What y'all doing for Valentines Day?

i ****** up really badly last year. i don’t recall the specifics but i don’t think i even made an effort. this year i ordered a present a few weeks ago and it’s been sitting in my closet, grabbed flowers today and hiding it in the trunk of the car, and bought some fancy root beers that imma chill way back of the fridge (same with some mugs in the freezer).
I've always been a decent artist my whole life. I actually drew my own Valentines Day card once for a gf years ago. Pulled out all my art supplies for it. She loved it so much that she left it in the reach of her little nephew and about a week or two later, well...he destroyed it. Never again.
I’ve just arrived for my work trip and headed out to eat. The town centre is packed with couples in nice restaurants - and then there’s me, sitting outside in February ordering a single burger.
Fam 3 women I used to mess with in the past year all decide to hit me up tonight asking what I’m doing. ……………Time for me to go to the liquor store. I really hate this day sometimes, I disregarded these yams for a reason. Tempted to deal with the crazy one again who talks to herself in the 3rd person though. Mouth was on demon time. Just not sure if it’s worth the craziness.
Making dinner at home tonight (smoked picanha, roasted potatoes, veggies). Then see if she wants to do an overnight trip to a local hot spring after snowboarding this weekend since Monday is a holiday.
Fam 3 women I used to mess with in the past year all decide to hit me up tonight asking what I’m doing. ……………Time for me to go to the liquor store. I really hate this day sometimes, I disregarded these yams for a reason. Tempted to deal with the crazy one again who talks to herself in the 3rd person though. Mouth was on demon time. Just not sure if it’s worth the craziness.

Definitely won’t be worth it. But if you don’t have any solidified plans, and her top really was A1… go for it. Let future CJMcfly26 CJMcfly26 deal with the backlash.
Definitely won’t be worth it. But if you don’t have any solidified plans, and her top really was A1… go for it. Let future CJMcfly26 CJMcfly26 deal with the backlash.
Say less. I’m going for it. Just need the battery. Gonna need a lot of Patron though. That talking in the 3rd person weird as hell to me, I’ll give y’all an update. ……… (lord please be with me . My Spurs already trash, I just need no drama! Thank you Based God)
Does she know she does the 3rd person thing or is it an ago old habit or something that she does subconsciously?

If she knows, you should make a drinking game out of it. A shot every time she does it.
Does she know she does the 3rd person thing or is it an ago old habit or something that she does subconsciously?

If she knows, you should make a drinking game out of it. A shot every time she does it.
**** No!!!! I’ll be dead. She just talks to herself a lot. Plus she wears this lingerie which I’m not really interested personally, does this weird licking me, ( like fam did you just lick my knees?, I got deceived with the wig. (Long story ) but she ain’t all there bro. I already called her, she in her Uber on the way. Got my patron ready for this episode.
**** No!!!! I’ll be dead. She just talks to herself a lot. Plus she wears this lingerie which I’m not really interested personally, does this weird licking me, ( like fam did you just lick my knees?, I got deceived with the wig. (Long story ) but she ain’t all there bro. I already called her, she in her Uber on the way. Got my patron ready for this episode.
Stayed home this year. Good thing I bought my wife some flowers that arrived last Friday and secured some tickets to see John Mayer.

Also, Son is just getting over his cold, daughter seems to have a stomach flu, and my wife is starting to come down with cold lol.

No sexy time for Fozz tonight.
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