposing this don't have much to lose from it....think about what i just said. It's someone looking for what you have vs. someone saying you can't have it.
Originally Posted by tkthafm

You haven't answered my question though: What exactly is the support for your belief that homosexuals getting married should be an inalienable human right ? (you repeat this many times in your posts)

The truth is there is no answer other than your own values.... and that's fine. Nothing wrong with that. 

We've succeeded in showing that those for gay marriage (such as yourself) and those against are on equal footing when it comes to their views. It's all relative when it comes to this issue and where we draw our values from. Thus OP has his answer and we might as well lock this thread up. Spending all day trying to argue back & forth to convince someone to change their opinion or prove why your view is "right" is a pointless waste of time, so that was never my intent. 
And I answered the question, you are a straight male and you don't know what its like to not be able to get married and express you love freely. It isn't an inalienable right to YOU because you're not in their shoes. By certain people's values, other races of men can be treated like cattle and freedom is not their inalienable right. If a gay person thinks marriage will make their quality of life that much better I'm in no position to take that away from them.

We haven't succeeded in anything, unlike most arguments the people opposing this don't have much to lose from it....think about what i just said. It's someone looking for what you have vs. someone saying you can't have it.
Originally Posted by tkthafm

You haven't answered my question though: What exactly is the support for your belief that homosexuals getting married should be an inalienable human right ? (you repeat this many times in your posts)

The truth is there is no answer other than your own values.... and that's fine. Nothing wrong with that. 

We've succeeded in showing that those for gay marriage (such as yourself) and those against are on equal footing when it comes to their views. It's all relative when it comes to this issue and where we draw our values from. Thus OP has his answer and we might as well lock this thread up. Spending all day trying to argue back & forth to convince someone to change their opinion or prove why your view is "right" is a pointless waste of time, so that was never my intent. 
Do you really believe those arguing against affording everyone the same happinesses are in the same boat as those arguing for it?  I don't understand.  One wants to keep a minority from being happy based on their beliefs and the other wants to help a minority attain the same happinesses of the majority.  For the life of me, and take whatever religion, scientific evidence, morals or whatever you base your stance on, cannot understand why anyone would be inclined to be against someone being happy.  Especially when it doesn't affect them whatsoever. I don't even think marriage is a great idea, yet I think it is vital that everyone should have that choice.
Originally Posted by tkthafm

You haven't answered my question though: What exactly is the support for your belief that homosexuals getting married should be an inalienable human right ? (you repeat this many times in your posts)

The truth is there is no answer other than your own values.... and that's fine. Nothing wrong with that. 

We've succeeded in showing that those for gay marriage (such as yourself) and those against are on equal footing when it comes to their views. It's all relative when it comes to this issue and where we draw our values from. Thus OP has his answer and we might as well lock this thread up. Spending all day trying to argue back & forth to convince someone to change their opinion or prove why your view is "right" is a pointless waste of time, so that was never my intent. 

but the views of those against gay marriage come from a belief in a book that contradicts the hell out of itself. and those unopposed to gay marriage just feel that you should treat people equally

really though, it's quite convenient how you can quote religious text when it supports your claim, but take other parts of the same text and then attempt to rationalize them with "things were different back then"
Originally Posted by tkthafm

You haven't answered my question though: What exactly is the support for your belief that homosexuals getting married should be an inalienable human right ? (you repeat this many times in your posts)

The truth is there is no answer other than your own values.... and that's fine. Nothing wrong with that. 

We've succeeded in showing that those for gay marriage (such as yourself) and those against are on equal footing when it comes to their views. It's all relative when it comes to this issue and where we draw our values from. Thus OP has his answer and we might as well lock this thread up. Spending all day trying to argue back & forth to convince someone to change their opinion or prove why your view is "right" is a pointless waste of time, so that was never my intent. 

but the views of those against gay marriage come from a belief in a book that contradicts the hell out of itself. and those unopposed to gay marriage just feel that you should treat people equally

really though, it's quite convenient how you can quote religious text when it supports your claim, but take other parts of the same text and then attempt to rationalize them with "things were different back then"
Originally Posted by tkthafm

You haven't answered my question though: What exactly is the support for your belief that homosexuals getting married should be an inalienable human right ? (you repeat this many times in your posts)

The truth is there is no answer other than your own values.... and that's fine. Nothing wrong with that. 

