What current NBA player you think could take MJ 1-on-1 in his prime?

�mj is known for his 1on1 game. kobe would have NO chance on mj.
why? b/c kobe relies on his fadeaways too much...even when he was younger.
fades look cool, but % will drop.
he watched mj clips too much imo.
�not very affective for 1on1.

i feel like players like lbj and dwade who can drive in more often have a better shot, but still would come short.
lebron can not beat mj in his prime. ya bugging. he couldnt even stop kobe the last game they played. anywho...who person that would give mj trouble is kobe.but kobe cant beat mj cause kobe models his game after mj's
Originally Posted by 0cks

Kobe vs. MJ would end in a fist fight

I agree. And about Lebron overpowering MJ, I don't know. Not one onone, but I've seen Kobe stick Bron' a few times on defensive and strap-him down and MJ, during his prime, was stronger than Kobe...
On paper.... it does look like LeBron would overpower him... but knowing MJ, he'd always find a way to win.. like hit 8 jumpers in a row or something andthat be ballgame!
This thread is like the scene in Coming to America at the barbershop. MJ was great but y'all act like he could never even be touched in 1 on 1. Come on.

MJ is probably the greatest player of all time but these guys could beat him sometimes.

MJ wasnt like 10 times better than everybody else when he played. he just made plays and came thru int he clutch ALL THE TIME
Yall sound silly...you can't base the way someone plays in the nba on how they would play 1 on 1. Chris Jackson beat Jordan 1 on 1 in like 89 while he wasin high school. Jordan never even touched the ball because Jackson was too fast and too deadly a shooter.

Lebron would outweigh Jordan by about 60 pounds...with no help on defense, all he would have to do is back him down and thats game.

Kobe or D-Wade would probably be the most fair match based on size and skill
noway we're underestimating mj's strength. but come on. lbj is 275lbs and mj is 216 when he was in his prime.

lbj is the closest one to give mj some trouble, but he won't win though.

I swear people still praise MJ like hes some kind of God . Dude is great but im sure any top 5 superstar in the league would have a good shot at beating him.Jordan is not crazy athletic either.
Stupid post. Before some people get there feelings hurt....

MJ is great
Kobe is great
Lebron is great

Happy now?
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