What's the biggest L you've ever taken?

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Me and my girl cousin went to our friends house party and I met some girl and eventually brought her home and had a one nightstand with her. Dropped her off and that was that. Later that day I come up with a bad cough And I'm thinking I got a cold from the rain. I go to the doctors to get checked cause it got worse. Later on I run into my cousin and she has a Bad cough also. And it sounds the same as my cough. My results come back and I have pharyngitis. I call my cousin and ask her if she's gone to the doctor and she says yeah she got pharyngitis. SMH, I didn't mention my cousin is bi and sometime during that night she made out with the same chick I took home. FML!!!'

Eskimo Cousins
:lol:  Right. I do pretty well, but could and should have done better. For goodness sakes, if my game in college was anywhere near as tight as it's been since college, I'd have smashed all of the Alpha Phi house. 

Yo I'm cracking up at that 7th Mile story. How did you recover from that with them dudes on your block? You fight him again or just take your L and move on? 

I kept it moving, I was getting ready for to dip for school and them ****** was still on that petty ****....**** I was to until then guess he knocked some sense in me that's the first and only L I ever took on some scrapping ****, when that **** went down it was like when Craig whooped Debo lol I used to terrorize them ****** it was only so long before somebody stood up
I kept it moving, I was getting ready for to dip for school and them ****** was still on that petty ****....**** I was to until then guess he knocked some sense in me that's the first and only L I ever took on some scrapping ****, when that **** went down it was like when Craig whooped Debo lol I used to terrorize them ****** it was only so long before somebody stood up

Oh you were the bully? :lol:

When I was 13 I got into it with this dude that used to punk kids left and right. I don't what I happened but one day I said **** it and we shot the fair one. I didn;t beat his ***, but I didn't get whopped either. Now me and this N has been boys ever since going on 15 years :lol:
This has thread of the year potential. We need to keep this going until the end of the year. 
I got L's for days bruh

I was in high school working at McDonalds and I was crushing hard on this lil light skin chick named Nicole. I used to cut into her all the time on the clock, but was never able to see her outside of work because I had a girl amongst other reasons. Anyway, after working with her for like 3 months we finally set up a lil movie date for after work. I'm hype as hell getting off cause I was really lusting after this ***** and I just knowwwwww I'm about to go balls deep in her...

So I rush to the crib, hop in the shower and get dressed. I look outside and see a couple dudes on the block so I walk outside to chill while I wait for baby girl to hit me up. I walk up and start chopping with em for a min, and they tell me this lil _ name Zack was talking **** and saying he was beating my *** next time he saw me. I'm 18 at the time, he like 16-17. He was mad because I was flaming him in front of the whole hood a few days before, going on his "custom" lions colored Mikes XI with a big *** 4x autographed Chris Claiborne lions jersey he got passed down from the last generation. I'm like man where this lil _ at I'm bout to go in his **** lol laughing at the whole situation, bout to beat his *** then go get some ***. I look down the street and see him posted with some other dudes from the block, so we walk down there.

Soon as I walked up, he knew what it was and he was ready. ***** threw his shirt off and squared up. Whole time I'm still kinda laughing, talking **** and we get to circling around each other lol and idk why but I walk up and give him a quick push....Soon as I did it, Lights out *****...That ***** cocked his fist back and split my **** wide open. [emoji]128171[/emoji][emoji]128171[/emoji][emoji]127775[/emoji][emoji]127775[/emoji][emoji]127775[/emoji][emoji]128171[/emoji][emoji]127775[/emoji] is all I saw, ended up grabbing him up and wrestled it out for a min until somebody ppl came and broke it up. So after that's over, I go in the crib and I'm leaking. My moms see that **** she like wtf happened to you??? I tell her the story, she just hit me with the [emoji]128128[/emoji][emoji]128128[/emoji][emoji]128128[/emoji] and shake her head in disgust.

