What Is the Best Professional League?

Oct 16, 2006
In your opinion, which league has their !%$@ straight?

I'll say it's between NFL and MLB.

IMO, the NBA is a joke.

And I can't talk about the NHL because I don't know anything about hockey.
Steroids era ruined the MLB for a bit. I think it is slowly coming back now.

As for #1??? I don't know. I'm just gonna say the MLS just for fun.
Originally Posted by fraij da 5 11

NFL and its not close.

And I'm basing it on integrity of the sport, integrity of the league, and fan viewership.

I love basketball. (I wish I played it better), but it's become quite clear to me that the NBA is lacking in the morals department. Especially with the tim Donaghy (Sp?) accusations about the refs and the though of having games fixed really puts a damper on any image it ever had. The NBA is the one league where the refs have complete control over the game, without dispute or a higher governing authority.
In terms of entertainment value and unpredictability, I'm going with the NFL. NBA and MLB are "rich get richer" type leagues where you have a good idea who's gonna be the top teams year in year out. NFL changes drastically with one key acquisition or injury. Money wise it's no contest, just look at advertising during the super bowl, does the NBA or MLB have a specific time when new commercials are debuted?

NHL just flat out doesn't get it's fair share of coverage/publicity.
NFL is the biggest money maker within the USA, most popular
NBA is the most global
MLB is the oldest league(specifically the National League) and gets the title "National Pastime"
NHL is the least popular of the 4 leagues
Basketball is my first love but its the NFL by far.

The MLB is last to me. All them damn games, certain teams don't even have a chance to compete EVERY year, all the best players are surrounded by steroid scandal.

I really don't even have a real favorite NFL team and I watch NFL football every Sunday.
NFL for sure. Their biggest problems are Pro Bowl scheduling, concussion treatment/diagnosis, and benefits for retired players. Peanuts compared to MLB's steroid scandal, NBA's Donaghy scandal, and NHL's struggles to stay relevant as U.S. interest is heavily declining.
NFL. NBA seems too fixed and rigged at times.
I can watch any NFL game and be entertained, with very, very few exceptions
well, i think the consensus is NFL

Better question would be...  what would be the SECOND best professional league?
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