What's the worst smell you've experienced?

My old man, took a dump, it smell so bad i had to brush my teeth the next day because, nobody wants to taste ______. (rhymes with hip) before they catch shut eye. The smell was so bad, it made me forget the material i covered for my math exam.Even the neighbors knocked on my door and offered me some frebreez.
Went to an Onion Festival when I was a kid and my dad took me to use the portapotty. We waited for this particular one and the person that came out was a fat lady that looked like Roseanne Barr. I looked up at my dad and started shaking my head as if to tell him "not this one dad, please" and he basically shoved me in there and told me to hurry up. Soon as I got in I just slumped my shoulders and didn't feel like doing anything. Sulfur is the worst element in the periodic table.
Homeless guy on a subway car. I saw a bunch of people leave the car and go into the one behind..I was a NYC newb at the time but SMH at myself for not putting 2 and 2 together
I work in the operating room. It's a two-way tie between decaying flesh and the smell of tissue being cauterized.
Homeless dude in NYC subway.

Smelled like dude had been marinating in his %+%%, sweat and piss for a good week or so.

Never trust empty subway cars during rush hour folks lmao.
Originally Posted by mushka81

Puppy farts.

especially after they eat their own poop 
Originally Posted by Purple Face

Protein drink remnants left in a gym bag left for a summer's month.

you aint lyin about that protein powder funk... i remember i left some protein in a blender bottle for like 2 days...  hot water and soap did nothing so i threw it out. 
Burning flesh is pretty bad but I feel like I've smelled something worse lately. The breath of a patient in my office made me literally gag once. Oh and a morbidly obese man I rode in an elevator with a couple weeks back.
working at a hospital i had to change the dressing on the open sores of this diabetic guy who had not changed them in weeks
..............he had to get his leg amputated below the knee because it was rotting and turning gangrenous 
Originally Posted by Midnight Hype

My old man, took a dump, it smell so bad i had to brush my teeth the next day because, nobody wants to taste ______. (rhymes with hip) before they catch shut eye. The smell was so bad, it made me forget the material i covered for my math exam.Even the neighbors knocked on my door and offered me some frebreez.

CLASSIC.my cousin & brother demolished the buffet @ Pancho's... then ate an entire box of 96 freezer pops. smelled like sweet & sour filth. aside from that, a mouse that died behind said cousin's fridge... it was like half puddle half mouse. FOUL.
Originally Posted by cocotaso1

working at a hospital i had to change the dressing on the open sores of this diabetic guy who had not changed them in weeks
..............he had to get his leg amputated below the knee because it was rotting and turning gangrenous 
That's why they pay you the big bucks
my dog had a cast, a woodchip got stuck in it and wedged halfway through her leg.  it was super infected, i cut the cast off and had no idea it was in there the whole time.  i smelled this foul smell and pulled it out and tons of *%*% and blood flooded the floor. the vet said it was so infected she was a few days away from dying from a blood infection.  crazy thing is she never even acted like it hurt.  my dog is a beast. 
o yes and i forgot to mention the bay ridge bum

this guy emerges late at night on the last stop when the station is practically empty
so when the train comes, the air pushes the stank and fills up the entire station

it was absolutely terrible
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