What are you waiting for in the mail?

It was up on Reddit a while ago.



then use this as the photo. (link is original size)
click the option no numbers.


I'm hoping mine comes soon.
It looks pretty clean.

There's a lot of coupon codes to use on this site so google some before you order, save you some money.
I am anxious to see my friends spanish mail order bride. Should be here on Thursday.

hes been talking to her since like 02 and they never met.
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Waiting on my HDMI switcher, iPhone case, and a belt as well. Should all be here by the end of the week.
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A replacement heater control module for my wife's work van - been driving it during the vacation and discovered the heat was jammed on full - brutal in the summer.

Just needs a new control panel and it will be fine.
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