We've succeeded in showing that those for gay marriage (such as yourself) and those against are on equal footing when it comes to their views. It's all relative when it comes to this issue and where we draw our values from. Thus OP has his answer and we might as well lock this thread up. Spending all day trying to argue back & forth to convince someone to change their opinion or prove why your view is "right" is a pointless waste of time, so that was never my intent. 
Do you really believe those arguing against affording everyone the same happinesses are in the same boat as those arguing for it?  I don't understand.  One wants to keep a minority from being happy based on their beliefs and the other wants to help a minority attain the same happinesses of the majority.  For the life of me, and take whatever religion, scientific evidence, morals or whatever you base your stance on, cannot understand why anyone would be inclined to be against someone being happy.  Especially when it doesn't affect them whatsoever. I don't even think marriage is a great idea, yet I think it is vital that everyone should have that choice.
I still don't see how that's answering my question.

Anyone else wanna help me out ?
do work son wrote:
tkthafm wrote:
You haven't answered my question though: What exactly is the support for your belief that homosexuals getting married should be an inalienable human right ? (you repeat this many times in your posts)

The truth is there is no answer other than your own values.... and that's fine. Nothing wrong with that. 

We've succeeded in showing that those for gay marriage (such as yourself) and those against are on equal footing when it comes to their views. It's all relative when it comes to this issue and where we draw our values from. Thus OP has his answer and we might as well lock this thread up. Spending all day trying to argue back & forth to convince someone to change their opinion or prove why your view is "right" is a pointless waste of time, so that was never my intent. 

but the views of those against gay marriage come from a belief in a book that contradicts the hell out of itself. and those unopposed to gay marriage just feel that you should treat people equally 

really though, it's quite convenient how you can quote religious text when it supports your claim, but take other parts of the same text and then attempt to rationalize them with "things were different back then"

Not in all cases. 
Not to get off topic but I'd argue against the "contradicts" part of your post as well.

lobotomybeats wrote:
tkthafm wrote:
You haven't answered my question though: What exactly is the support for your belief that homosexuals getting married should be an inalienable human right ? (you repeat this many times in your posts)

The truth is there is no answer other than your own values.... and that's fine. Nothing wrong with that. 

We've succeeded in showing that those for gay marriage (such as yourself) and those against are on equal footing when it comes to their views. It's all relative when it comes to this issue and where we draw our values from. Thus OP has his answer and we might as well lock this thread up. Spending all day trying to argue back & forth to convince someone to change their opinion or prove why your view is "right" is a pointless waste of time, so that was never my intent. 

Do you really believe those arguing against affording everyone the same happinesses are in the same boat as those arguing for it?  I don't understand.  One wants to keep a minority from being happy based on their beliefs and the other wants to help a minority attain the same happinesses of the majority.  For the life of me, and take whatever religion, scientific evidence, morals or whatever you base your stance on, cannot understand why anyone would be inclined to be against someone being happy.  Especially when it doesn't affect them whatsoever. I don't even think marriage is a great idea, yet I think it is vital that everyone should have that choice.

Yes, at the root of their argument. I can easily see why they would want to prevent gay marriage (even if it doesn't affect THEM) if they view it as wrong and unacceptable towards their society as a whole.
I still don't see how that's answering my question.

Anyone else wanna help me out ?
do work son wrote:
tkthafm wrote:
You haven't answered my question though: What exactly is the support for your belief that homosexuals getting married should be an inalienable human right ? (you repeat this many times in your posts)

The truth is there is no answer other than your own values.... and that's fine. Nothing wrong with that. 

