What's the biggest L you've ever taken?

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@law3001 you take the cake bruh.

I done miss yambs coming over because I dozed off and woke up too late but never in that kinda situation. Ain't no damn way bruh.
Cot dammit law :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Prolly not the biggest L but an L

I used to live in an apt complex that had a court right in the center of it. One weekend there wuz a bunch of people out...I think it was a memorial day wknd. Neway....there was alot of bad chicks out there :smokin. I knew one of them that wuz watchin 8) cuz we had a class together...

So im ballin...and im not great but im aite.....rod strickland rookie type game.
And im guardin this lanky tall slow dude and im just killin him. Blowin by...crossin him.....dropin dimes....girls lookin 8)

So anyway their team is on a fast break and im behind...one on two...I see lanky dude get da ball and go to the hoop so I jump up to block him.......

The way he went up it looked like he was gonna finger roll it...so I was like "im bout to mutumbo this lazy cat"


Dis dude kept rising and turned the ball over in his hand.
Then he brought it back....kinda like a pitcher does a windup...or how kemp used to dunk.
Put his left forearm on my chest and threw it down HARD.


I remember falling on my side and I didnt even look up cuz I knew it wuz bad. I remember seeing dudes shoes (lebron 9s)cuz he was standin over me and hearing erybody laughing and runnin around....girls was takin instagram pics |I. Dese frat dudes was pourin out they beer.........and all I remember is lookin up and seeing the girl that I knew just sittin there with her hands over her mouth like

So many inside tears |I


:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
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I've had bigger Ls but this is the biggest I ever took when it came to women :smh:

One day all my roommates left to go out to the club and for some reason I just chilled at the house dolo so I was smoking some :pimp: and sipping alittle Hen and just cooling out. Around 1:00am I get a text from this Ethiopian girl I had been talking too, but she lived in Stockton so we never really got past sexting and late night cupcakin. However ole girl text me saying she is in the car with her home girl driving back from SF and she wanted to slide through.

I shot up from my sleepy drunk stupor and got excited as hell. I called her back and she was tipsy as hell talking all types of nasty **** on the phone. I tell her give the phone to her friend to give directions and her friend is talking that nasty **** too.

My eyes go :wow: :wow: as I realize that these boppers are trying to get it crackin AT THE SAME DAMN TIME with ya boy. Now mind you, by this point I've been drinking and smoking so when they hit me I was straight curred on the couch sleeping. I make quick dash around the crib cleaning up as fast as possible and getting my **** together. My heart was beating so damn fast, bruh's I ain't got to front I was excited as hell. I ain't never had no threesome and this was it. Then I had a epiphany.

One of my roommates sold pills and I knew for a fact he had Viagra somewhere in his room. If I was gonna run the biggest race of my life I need every edge I can get word to Ben Johnson. I call him up he tells me where it is but its all mixed up with his other pills ( E or Molly's or whatever you call them, back then we said Thizz).

Now the problem for me was I was drunk as hell and loaded so them ***** all looked the same to me. I find two that are blue but both are different. So in my drunk stupor I figure that if i will just cut both in half and take each. I've taken E plenty of times before and had no issues, and he TOLD me the Viagara was a low dose.

So finally they come over around 2:30 am and its on from the moment they come in. Both had that straight African Booty worthy of praises in the Halls of the Booty thread. Lawd were these girls stacked. So now at this point we make our way to the couch in living room. They pull my pants down and start rocking the mic right word to Beans and Free no homo. They are breaking down sooooooo good I had to sit down. I'm sittitng there with my pants around my ankles getting the treatment so good that I lean my head back and close my eyes to savor.....

I open my eyes and the sun in shinning in my eyes. One of my roommates is poking me with a broomstick from across the room. I'm like WTF bruh and then I look down and realize that i'm still sitting on the couch with my pants around my ankles and my **** hanging out.

And when I saw **** hanging out, my **** is hard a rocket ship. Hard as a statue and sore to the touch . I am sitting there with my **** hanging out as all my roommates stare at me in disbelief. Because of my concoction of weed, Henny and pills when the girls sat me down I immediately fell asleep. I was soo ****** up and tired that when I feel asleep I started snoring and could not be moved. The girls just got they **** together and left me **** out on the couch and went home. I sat there until around 6 in the morning when my roommates make their way back from clubbing all night. Not only do they find me **** hanging out and *** naked on the couch, but these girls had left the door unlocked and cracked open. So on top of it all I got a mean *** cold from the draft of being there naked.

