What do you do that others don't? Vol. FREAKY NTers

I have voices talking to me in my brain its makin me go insane finna bust some heads like bane
I went through this phase in middle school where I was trying to figure out why I'm me. Literally. Like, every time I looked in a mirror my mind was blown at the fact that I was inside a body. I felt like I was controlling a machine or something.

I did the exact same thing when I was 7 or 8 years old. Why I am me? Why I am here? Everything lol

Damn, some of you are weird :lol:
i take a shot of alcohol everytime i wake up in the morning, been doing it for 2 years straight non stop
was talking to myself way before herb.

I do it in the third person sometimes too. also sing a lot of random ****. I'll change entire song genres while I'm singing them.

make a fist and put my index and middle finger knuckles in my nostrils and breathe in and out to pop my ears. this is ridiculously dangerous according to some people who have seen me do it.

anyway...i talk outloud when i'm mad like i'm talking to the person. like if i was yelling at someone about why they pissed me off....but i'm just doing it aloud with no one there. it calms me down sometimes.

i get weirded out sometimes at the fact that my face is my face.

i often wonder when i'm by myself what if i'm on like...The Nique Show and everyone is watching the stuff i'm doing.

i ride in the car and play this game where i have to like....never mind i can't begin to explain it.

when really good stuff happens i put my fist to the air like i'm giving God pounds.

...and other stuff.
-Smell my woman's armpits. Don't know why, but it's like hitting the nitro button when I'm already moving at full speed.
-Put my nose and chin it when I'm snacking on the snickerdoodle.
-Talk in a demon voice when I'm bored.
-Laugh randomly out loud when I think of or remember something funny.
-I don't jog, I sprint. When I'm tired I'm done. Jogging is boring.
-Add vinegar to bbq sauce. Tastes better that way.
  • Pick my nose with my toes. Feelsgoodman
  • Smell my armpit because I enjoy the scent.
  • Cant' eat a burger or nuggets without ketchup. If I don't have it, won't eat it, even if I'm hungry. I drown them in it, It's a must.
Don't know if this counts.

When I'm eating a burger, and get down to the last bite, I always take the top piece of the bun off. My mom said I've done that for years.

It could be the SMALLEST bite left that you could imagine, and I always have to take whatever is left of that top part of the bun off.
say sorry to objects when I hit them, like a table

Say "excuse me" to objects when I pass by them

Say "bless you' even if the person is yards away and cant hear me.
anytime im around 2 or more people, whether i know them or not, i think of how i would fight them in case they tried to jump me
Nothing to do with weed for me.
What you did i saw it Mister post cuatro vente
Sometimes i count how many letters there are in a word and add the numbers letters to it and so on.
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I won't eat with certain ustensils we have. Like we had this one really big fork, and I'll wash another fork or use a spoon before I use that.
I'll only eat out of plastic bowl.
When I eat a sandwich/burger I eat all the way around it. The middle is always the last bite and it's always :pimp:
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Talk to myself a lot, caught myself doing it once or twice in public :smh:

I smile / laugh randomly sometimes
I stay up for at least 48 hours at least 2x a week.
i wake up at 5 am every morning to go to the methadone clinic, i used to smoke heroin for 4 yrs started out with pills and what not..started in december with a 21 day program, but did not take it srs, i used again and did another 21 days then switched to maintenance..i was still using then finally got srs and ive been clean since april..opiates are a really hard thing to kick and thats why i never judge anyone in any kind of addiction, and i dont like it when ppl tell them they're weak cuz of their disease.i know some ppl will say that methadone is the same thing or w.e but its not to ME and what matters is that it works for ME..i dont want to go there everyday of my life, but this is what helps me today...i also go to na meetings with an older group cuz the ones with younger ppl are full of ppl that still use and only attend cuz its court ordered..ive changed alot in these past months, i can now help my family with money and i have stuff to show for the money i've made instead of just spending it on drugs..
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Sometimes I crack jokes on random people to myself in my head.  Like if a dude walked by me with skinny jeans I would fire him up something like

"You ol' 'mommy can i get $50 more because I spent my allowance money on skinny jeans', 'ol wrestling pants wearing, 'ol 'you a jerk' video shoot, 'ol I wish i didn't wear this looking boy"

Then I laugh to myself.  Its just an old habit from cracking jokes all the time growing up.  

I don't know why but I find it amusing to say the corniest stuff, its just funny to me.  For example,  I bought my wife some prenatal vitamins and she told me they don't have iron in them.  I said "they don't have iron?  What?  So they are wrinkled then?"  Corny as hell, but I find it amusing because its so lame
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