We've succeeded in showing that those for gay marriage (such as yourself) and those against are on equal footing when it comes to their views. It's all relative when it comes to this issue and where we draw our values from. Thus OP has his answer and we might as well lock this thread up. Spending all day trying to argue back & forth to convince someone to change their opinion or prove why your view is "right" is a pointless waste of time, so that was never my intent. 

but the views of those against gay marriage come from a belief in a book that contradicts the hell out of itself. and those unopposed to gay marriage just feel that you should treat people equally 

really though, it's quite convenient how you can quote religious text when it supports your claim, but take other parts of the same text and then attempt to rationalize them with "things were different back then"

Not in all cases. 
Not to get off topic but I'd argue against the "contradicts" part of your post as well.

lobotomybeats wrote:
tkthafm wrote:
You haven't answered my question though: What exactly is the support for your belief that homosexuals getting married should be an inalienable human right ? (you repeat this many times in your posts)

The truth is there is no answer other than your own values.... and that's fine. Nothing wrong with that. 

We've succeeded in showing that those for gay marriage (such as yourself) and those against are on equal footing when it comes to their views. It's all relative when it comes to this issue and where we draw our values from. Thus OP has his answer and we might as well lock this thread up. Spending all day trying to argue back & forth to convince someone to change their opinion or prove why your view is "right" is a pointless waste of time, so that was never my intent. 

Do you really believe those arguing against affording everyone the same happinesses are in the same boat as those arguing for it?  I don't understand.  One wants to keep a minority from being happy based on their beliefs and the other wants to help a minority attain the same happinesses of the majority.  For the life of me, and take whatever religion, scientific evidence, morals or whatever you base your stance on, cannot understand why anyone would be inclined to be against someone being happy.  Especially when it doesn't affect them whatsoever. I don't even think marriage is a great idea, yet I think it is vital that everyone should have that choice.

Yes, at the root of their argument. I can easily see why they would want to prevent gay marriage (even if it doesn't affect THEM) if they view it as wrong and unacceptable towards their society as a whole.
Originally Posted by Deuce King

Originally Posted by melofan15

for those that are anti-gay marriage, are you against gay relationships or is the concept of marriage the determining factor in your beliefs?
For me it's the concept of marriage.

   For someone who's always preaching that "give a black man a chance" you making the same argument a slave master wouldve made when blacks were trying to fight for their freedom.
Apples and oranges champ, apples and oranges.  If gay people want to unite, then by all means have a civil union.  However, whether folks on here or anywhere else want to believe it or not the term "marriage" has religion or religious components to it.        
Then why can two people get married by an Elvis impersonator in Vegas and have that recognized by government?

Sure, in it's idea, it had a religious element.  The problem is that our nation is supposed to allow freedom of religion, a separation of church and state.  The argument always reverts back to religion however and that a marriage between two people of the same sex is not what was intended in the eyes of God.  Just look at divorce rates if you want to know how truly sacred marriage is among heterosexuals, believers in God or not.  Why can two heterosexuals have the right to get married and then divorced as they please, ignoring the vows that they made?  If two men or two women are truly willing to honor those vows, why is it that they shouldn't be allowed that right?  I know it's simplistic and divorce isn't right, but let's just be real about society.

The world has changed, in some ways for the better, in other ways not so much.  We have to progress and I know the civil rights or women's rights movements are a difficult comparison for some, but these are real people, there isn't something wrong with them because they're different than you, they are not the second-class citizens that they are often treated as.  Allow them the freedom to feel that their ability to love is just as important as that of a heterosexual and that they too can see the benefits of a recognized marriage.
Originally Posted by Deuce King

Originally Posted by melofan15

for those that are anti-gay marriage, are you against gay relationships or is the concept of marriage the determining factor in your beliefs?
For me it's the concept of marriage.

   For someone who's always preaching that "give a black man a chance" you making the same argument a slave master wouldve made when blacks were trying to fight for their freedom.
Apples and oranges champ, apples and oranges.  If gay people want to unite, then by all means have a civil union.  However, whether folks on here or anywhere else want to believe it or not the term "marriage" has religion or religious components to it.        
Then why can two people get married by an Elvis impersonator in Vegas and have that recognized by government?

