What do my slimes with no day to day job/school do all day?

Come up with excuses as to why they cannot obtain a job or attend school and proceed to find those sympathetic to their situation which is really just a lack of drive and determination if their lack of employment has lasted more than 30 days.
Wake up at 5 a.m, get to work at 6, browse NT while working and letting everyone do stuff for me. Go to lunch, come back get off at 2 in the afternoon. Walk around Boston and shop and eat. Go home read the dictionary, and then sleep. Repeat the next day. I can't imagine sitting around all day and doing nothing though. On weekends I watch TV, exercise at the gym, ride my bike, or play some type of pickup sport. 

When I have my week off, I travel and explore the world and travel to exotic places that soothes my brain of any thing outside the norm. 
Wake up at 5 a.m, get to work at 6, browse NT while working and letting everyone do stuff for me. Go to lunch, come back get off at 2 in the afternoon. Walk around Boston and shop and eat. Go home read the dictionary, and then sleep. Repeat the next day. I can't imagine sitting around all day and doing nothing though. On weekends I watch TV, exercise at the gym, ride my bike, or play some type of pickup sport. 
When I have my week off, I travel and explore the world and travel to exotic places that soothes my brain of any thing outside the norm. 

Wish i was a morning person, i would get so much done.
we don't have a basement
I have responsibilities.
Responsabilities but no job, that makes no sense...and he might feel you are trolling because this seems like the type of thread to bait reactions out of people and questions you won't answer....so I'll ask, how do you pay for bills?...SRS.
 You only have "responsabilities" if you have a job? Oh, okay.
yes because u take care of ur responsibilities with money which requires a job.
Last name: Slave, First name: Wage 

 You only have "responsabilities" if you have a job? Oh, okay.
For 99% of te world that's how it works...unless like OP just stated...you got a good settlement or won the lotto.....I can't think of any otherwise you can have responsabilities and no job....ya try real hard...

I'll say it again.... MUST BE NICE.
After working for 9.5 years straight, I have been unemployed for the last 2 months. I love it.

On days I have my daughter:

I usually wake up around 9 and go to the gym and play basketball with the second shift crew. She goes to the gym daycare
We go out to lunch.
We then either go to the amusement park or take a 1.5 hour drive to the beach. If it rains? We go to the movies.
After whatever activity we do, I take her to her mom who is waking up from 3rd shift.
Go play basketball in a summer league at night.
Pick up my daughter afterwards.
Dinner, movie, chill, wii, sleep

Days I don't have my daughter:

Wake up 9, gym
Lunch at the diner
Go to the Library( I am writing a book)
Random one hour drive to Philly/NY? Sure. Random beach trip with gf? sure. Casino during the day? Sure. Do whatever I want? Sure
Summer League game
Girl over, go out, whatever.

I could do this for the rest of my life. I start school Tuesday so I won't be able to continue this, but I love being unemployed.
I usually wake up 930-11
check my emails & texts
go out to eat
walk my dog around downtown
then I'm free the rest of the day if I don't have anything planned, so i just hit anyone up to "chill", go shop, baseball games, sit in at my girls tcu classes, drink whatever (._. )
what do you guys do all day.

youre a bum bro. just admit it.

How do I admit to being something I am not?

i remember this guys screenname and he always seemed smart/go getter type. so he probably is rich/has internet money or something.

arent you like 13? or you were like 3 years ago? .

I turned 19 this past June. I don't know where all these 13 year old rumors came from.

Come up with excuses as to why they cannot obtain a job or attend school and proceed to find those sympathetic to their situation which is really just a lack of drive and determination if their lack of employment has lasted more than 30 days.

I can obtain a job, i've been offered jobs, I just choose not to take them, though. same goes with school, i've chosen to not attend, just trying to see what you NTers do, looking for new hobbies. not looking to become a zombie to the 9-5 4 classes a week you guys deal with.

After working for 9.5 years straight, I have been unemployed for the last 2 months. I love it.

On days I have my daughter:

I usually wake up around 9 and go to the gym and play basketball with the second shift crew. She goes to the gym daycare
We go out to lunch.
We then either go to the amusement park or take a 1.5 hour drive to the beach. If it rains? We go to the movies.
After whatever activity we do, I take her to her mom who is waking up from 3rd shift.
Go play basketball in a summer league at night.
Pick up my daughter afterwards.
Dinner, movie, chill, wii, sleep

Days I don't have my daughter:

Wake up 9, gym
Lunch at the diner
Go to the Library( I am writing a book)
Random one hour drive to Philly/NY? Sure. Random beach trip with gf? sure. Casino during the day? Sure. Do whatever I want? Sure
Summer League game
Girl over, go out, whatever.

I could do this for the rest of my life. I start school Tuesday so I won't be able to continue this, but I love being unemployed.

Very nice man :pimp:
Could Geronimo be back to his trolling ways :nerd:

After reading a few of his recent responses, This has come to mind.

I still find it funny that his name isn't even Geronimo but we still call him that. :lol:

Right, Alex? :nerd:
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i wake up in the afternoon, go out to eat, come home, gym, then i either stay home for the rest of the night and chill with the fam once they get home from work or I go out.
This thread is funny.

I cant really look down on the people who dont really have anything to do, if anything I envy them. I enjoy my job and what it brings me but getting up at 6 AM every morning and not getting home until 8 PM isnt really a super enjoyable way to spend my day. If I could just do whatever I wanted to all day and not have to worry about things, then I definitely would.
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Just got a job offer, so I'm close to no longer being unemployed. Gonna miss the freedom, but won't miss the aimlessness. I spent a lot of time working on job applications, cover letters, research, etc. In addition, I read a fair amount. I also forced myself to develop skills (computer programming, studying for the GRE), so the time wasn't fully wasted. I also put in a good amount of time in the gym.
This thread reminds me of my d boy homie. Dude wakes up at 3pm everyday, drives 2 new 2012 m6s and wears all kinds of luxury designer brands. Always has extra time to go on trips wherever the f he wants and is enjoying life to the fullest. Sometimes makes me feel like man f this 9-5 bs life.
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