So she looks at it, right above my eye, she like "you need to get stitches, I'm taking you to the ER".....Nooooooooooo, I been tryna smash this chick for toooo long, I can't even do it. I tell her I'm good, I'll be straight...she not tryna hear that. She takes me anyway. I call the chick up and tell her what happened (like a dumbass) her response?? "awww that sucks"... [emoji]128554[/emoji][emoji]128554[/emoji][emoji]128554[/emoji][emoji]128554[/emoji]

***** never looked at me the same after that, came to work the next morning with the bandage still over the stitches and that was just even more embarrassing smh...Worked there for a few more months until I left for school but she start acting funny, guess I played myself and I never got to eat that smh.

reminds me of my boy...

He got into it with some cats at the beach earlier in the day.

We all head to some party in the valley. After a while my boy leaves.

Someone recognized dude he got into with at the party so they hit up my boy to come back and handle his business.

My boy comes back to the party and calls dude out. Dude wanted no parts of fighting.

My boy insists. I take my phone out to record the fight, before I can do that my boy was laying on the ground seizing.

I was like :wow:

One hitter quitter.

We find out later that dude was 16. I think we were 19-20 at the time.



Even more mindboggling is the fact that everyone seems to have ignored your story

This is a ******* nightmare right here. I hope your bro called the cops on this *****. I would not want to go into work the next morning
word i think the guy's neighbors ended up calling the cops on him, and i think the guy quit his job after that and i can see why :lol:
as for my brother, yeah that's some nightmareish type of stuff but he always manages to somehow slip out of them somehow

I don't get so dude was gonna take your brothers cookies and they go back to work after that?
nah they had just gotten out of work, and the guy wanted to kick it at his crib with my bro



Even more mindboggling is the fact that everyone seems to have ignored your story

This is a ******* nightmare right here. I hope your bro called the cops on this *****. I would not want to go into work the next morning
word i think the guy's neighbors ended up calling the cops on him, and i think the guy quit his job after that and i can see why :lol:
as for my brother, yeah that's some nightmareish type of stuff but he always manages to somehow slip out of them somehow

I don't get so dude was gonna take your brothers cookies and they go back to work after that?
nah they had just gotten out of work, and the guy wanted to kick it at his crib with my bro

yea but don't they have to go to work the next day??
yea but don't they have to go to work the next day??

Thats what im saying he was gonna rape your brother and then just diddy bop back to work like nothing happened?

What happened after did you brother quit? Did he get the choppa, I need a ending don't leave us on a cliffhanger.
Most recent, my now ex walked out on me as we were at Olive Garden.

Another one, so I'm young as hell at karate lessons. I've been holding it in for a long time and finally had to go to the bathroom. So I asked the teacher and he said no, so back to doing karate. My bladder building up, so I asked him again, he said no. Totally forgot about muscle control and let it out all on the floor. Just stood there crying as the floor turned damp with piss, pretty sure all the rest of the kids hated me too.
Probably winning an H2 hummer from one of those little cards you fill out at the movie theatre/malls. I was 15 when I filled it out and even wrote Beyonce as my spouse. My dumbash told them I was 15 on the phone and they hung up. Still ain't forgave my self
Probably winning an H2 hummer from one of those little cards you fill out at the movie theatre/malls. I was 15 when I filled it out and even wrote Beyonce as my spouse. My dumbash told them I was 15 on the phone and they hung up. Still ain't forgave my self

yea but don't they have to go to work the next day??

Thats what im saying he was gonna rape your brother and then just diddy bop back to work like nothing happened?

What happened after did you brother quit? Did he get the choppa, I need a ending don't leave us on a cliffhanger.
i get what you guys are saying and i don't understand the guy's reasoning either :lol:
i guess he thought my brother was down and they would just get it on with no problem.. idk
but like i said i think the dude went to jail and then quit the job after.
i don't fully know all the details since my brother has neglected to ever bringing up the story to me for evident reasons :lol:
Haven't taken any major L's but these are just some that have been stuck in my head over the years :lol:

-in 4th Grade i was sitting on the rug in class pretzel/indian style while the teacher was making an announcement. Somehow i failed to realize my leg fell asleep and as soon as i got up i just plopped right back down :smh: . I tried to get back up and just fell right back down :smh: :lol:

