What's the biggest L you've ever taken?

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Topic says it all.

I've taken some pretry hefty Ls in my life.

I think biggest one of my adult life was last year; I was in my car in the parking lot getting ready to leave school. I look up in the mirror and notice that there's some gold up in my nostrils that needs to be excavated. So I do some picking.

When I say I did some picking, I straight up drilled that *****. TTGL style. California Gold Rush out that ************. I would pull a booger out, examine it, flick it out the window, and then get back to picking. Grossest **** I've ever done, but hey, I was in my car, alone, and nobody was watching.

Except this super fine girl who was staring at me from her car the entire time. I recognized her as being from my class, too. (Luckily it's a super huge 100 student-class).

The look on her face was one of pure revulsion. Like her very soul had literally **** itself in agony.

Biggest L I've ever taken :smh:

This reminds me of Half Baked when Dave Chapelle's character went to rehab for smoking weed and all the addicts boo'd him
I've taken accidental L's but some of you fools just set yourself up for the kill.lmao smh.

I have never taken any L's like some of you have, thankfully, but I would say my biggest L which has happen numerous times were sending a vulgar or accidental text to the wrong person. There's no worse feeling then asking your older sister if she's down to make a porno tonight.... Smh thank God she never responded or mentioned it ever.lol

Its happen a few times before with different females but I've always been able to cover it up or makeup for it in some way. But that initial feeling of agony is unbearable. You just wanna ball up into a fetal position and wish that it never happened....
Left my dad's car in neutral accidentally on my hilly driveway junior year of HS.  

Turned the car off and it started rolling down towards the house.

The car ended up hitting my mom's car all along the side and then proceeded to break the garage door 

Funny now, wasn't at the time
I got L's for days bruh

I was in high school working at McDonalds and I was crushing hard on this lil light skin chick named Nicole. I used to cut into her all the time on the clock, but was never able to see her outside of work because I had a girl amongst other reasons. Anyway, after working with her for like 3 months we finally set up a lil movie date for after work. I'm hype as hell getting off cause I was really lusting after this ***** and I just knowwwwww I'm about to go balls deep in her...

So I rush to the crib, hop in the shower and get dressed. I look outside and see a couple dudes on the block so I walk outside to chill while I wait for baby girl to hit me up. I walk up and start chopping with em for a min, and they tell me this lil _ name Zack was talking **** and saying he was beating my *** next time he saw me. I'm 18 at the time, he like 16-17. He was mad because I was flaming him in front of the whole hood a few days before, going on his "custom" lions colored Mikes XI with a big *** 4x autographed Chris Claiborne lions jersey he got passed down from the last generation. I'm like man where this lil _ at I'm bout to go in his **** lol laughing at the whole situation, bout to beat his *** then go get some ***. I look down the street and see him posted with some other dudes from the block, so we walk down there.

Soon as I walked up, he knew what it was and he was ready. ***** threw his shirt off and squared up. Whole time I'm still kinda laughing, talking **** and we get to circling around each other lol and idk why but I walk up and give him a quick push....Soon as I did it, Lights out *****...That ***** cocked his fist back and split my **** wide open. [emoji]128171[/emoji][emoji]128171[/emoji][emoji]127775[/emoji][emoji]127775[/emoji][emoji]127775[/emoji][emoji]128171[/emoji][emoji]127775[/emoji] is all I saw, ended up grabbing him up and wrestled it out for a min until somebody ppl came and broke it up. So after that's over, I go in the crib and I'm leaking. My moms see that **** she like wtf happened to you??? I tell her the story, she just hit me with the [emoji]128128[/emoji][emoji]128128[/emoji][emoji]128128[/emoji] and shake her head in disgust.