I called the girls back but they never picked up my calls ever again. |I

Got high and drunk
Girls call up for threesome
Takes Viagra
Fell Asleep while they topped me off
Woke up in the same position with my **** out and my roommates staring at me in disgust.

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I was a short overweight freshman in HS. Keep in mind i went to an all-boys school 30 minutes away from my house. So like a month maybe 2 into the year we have a mixer with the the all girls schools in the area. So i get there and i'm nervous as **** but i gotta keep it together. So an hour in i'm getting NO action at all. This dude Special-K who came straight out of the movie NERDS is getting every ***** in a 10 mile radius. This asian dude that can't even speak english is even in on the action. So i park my *** on top of this table in the corner and chilling with my dude Paul, the only person i've met in my life thus far with a purity ring. But still one of the coolest dues ever.  He hits a wingman move so perfect and i get to talking with this decent looking rich white girl. It's hot as **** and i start sweating like 10 minutes into the convo and i'm nervous trying to think of things to talk about. Out of nowhere, I fart with an odor that would challenge everything Febreze has ever made and felt every ounce of my dignity go leave along with it. so i try to act like I didn't know what the **** happened and thankfully the music was loud so i'm not sure if she knew it was me but she definitely smelled it. So like 45 long awkward seconds pass and she says she has to go find her friends. Giving up on all hope i sit there with the dumbest look on my face going back over everything i did and what i should've changed like it was actually going to make a difference. She comes back and i'm happy as **** but it's almost over and we walk and talk over to the coat rack. 4 steps. 4 tiny *** steps. I was feeling like the **** after just getting her # and try to skip one of the steps. I busted my *** with such fierceness and fell right on my face. So we split and head home and the car ride back to the house is filled with so much shame and headache that i just stare out the window without saying another word. I text her the next morning and for the first time in my life was introduced to one of the most dreaded texts a man could get "Who is this?" I told her who i was and never got another response. feeling  completely demoralized i hit up my ex and try to get back with her. Nope! hit me with the "I'm just no looking for a relationship right now" 2 weeks later she's crying because an 8th grader had somebody else on the side right after they got together. Captain save-a-*** came through once again and ever since i've been the one who she acts like we date at one moment but then hit me up talking about the D she just got. My glorious first year of HS was an all new level of L from the time it started and this is the first quarter.
:tongue: It was 95 degrees out and I left it running so the mongrels would have full AC and they burned me hard...
Me and 3 other friends were coming upstairs from the subway at 14th st union square. While doing so we felt rain droplets, "I was like rain?" can't be has to be an AC leaking water from a store fixture next to the subway stairs, cause the weather was great that night. Well it wasn't, some homeless dude was taking a piss on side of the street leaking and spraying piss down the steps. I was fumigated, me and my other friends wanted to knock this guy the hell out, but he had really bad skin on his forearm, looked like snake scales shedding.
Me and 3 other friends were coming upstairs from the subway at 14th st union square. While doing so we felt rain droplets, "I was like rain?" can't be has to be an AC leaking water from a store fixture next to the subway stairs, cause the weather was great that night. Well it wasn't, some homeless dude was taking a piss on side of the street leaking and spraying piss down the steps. I was fumigated, me and my other friends wanted to knock this guy the hell out, but he had really bad skin on his forearm, looked like snake scales shedding.
LMFAO. People act like BX is God forsaken but Manhattan has everything we have and worse (Except their hood(s) are bad but not that  bad). 
I died and can't be resurrected....

Pee Boy and Fat Nerd boy killed me....

I'm outta this cruel world....
Me and 3 other friends were coming upstairs from the subway at 14th st union square. While doing so we felt rain droplets, "I was like rain?" can't be has to be an AC leaking water from a store fixture next to the subway stairs, cause the weather was great that night. Well it wasn't, some homeless dude was taking a piss on side of the street leaking and spraying piss down the steps. I was fumigated, me and my other friends wanted to knock this guy the hell out, but he had really bad skin on his forearm, looked like snake scales shedding.
Yo idk what it is with the city but ************* is ruthless with their urine.