-6th grade im rushing to lunch and somehow trip over some dudes foot in the halls and i get launched into the air and fall flat on my face :x :smh: . Heard the laughter of everyone in the hallway :smh:

-In highschool i fell asleep in math class, and ended up drooling all over my notebook somehow :lol: my book was soaked :smh: . Open my eyes to see this, and a girl across the room just staring at me. Shorty stared at me for the rest of the semester :smh:

-Was in Mcdonalds with my boys and started singing F the Police and i didnt realize there were 2 cops sititng right behind me :smh: . Most awkward lunch ever. Dudes grilled the **** out of me :lol:
word i think the guy's neighbors ended up calling the cops on him, and i think the guy quit his job after that and i can see why

as for my brother, yeah that's some nightmareish type of stuff but he always manages to somehow slip out of them somehow
nah they had just gotten out of work, and the guy wanted to kick it at his crib with my bro

is your bro a big guy 

if he was a lil frail dude. he might of left there anally disgraced 

thats legit scary. 2 on one. he had to be in there on some blood sport steeze going ham 
Getting punched in the face on my exes birthday this past July, taking her back. Getting punched in the face, again, on my birthday this past November. We were broken up but I was still smashing and she threw me a birthday party.

The L here was trying to make it work with her until this past March despite these two incidents. Should've never took her back a year ago. So much of my time, effort and a little money wasted on a relationship that was already over. I learned my lesson and have a chick that blows her out of the water now though. No more birthday bashes for this guy.

****** in here claiming they ain't never taken no serious L's

Yo biggest L is drooling in HS?


Totaled my Liberty Limited 2 blocks from the house. And caught that OVI charge :smh:
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Probably winning an H2 hummer from one of those little cards you fill out at the movie theatre/malls. I was 15 when I filled it out and even wrote Beyonce as my spouse. My dumbash told them I was 15 on the phone and they hung up. Still ain't forgave my self
Yoooo those things actually worked? Like those sweepstakes cards they had when you fill out a paper and drop it in the box? It be at Chinese spots and etc lol
Yoooo those things actually worked? Like those sweepstakes cards they had when you fill out a paper and drop it in the box? It be at Chinese spots and etc lol

My coworker won a car but it was a POS VW. What happens is you get a voucher worth the value of a vehicle and you take it to a dealership and you buy the car using the voucher. Catch is you have to pay the tax of the car. That's why on those entry forms they ask what your income is and if you have a spouse (or co-signer) so they know you are financially responsible for picking up the tax on the item. I know there is more to it. But that's just the basics of it. Pretty much how it goes on all game shows also. Ex. The price is right.
Yoooo those things actually worked? Like those sweepstakes cards they had when you fill out a paper and drop it in the box? It be at Chinese spots and etc lol
My coworker won a car but it was a POS VW. What happens is you get a voucher worth the value of a vehicle and you take it to a dealership and you buy the car using the voucher. Catch is you have to pay the tax of the car. That's why on those entry forms they ask what your income is and if you have a spouse (or co-signer) so they know you are financially responsible for picking up the tax on the item. I know there is more to it. But that's just the basics of it. Pretty much how it goes on all game shows also. Ex. The price is right.
Ohhhh, I've never heard of someone who actually won. Just thought it was some BS (Even though I did some of them) and most of them looked like they were sitting there for years.

And wow, didn't know they did that on game shows, too. Makes sense, though. 
word i think the guy's neighbors ended up calling the cops on him, and i think the guy quit his job after that and i can see why

as for my brother, yeah that's some nightmareish type of stuff but he always manages to somehow slip out of them somehow
nah they had just gotten out of work, and the guy wanted to kick it at his crib with my bro

is your bro a big guy 

if he was a lil frail dude. he might of left there anally disgraced 

thats legit scary. 2 on one. he had to be in there on some blood sport steeze going ham 
When ya booty on the line its a fight to the death.
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