So she looks at it, right above my eye, she like "you need to get stitches, I'm taking you to the ER".....Nooooooooooo, I been tryna smash this chick for toooo long, I can't even do it. I tell her I'm good, I'll be straight...she not tryna hear that. She takes me anyway. I call the chick up and tell her what happened (like a dumbass) her response?? "awww that sucks"... [emoji]128554[/emoji][emoji]128554[/emoji][emoji]128554[/emoji][emoji]128554[/emoji]

***** never looked at me the same after that, came to work the next morning with the bandage still over the stitches and that was just even more embarrassing smh...Worked there for a few more months until I left for school but she start acting funny, guess I played myself and I never got to eat that smh.
I can think of a huge L that my brother took that I thought was hilarious. ma dukes actually ended up telling me this story because he was probably too embarrassed to ever bring it up.

my brother is a talkative dude and always likes to chop it up with other people, especially at work to help the time pass by and whatnot.
anyway, he started to talk to this other dude at work and i guess they because cool over time. one day, the new homie asks my bro if he's down to drink some brewskies after to work and chill out, and being that type of person that my brother is ( friendly on some naive levels) he agreed to go.
so i guess they're kicking it at home boy's crib , poundin a few and chillin and whatnot.. but i guess homie's idea was to try to pound a little more than just a few cervesas.
they're at the couch chillin, and homie starts to shift the convo and mentions that he bats for the other team and whatnot and that he wanted my brother's cholo nalgas. not only that, but homie told em that he was gonna get some of them cheeks regardless, so it was up to him if he wanted to do it the hard way or easy way (word to the booty warrior).
now, what i had failed to mention is that homie lived like 2 hours away from where my brother lived, and was his only ride back home, so i guess he was counting on that, and the fact that my bro is pretty much trapped in cholo joto's apartment with him threatening my bro to hand the butt cheeks over or else, that my bro would just bend over and surrender.
of course my brother aint no punk, so he refused and a scuffle ensued.
now i'm not familiar with the details since i wasn't actually there and since i forgot most of it, but i guess homie had a tag team partner that he had failed to mention to my brother.
so batty bwoi's robin swings through ( literally since i guess dude had an actual bat with him), so the 2 v 1 handicapped match continues and they're scuffling and whatnot, mind you my brother's a scrapper and had been in countless fights in the past, so he def wasn't afraid to throw the fists, especially in a situation where his booty was on the line.
so he eventually manages to pop one of the dudes on the dome with a bottle and miraculously makes his way out of the potential all male 3sum that could have been.
of course my bro didn't come out of it unscathed, i guess he was all bloodied and bruised and all that... and i can only imagine what his mind was like :lol:
i don't even know how he made his way back home honestly, i think he actually had to spend a night in like some bushes or something before he was finally able to get back home

-brother meets new friend at work
-they kick it at said friend's place
-guy wanted to be more than just friends
-scuffle ensues
-his tag team partner drops in from the rafters unexpectedly word to sting
-bro manages to somehow slip away after hitting one with a glass bottle and putting the other through a table via german suplex
-gets home all bloodied and bruised 2 days later
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I was out with my boys at a local bar and grill and saw my ex gf who's a Bi now. Walked up to her after the band was on intermission and trying to be funny asked here who was the last man she was with. She replied "The person I was with before I started F****** with yo black A**"

Never felt so played and disrespected in all my days. :smh: :smh:
I was out with my boys at a local bar and grill and saw my ex gf who's a Bi now. Walked up to her after the band was on intermission and trying to be funny asked here who was the last man she was with. She replied "The person I was with before I started F****** with yo black A**"

Never felt so played and disrespected in all my days. :smh: :smh:

Yo ex got jokes :rofl:
I was out with my boys at a local bar and grill and saw my ex gf who's a Bi now. Walked up to her after the band was on intermission and trying to be funny asked here who was the last man she was with. She replied "The person I was with before I started F****** with yo black A**"

Never felt so played and disrespected in all my days. :smh: :smh:

I would have powerbombed her like the dude that was eating his girl out as she was sitting on his shoulders and thought the wall was nearby but it wasn't
I just took the biggest L..I swear I gotta be one of the dumbest ****** on earth smh...I try replace to  the turn relay on my jeep..so I take the negative terminal off my battery in the beggining..then I get start unscrewing the dash...I see where my relays are, but I cant reach them so after 45 minutes of trying I said screw it and put the terminal back on the battery...Im thinkin ima just drive to autozone and have someone unscrew it for me right..I put the keys in the ingition...the damn car won't start...I try it again no luck..I asked the neighbor for a jump...no luck
...my dash,inside lights come on, but the damn car wont start...
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I was out with my boys at a local bar and grill and saw my ex gf who's a Bi now. Walked up to her after the band was on intermission and trying to be funny asked here who was the last man she was with. She replied "The person I was with before I started F****** with yo black A**"

Never felt so played and disrespected in all my days.
I'm sorry but 
Not smashing my prom date Senior year. Shorty was and still is bad as hell. 