Sure, in it's idea, it had a religious element.  The problem is that our nation is supposed to allow freedom of religion, a separation of church and state.  The argument always reverts back to religion however and that a marriage between two people of the same sex is not what was intended in the eyes of God.  Just look at divorce rates if you want to know how truly sacred marriage is among heterosexuals, believers in God or not.  Why can two heterosexuals have the right to get married and then divorced as they please, ignoring the vows that they made?  If two men or two women are truly willing to honor those vows, why is it that they shouldn't be allowed that right?  I know it's simplistic and divorce isn't right, but let's just be real about society.

The world has changed, in some ways for the better, in other ways not so much.  We have to progress and I know the civil rights or women's rights movements are a difficult comparison for some, but these are real people, there isn't something wrong with them because they're different than you, they are not the second-class citizens that they are often treated as.  Allow them the freedom to feel that their ability to love is just as important as that of a heterosexual and that they too can see the benefits of a recognized marriage.
Originally Posted by tkthafm

I still don't see how that's answering my question.

Anyone else wanna help me out ?

you don't believe gay marriage should be an inalienable right because the bible condemns homosexual acts. let's say someone is a member of a church that supports homosexuality (outlandish i know, but follow me here). they aren't christians and don't read the bible, but the laws of the united states should reflect the religious text of a religion they don't follow?
Originally Posted by tkthafm

I still don't see how that's answering my question.

Anyone else wanna help me out ?

you don't believe gay marriage should be an inalienable right because the bible condemns homosexual acts. let's say someone is a member of a church that supports homosexuality (outlandish i know, but follow me here). they aren't christians and don't read the bible, but the laws of the united states should reflect the religious text of a religion they don't follow?
Originally Posted by AntBanks81

As I said before, homosexuality is a sin. so is murder.
Originally Posted by AntBanks81

Yes, pre-marital sex is a sin. I see your point in that no sin is greater than another. However, one sin is not the same as a sinful lifestyle.

Me murdering an individual would constitute one sin, such as having sex once prior to marriage. Living a homosexual lifestyle is worse than murdering someone. Nice. 

And you have got multiple children and still aren't married. 
Originally Posted by tkthafm

I still don't see how that's answering my question.

Anyone else wanna help me out ?

How doesn't that answer your question, you're asserting that marriage for homosexuals isn't an inalienable right....because it is an OPINION. I responded by saying there are many rights that are taken away/have been taken away from people who had the "personal opinion" that others were undeserving of those rights. You are in no position to tell someone what rights are inalienable when you benefit from them.

That's like me owning a car, yet banning bald people from driving because a fairy tale book told me to (yea corny example but you should get the point). I can't say driving isn't an inalienable right when I clearly benefit from it.

meh i tried....back to reading
Originally Posted by tkthafm

I still don't see how that's answering my question.

Anyone else wanna help me out ?

How doesn't that answer your question, you're asserting that marriage for homosexuals isn't an inalienable right....because it is an OPINION. I responded by saying there are many rights that are taken away/have been taken away from people who had the "personal opinion" that others were undeserving of those rights. You are in no position to tell someone what rights are inalienable when you benefit from them.

That's like me owning a car, yet banning bald people from driving because a fairy tale book told me to (yea corny example but you should get the point). I can't say driving isn't an inalienable right when I clearly benefit from it.

meh i tried....back to reading
Originally Posted by AntBanks81

As I said before, homosexuality is a sin. so is murder.
Originally Posted by AntBanks81

Yes, pre-marital sex is a sin. I see your point in that no sin is greater than another. However, one sin is not the same as a sinful lifestyle.

Me murdering an individual would constitute one sin, such as having sex once prior to marriage. Living a homosexual lifestyle is worse than murdering someone. Nice. 

And you have got multiple children and still aren't married. 
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