I remember right in front of my building I saw a plastic bag tied around the parking meter for some reason. I was like 10. I decide to tear off the bag and the damn thing was full of piss

Another time me and my mom were walking up the block and we see this old black lady bent over, *** up in front of some poor bastard's car, with a huge stream of piss just splashing the **** out of it. This lady was buck *** naked in the street in broad daylight pissing on someone's car.
I was a short overweight freshman in HS. Keep in mind i went to an all-boys school 30 minutes away from my house. So like a month maybe 2 into the year we have a mixer with the the all girls schools in the area. So i get there and i'm nervous as **** but i gotta keep it together. So an hour in i'm getting NO action at all. This dude Special-K who came straight out of the movie NERDS is getting every ***** in a 10 mile radius. This asian dude that can't even speak english is even in on the action. So i park my *** on top of this table in the corner and chilling with my dude Paul, the only person i've met in my life thus far with a purity ring. But still one of the coolest dues ever.  He hits a wingman move so perfect and i get to talking with this decent looking rich white girl. It's hot as **** and i start sweating like 10 minutes into the convo and i'm nervous trying to think of things to talk about. Out of nowhere, I fart with an odor that would challenge everything Febreze has ever made and felt every ounce of my dignity go leave along with it. so i try to act like I didn't know what the **** happened and thankfully the music was loud so i'm not sure if she knew it was me but she definitely smelled it. So like 45 long awkward seconds pass and she says she has to go find her friends. Giving up on all hope i sit there with the dumbest look on my face going back over everything i did and what i should've changed like it was actually going to make a difference. She comes back and i'm happy as **** but it's almost over and we walk and talk over to the coat rack. 4 steps. 4 tiny *** steps. I was feeling like the **** after just getting her # and try to skip one of the steps. I busted my *** with such fierceness and fell right on my face. So we split and head home and the car ride back to the house is filled with so much shame and headache that i just stare out the window without saying another word. I text her the next morning and for the first time in my life was introduced to one of the most dreaded texts a man could get "Who is this?" I told her who i was and never got another response. feeling  completely demoralized i hit up my ex and try to get back with her. Nope! hit me with the "I'm just no looking for a relationship right now" 2 weeks later she's crying because an 8th grader had somebody else on the side right after they got together. Captain save-a-*** came through once again and ever since i've been the one who she acts like we date at one moment but then hit me up talking about the D she just got. My glorious first year of HS was an all new level of L from the time it started and this is the first quarter.
LOL my first year of HS was chock-full of Ls but it certainly doesn't compare to the nightmare you seem to have endured
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 in retrospect my first year wasn't that bad once i got my confidence up and started getting everything together (weight included) but man during the moments when i was living it 
 Good times goood times 
Had a son with my chick senior year in highschool
Coulda put everything on lil man being my seed....took my moms advice and got my money up for a paternity test. Turned out he wasn't mine. Varsity tailback/ few houses down homie was pops the whole time...dunno why but I always felt like I took a huge L. I got all my child support $ back and didn't have a kid anymore but :-/

Yo, leaving the football feild with the fellas on a Sunday, I'm driving my whip just got her back from the shop after dropping damn near a grand to fix a head gasket. So i peel off first and everyone's following behind, well I hadn't been on this road for a min since I didn't have my car, suns in my eyes and for some reason I kept driving even though I couldn't see ****. Next thing I kno a detour sign comes crashing through my windshield, I'm smashing into a ******* pit, piles of sand pouring in my windows my heads ringing. Me n my boy climb outta this pit with every car on the main road stopped n just in shock all my boys roooolin like...[emoji]128518[/emoji]. Witnesses told cops we looked like crash test dummies. Smh
The shame I felt watching them pull my car out with a crane [emoji]128546[/emoji]
The city fines I had to pay smh
Ticketed for Careless driving
Me and 3 other friends were coming upstairs from the subway at 14th st union square. While doing so we felt rain droplets, "I was like rain?" can't be has to be an AC leaking water from a store fixture next to the subway stairs, cause the weather was great that night. Well it wasn't, some homeless dude was taking a piss on side of the street leaking and spraying piss down the steps. I was fumigated, me and my other friends wanted to knock this guy the hell out, but he had really bad skin on his forearm, looked like snake scales shedding.
Yo idk what it is with the city but ************* is ruthless with their urine.

I remember right in front of my building I saw a plastic bag tied around the parking meter for some reason. I was like 10. I decide to tear off the bag and the damn thing was full of piss

Yo.. Crying 
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