What do my slimes with no day to day job/school do all day?

Wake up
Ride my scooter to 7-11
Come back to the house with a 18 pack and either a banana or apple
Eat apple or banana for breakfast
Kill a couple brews
Do a few donuts in my 86 Beamer
Cut down bushes outside with my machete
Drink a few more
Shoot lizards with my BB gun
Order jimmy johns (#16 w/ cheese) and roll one up
If delivery man is cool, invite him inside to join
Kill a few more brews
Jump on the trampoline and feed my chickens leftovers from lunch
Take a nap in the hammock
Wake up and drink more
Homies get off work and come over with beer
Watch an episode of dexter
Start a bonfire and drink more
Attempt to grill some food
Use all beer cans for target practice
Eat food and invite girls over
Girls never show up so I fall asleep and repeat
Wake up
Ride my scooter to 7-11
Come back to the house with a 18 pack and either a banana or apple
Eat apple or banana for breakfast
Kill a couple brews
Do a few donuts in my 86 Beamer
Cut down bushes outside with my machete
Drink a few more
Shoot lizards with my BB gun
Order jimmy johns (#16 w/ cheese) and roll one up
If delivery man is cool, invite him inside to join
Kill a few more brews
Jump on the trampoline and feed my chickens leftovers from lunch
Take a nap in the hammock
Wake up and drink more
Homies get off work and come over with beer
Watch an episode of dexter
Start a bonfire and drink more
Attempt to grill some food
Use all beer cans for target practice
Eat food and invite girls over
Girls never show up so I fall asleep and repeat
how do you balance the beer on the scooter though?
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I miss that life at the same time I don't. Miss it for the freedom and getting to sleep in however long I want and waking up whenever I want. But of course it came with being broke.

Now I got a 5-2am job Mondays through Friday and my weekends are like how I spent my days when I was jobless and didn't go to school. Wake up. Sometimes cook breakfast and watch a lot of tv, browsing the Internet and playing my Xbox so instead of doing that 7 days a week I now do it 2 days a week and I'm not broke :lol:
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I understand the pain of people with degrees/certs looking for jobs in an oversaturated market...BUT all these kids crying about how hard it is to find a job is pathetic. Make a resume, print out copies, get off your *** and go to the nearest strip mall/shopping center and apply at every single place. Follow-up within a week. Congrats, you are now employed.

As for me, I can't stand not having anything to do even though I hate my job. On my days off im trying to stay productive; usually studying course material, gym, experimenting in kitchen etc.
This thread is funny.

I cant really look down on the people who dont really have anything to do, if anything I envy them. I enjoy my job and what it brings me but getting up at 6 AM every morning and not getting home until 8 PM isnt really a super enjoyable way to spend my day. If I could just do whatever I wanted to all day and not have to worry about things, then I definitely would.

Don't we all wish life was like that.

I definitely envy the people who don't have real responsibilities. 


Envy people w/ no purpose? No thanks, Jim.
OP if you don't have or need a job, why not volunteer? If you that blessed financially then give back. Kids these days...
Wake up at like 9AM

check texts, e-mails, text a few girls

Breakfast at like 10:30

Surf NT, internet till like noon


Bike ride at 2pm, and during it see if any girls in phone wanna chill that night

Come home at 4pm, eat 

Chill till like 6pm

Go play pickup ball from 7-11pm

Smash one of my jo's after ball

Shower, sleep, repeat. 

Funny thing is I have a lot of money saved up. As soon as I find even a minimum wage full time imma move out and live with some roommates. living at home is becoming too annoying now that im done school. I finished in April, planning to move out by years end. 
I'll be honest, I'm self employed (registered business, taxes etc) ... sometimes it gets slow, like really slow, when it does (like the past week or two), I chill online, read, catch up on hobbies and watch movies. You only live once, enjoy your life and don't live like you have to do something productive EVERYDAY, truth is you don't.

From experience and working 20 hour days for 2 years straight, it takes a toll on your body, mind and spirit. 
I'll be honest, I'm self employed (registered business, taxes etc) ... sometimes it gets slow, like really slow, when it does (like the past week or two), I chill online, read, catch up on hobbies and watch movies. You only live once, enjoy your life and don't live like you have to do something productive EVERYDAY, truth is you don't.

From experience and working 20 hour days for 2 years straight, it takes a toll on your body, mind and spirit. 

this is very true when you're an entrepreneur.

there are a few random days when my business partner and I end up having super extended lunches :lol:, go to the mall randomly killing time. Then there are the majority of the days where you even forget what day it is cause you're so busy.
Alex is minimum 25. MyT exposed him and he's a full bearded dude with waaaayyyyy too much time on his hands.

He constantly photoshops his bank statements, etc. He reports people who call him a troll. 
OP probably trolling, but I have summers off since I work at a school and I spend my days getting money. Most you dudes need to get your hustle up, yall the ones who sound like bums thinking working for someone at a 9-5 makes you better than anyone. If you aint trolling OP do what you do, if you can maintain don't listen to these clowns.
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