Not smashing one of my best homegirls from grade school, while we were in high school. 

Taking too long to commit to my Ex. She finally moved on. Thought I was gonna wife her eventually. I done goofed. 

Got my *** BEAT in college 

Got locked up for some BS the summer before my freshman year of college. 

Lost like $17k on ******* Crocs stock with my dumb ***.  

Other than those, and some other female L's, I'm pretty happy with the way things have played out 
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Don't even get me started on my L's when it comes to my choice of women
 Right. I do pretty well, but could and should have done better. For goodness sakes, if my game in college was anywhere near as tight as it's been since college, I'd have smashed all of the Alpha Phi house. 

Yo I'm cracking up at that 7th Mile story. How did you recover from that with them dudes on your block? You fight him again or just take your L and move on? 
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I can think of a huge L that my brother took that I thought was hilarious. ma dukes actually ended up telling me this story because he was probably too embarrassed to ever bring it up.

my brother is a talkative dude and always likes to chop it up with other people, especially at work to help the time pass by and whatnot.
anyway, he started to talk to this other dude at work and i guess they because cool over time. one day, the new homie asks my bro if he's down to drink some brewskies after to work and chill out, and being that type of person that my brother is ( friendly on some naive levels) he agreed to go.
so i guess they're kicking it at home boy's crib , poundin a few and chillin and whatnot.. but i guess homie's idea was to try to pound a little more than just a few cervesas.
they're at the couch chillin, and homie starts to shift the convo and mentions that he bats for the other team and whatnot and that he wanted my brother's cholo nalgas. not only that, but homie told em that he was gonna get some of them cheeks regardless, so it was up to him if he wanted to do it the hard way or easy way (word to the booty warrior).
now, what i had failed to mention is that homie lived like 2 hours away from where my brother lived, and was his only ride back home, so i guess he was counting on that, and the fact that my bro is pretty much trapped in cholo joto's apartment with him threatening my bro to hand the butt cheeks over or else, that my bro would just bend over and surrender.
of course my brother aint no punk, so he refused and a scuffle ensued.
now i'm not familiar with the details since i wasn't actually there and since i forgot most of it, but i guess homie had a tag team partner that he had failed to mention to my brother.
so batty bwoi's robin swings through ( literally since i guess dude had an actual bat with him), so the 2 v 1 handicapped match continues and they're scuffling and whatnot, mind you my brother's a scrapper and had been in countless fights in the past, so he def wasn't afraid to throw the fists, especially in a situation where his booty was on the line.
so he eventually manages to pop one of the dudes on the dome with a bottle and miraculously makes his way out of the potential all male 3sum that could have been.
of course my bro didn't come out of it unscathed, i guess he was all bloodied and bruised and all that... and i can only imagine what his mind was like

i don't even know how he made his way back home honestly, i think he actually had to spend a night in like some bushes or something before he was finally able to get back home

-brother meets new friend at work
-they kick it at said friend's place
-guy wanted to be more than just friends
-scuffle ensues
-his tag team partner drops in from the rafters unexpectedly word to sting
-bro manages to somehow slip away after hitting one with a glass bottle and putting the other through a table via german suplex
-gets home all bloodied and bruised 2 days later



Even more mindboggling is the fact that everyone seems to have ignored your story

This is a ******* nightmare right here. I hope your bro called the cops on this *****. I would not want to go into work the next morning
Having steamy 3-some with my ex and her best friend . we were all drunk at this party and locked the door to some room in the house. I still loved her. We hadnt seen each other in a while.

next week I find out that she had been passed out drunk and some dude had smashed before I got to the party.


