what's something u silently judge people for vol....u just gonna let ya baby cry wen im watchin dis

So if they cut down on tax cuts and loop holes for the rich and left minimum wage where its at, would that be ok?
This is why this country is sooooo ****** up.

Billionaires do every greedy ******* thing they can to make a buck= no outrage

Working class joe schmo wants to make 600$ a week before taxes at a full time job = people lose their ****

Nobody is stopping anybody from making that. But you know what jobs do and don't have that pay scale.
"I don't care how hard you work I look down on your profession therefore you don't deserve to make a livable wage"
Damn some of yall real cold and arrogant...oh well life is life.

Just don't be the one who has to eat his words if you happened to fall back down to the bottom.
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So if they cut down on tax cuts and loop holes for the rich and left minimum wage where its at, would that be ok?

No i genuinely don't see a reason why any full time job should pay less than 15$ an hour that's not a lot of money and we could stop letting companies outsource to these slave labor factories overseas or exploit prison labor here and create real working class jobs here for Americans

but god forbid Nike's huge profit margins take a hit dudes around here might have a heart attack
So if they cut down on tax cuts and loop holes for the rich and left minimum wage where its at, would that be ok?

No i genuinely don't see a reason why any full time job should pay less than 15$ an hour that's not a lot of money and we could stop letting companies outsource to these slave labor factories overseas or exploit prison labor here and create real working class jobs here for Americans

but god forbid Nike's huge profit margins take a hit dudes around here might have a heart attack

I agree with you wholeheartedly. The only way to make that happen is if people stop doing business with companies that outsourcem but aint no on about that life.

THATS the problem with this country. Everyone wants changes and improvements but no one wants to make a sacrife. People just want everything to magically get better.
I agree with you wholeheartedly. The only way to make that happen is if people stop doing business with companies that outsourcem but aint no on about that life.

THATS the problem with this country. Everyone wants changes and improvements but no one wants to make a sacrife. People just want everything to magically get better.

Very true.
-$10.10 is the number president Obama put forward, and has been putting forward for the increase. Many states and companies have been setting their minimum wage around that number, so I just used the original figure

-Many people has cost of living increases built into their pay, most probably don't. It is more common in the public sector

And if you skilled enough and have the leverage, you can negotiate for it. But most people find other perks for worthwhile to negotiate for though.

-What happens when people are willing to work for less, but have to get paid more? Ummmmm, they get a surplus

It is like saying what happens if I want to pay $100 for a item, and when I go to the store it is on sale for $80.

I'm not gonna be like "Oh ****, now I have all this extra money"

Unless you meant something else with that question?

Okay first number makes sense, I thought you just threw out an arbitrary number.

Second question I did mean something else. If you're willing to work for $10.10 and I'm willing to work for $6, why would they choose you over me? Obviously I'd like to get more, but I'm also okay with less, what happens then?

That is kinda of a weird question, but lets walk through a couple scenarios

-First let's say the minimum wage is set at $10.10

I willing to work for $10.10, you're willing to work for $6

To the person hiring up, those number are pointless really. It could signal that you value the job more that me, it could signal your just more desperate than me.

Either way the company a) still has to pay $10.10 and b) and what sense will it be to ask someone what is the lowest possible salary they will accept below what the law says you have to pay them.

Matter of fact, if there is one job it might be better you get it because you value it more, it will give you more surplus. I'm the marginal guy, the last guy in, once I find a job that pays me just a lil more all things being equal I probably be quicker to bolt.

So actually under the new minimum wage, if benefits you more than me.

-Next lets look at a case where there is no minimum wage

Now maybe you undercutting me might work. Even though I doubt most places would not let a wage before offering a job. But anyway, ignoring that

There would need to be a ton of people like you. Because everyone is gonna get paid what the last guy in is gonna get paid.

So if there is not enough $6 people to meet demand, the company gotta hire $7 folk (wage goes up), then $8 dollar folk (stage goes up), and so on until it might reach me at $10.10.

And unless you're comfortable will rampant wage discrimination (which is not really feasible anyway). Wage will increase for everyone in that industry, including you. So the market dictates you will still get paid more than the $6 you are willin to work for.

But with inflation and the current cost of living, that you gonna be getting washed economically :lol:

All scenario point to you just getting paid more that you were willing to work for but that is kinda off topic.

Because under current conditions folk won't be able to survive making those wages. That's some third world country type steez
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The derailment is so serious I thought I was in the 20 years McDonalds guy thread

-Speaking of McDonalds

People that suggest a group go to McDonalds to eat when they are plenty of other option nearby

-And grown men in suits that be ordering stuff of the dollar menu. Like have some god damb respect for yourself and your family and order a meal :x :smh:
Told yall true colors always show

You could rape dude with logic and he won't ever understand

Same with the people who think aa takes positions away from the majority, but I'm not gonna start
When people dont eat the crust of their slice.

Like whats the point?

I don't talk to my Uncle cuz of this. 
This happened the other day,
I was in San Francisco and I was the first person in the elevator with my girl and my stroller. And more and more people kept on trying to fit in. When there is a clear sign that says no more than 10

So when my floor finally came nobody wanted to move out the way for me to get out so I had to keep saying excuse me and some people, rather than standing outside the elevator the tried to shuffle to get behind me and some d/ckhead stood in the door path thinking he was out of my way. I just ran my stroller Into him. Have some courtesy when you see people with an infant. What made it really annoying is the escalator is next to the damn elevator, if I could take my stroller on that I would.

I feel you on this. I live in a highrise apt building 20+ floors and when i get on the elevator i try and stand in the back since i live on one of the higher floors and ill be out of ppls way. I also hate when ppl get on at the lobby and get off at like the 2nd or 3rd floor, are you that lazy?? Exceptions of course to the elderly, ppl with groceries or large items and those with small children or strollers. Seen some fat *** take the elevator for 1floor while taking up half the elevator.
People who have no phone etiquette in public. Not like taking a quick call to handle something, speaking in your normal voice, I mean you're in an enclosed public space like on the train or in line at a coffee shop and you're screaming into your headpiece "what? Oh no nothing, yeah I can talk! How you been! Did I tell you abou...?" FOH

Same as dude said above, people that block the doors on the train or elevator, or people that won't let you off before they try to shove themselves on.

On the same note, yuppy moms with strollers are some of the most entitled, passive aggressive ***** in the world. Narrow sidewalk and from about 30ft away they start staring you down and then charging that thing (that's carrying their child) at you like it's a game of chicken, like you're supposed to dive into the street to get out of her way.

People that curse a lot in front of their kids. My sis does this and brags how my niece won't curse and says "that's a mommy word". Your kids still learn by your example.

Slow drivers in the fast lane who just chill there.

Same as someone said earlier, people who set up shop in the gym and act like they own the place. This is actually annoying in most places. There's a certain entitlement that goes along with it.
I was in the er waiting room like 2 months ago and there was this large family sitting together obviously extremely concerned about a family member....a few softly crying.....and this dude sitting directly across from them...not eem 10 feet....was blasting "flicka da wrist" loud as hell on his phone and dancing :rofl:
I was in the er waiting room like 2 months ago and there was this large family sitting together obviously extremely concerned about a family member....a few softly crying.....and this dude sitting directly across from them...not eem 10 feet....was blasting "flicka da wrist" loud as hell on his phone and dancing :rofl:

I immediately thought of these two gifs.




Horrible. Tragic. :smh:
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u just gonna let ya baby cry wen im watchin dis movie

Judged. You sound pathetic.

I be is bling bling like whoa naw mean ya heard.
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