What Do You Think Of Tim Duncan’s New Girl Vanessa Macias?

Any pics of his previous girl?

I have heard there were rumors of him playing for the other team

Where's @Antidope to make sense of this?
Tim Duncan is the man gay, straight, or asexual.

That girl is :pimp: :pimp:
Rumors don't linger around this long, I even heard somewhere his ex-wife wash smashing her personal trainer and he ain't even get mad.
Beard - A woman that a homosexual male dates or marries as a cover for his true sexuallity.
:lol: hold up how come i never heard of this? this can't be even remotely well known rumor?

chris bosh? sure. he's never said he was gay, but you got wild youtube videos trying to prove otherwise (some really convincing and hilarious ones too) but duncan? im surprised to say the least.
Aug 19, 2013 12:08 PM EDT
[h3]Tim Duncan Divorce Rumors: Secret Gay Relationship Caused Wife Amy To Have Affair[/h3]

Tim and Amy Duncan

San Antonio Spurs veteran Tim Duncan is in the middle of a messy divorce with his wife, Amy.  Amidst rumors of infidelity, a report from the Hollywood Street King suggests Amy's alleged affair was retaliation for Tim's longtime affair with a college friend.

Amy cheated on Tim with her fitness trainer, according to LatinTimes.com.  Tim also supposedly knew about Amy's affair, but chose to remain quiet in hopes of keeping his own affair with his male college friend a secret and out of the media spotlight.

"Amy treated Tim like a b---- throughout their marriage because she knew he was f---ing his BFF," an anonymous source told Hollywood Street King (HSK).  "Tim knows Amy was cheating on him but he's willing to give her whatever she wants, because he doesn't want Amy to tell the world that he's bisexual."

HSK's sources said Duncan and the unidentified man, who lived together through Tim's college days at Wake Forest University, also shared the same house during Tim's first two years of marriage with Amy.  Tim eventually purchased the man a condo.

HSK, a gossip blog, is the only site so far to report Tim having an affair.  If the site's source is correct, it appears Amy's affair could be in response to Tim's own longtime infidelity. 

Amy filed for divorce on March 27, citing the marriage as "insupportable due to conflict and discord," according to TMZ.  Details about the divorce could remain sparse - HSK's source says Tim's camp is fighting to have a gag order placed on his wife, which would prohibit her from publicly discussing the divorce proceedings.

Neither Tim nor Amy, who have two children together from their 12-year marriage, has commented on the rumors.
Never knew Tim Duncan was playing for the other team.....learn something new everyday.  He at least got an upgrade from his from his wife with this new chick, I'll give him credit for that much at least. 
If Timmy D is gay, that must be the most boring sex ever.....

He's still one of 3 guys in the league I'd have absolutely no qualms about if he came out of the closet....he'd be so nonchalant about it
If Timmy D is gay, that must be the most boring sex ever.....

He's still one of 3 guys in the league I'd have absolutely no qualms about if he came out of the closet....he'd be so nonchalant about it :lol:

Why you thinking about his gay sex life? And one of 3 huh? And you'd have qualms if others came out of the closet besides your 3 man crushes? Gay bias? Discriminating against gays? Why did you have to go there man :smh: .....not serious
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If Timmy D is gay, that must be the most boring sex ever.....

He's still one of 3 guys in the league I'd have absolutely no qualms about if he came out of the closet....he'd be so nonchalant about it :lol:

Why you thinking about his gay sex life? And one of 3 huh? And you'd have qualms if others came out of the closet besides your 3 man crushes? Gay bias? Discriminating against gays? Why did you have to go there man :smh: .....not serious

How are you just gonna assume that poster isn't gay?
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:lol: that gif, c'mon man, leave my boy tim alone :lol:
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her face could be a lil better but she nice. Upgrade. hope he didnt get took to the cleaners with the divorce.
Tim Duncan is such a classy guy. I hope this lady Vanessa works out better for him. She's definitely nice!
Tim's D is a really awesome dude...

Does all kind of work in San Antonio... It doesn't make him better or worse that he's low key...

Oh... And ...

Timmy's D >>>>> Kobe Bryant's D

Greatest D of all time...

:pimp: :pimp:

wait wait wait...

what? :nerd: :nerd:
just rumors because he doesn't carry himself like most pro athletes .

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