Not gonna lie still look back on that day like dog I was doing it. But at the time I was angry about finding out what else happened before I got there.
Me and my girl cousin went to our friends house party and I met some girl and eventually brought her home and had a one nightstand with her. Dropped her off and that was that. Later that day I come up with a bad cough And I'm thinking I got a cold from the rain. I go to the doctors to get checked cause it got worse. Later on I run into my cousin and she has a Bad cough also. And it sounds the same as my cough. My results come back and I have pharyngitis. I call my cousin and ask her if she's gone to the doctor and she says yeah she got pharyngitis. SMH, I didn't mention my cousin is bi and sometime during that night she made out with the same chick I took home. FML!!!'
Me and my girl cousin went to our friends house party and I met some girl and eventually brought her home and had a one nightstand with her. Dropped her off and that was that. Later that day I come up with a bad cough And I'm thinking I got a cold from the rain. I go to the doctors to get checked cause it got worse. Later on I run into my cousin and she has a Bad cough also. And it sounds the same as my cough. My results come back and I have pharyngitis. I call my cousin and ask her if she's gone to the doctor and she says yeah she got pharyngitis. SMH, I didn't mention my cousin is bi and sometime during that night she made out with the same chick I took home. FML!!!'

:x :smh:
I was out with my boys at a local bar and grill and saw my ex gf who's a Bi now. Walked up to her after the band was on intermission and trying to be funny asked here who was the last man she was with. She replied "The person I was with before I started F****** with yo black A**"

Never felt so played and disrespected in all my days. :smh: :smh:

I can think of a huge L that my brother took that I thought was hilarious. ma dukes actually ended up telling me this story because he was probably too embarrassed to ever bring it up.

my brother is a talkative dude and always likes to chop it up with other people, especially at work to help the time pass by and whatnot.
anyway, he started to talk to this other dude at work and i guess they because cool over time. one day, the new homie asks my bro if he's down to drink some brewskies after to work and chill out, and being that type of person that my brother is ( friendly on some naive levels) he agreed to go.
so i guess they're kicking it at home boy's crib , poundin a few and chillin and whatnot.. but i guess homie's idea was to try to pound a little more than just a few cervesas.
they're at the couch chillin, and homie starts to shift the convo and mentions that he bats for the other team and whatnot and that he wanted my brother's cholo nalgas. not only that, but homie told em that he was gonna get some of them cheeks regardless, so it was up to him if he wanted to do it the hard way or easy way (word to the booty warrior).
now, what i had failed to mention is that homie lived like 2 hours away from where my brother lived, and was his only ride back home, so i guess he was counting on that, and the fact that my bro is pretty much trapped in cholo joto's apartment with him threatening my bro to hand the butt cheeks over or else, that my bro would just bend over and surrender.
of course my brother aint no punk, so he refused and a scuffle ensued.
now i'm not familiar with the details since i wasn't actually there and since i forgot most of it, but i guess homie had a tag team partner that he had failed to mention to my brother.
so batty bwoi's robin swings through ( literally since i guess dude had an actual bat with him), so the 2 v 1 handicapped match continues and they're scuffling and whatnot, mind you my brother's a scrapper and had been in countless fights in the past, so he def wasn't afraid to throw the fists, especially in a situation where his booty was on the line.
so he eventually manages to pop one of the dudes on the dome with a bottle and miraculously makes his way out of the potential all male 3sum that could have been.
of course my bro didn't come out of it unscathed, i guess he was all bloodied and bruised and all that... and i can only imagine what his mind was like :lol:
i don't even know how he made his way back home honestly, i think he actually had to spend a night in like some bushes or something before he was finally able to get back home

-brother meets new friend at work
-they kick it at said friend's place
-guy wanted to be more than just friends
-scuffle ensues
-his tag team partner drops in from the rafters unexpectedly word to sting
-bro manages to somehow slip away after hitting one with a glass bottle and putting the other through a table via german suplex
-gets home all bloodied and bruised 2 days later

I don't get so dude was gonna take your brothers cookies and they go back to work after that?
Son I love this thread.
Law :rofl:
Cholo nalgas :rofl:

Homie decided to smash his windows instead of calling AAA? Man, what? Scumbag dogs tho :lol:
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