!!!! What the hell did Kanye West just do!!!?

Too soon but

What's the big fuss about? Seriously........he just spoke on his opinion on a major scale, but other then that. idk.
Idk why people talking bout "who is Taylor Swift?" Kanye just made her famous, shut your damn mouth. If you don't know who she is or haven'theard her name then you don't know music.
Originally Posted by 703 Hwy

Idk why people talking bout "who is Taylor Swift?" Kanye just made her famous, shut your damn mouth. If you don't know who she is or haven't heard her name then you don't know music.

i dont $#+% with country music so how would i know her?
Originally Posted by theUisinthebuildin

sup my hats too big

@ Boycotting his music and people not being his fans anymore. The dude puts outgood music regardless of what kind of dude he is in real life.
Originally Posted by iNiNe5

jay leno should clown kanye on his show tonight and end his career.... i'm tired of this act

Honestly, you know Jay is gonna call him out on it. That's just how he is. He calls it like it is.
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